
Chapter 81: Shadow Control

[Fast food restaurant]

[Yokohama, Japan]

Reborn was sitting at a table with the 5 Centurions of Harvest; Reborn was wearing a large coat with a fisherman's hat, and the Centurions were wearing kitsune masks.

Reborn said, "I want my meal. Where is this waitress of a woman?"

One of the Centurions responded, "Reborn, sir..this isn't like regular restaurants."

"Different from the ones on Harvest? During the war with earth, I had no chance to experience the earthly life humans were living."

"Very different. We eat here mostly."

"It smells horrid here."

"What do you want to eat here?"

"Food obviously. What is the currency of this earth?"

"Dollars and cents."

"Hmm. Awfully different from Harvest."


Reborn raised his hand, yelling, "I am hungry!"

He said it really loud, the windows almost shattered, and the building shook a little.

An employee walked over to their table, and said, "Sir, please keep your powers to yourself while you are in our establishment. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Reborn smelled the male employee, and said, "Ugh."

"W-What's the matter?"

"You smell ridiculous. You can't smell like this while you are preparing meals. Go smell better or I'll kill you. Go! And bring me all the food you have!"

"Y-yes sir! Sorry!"

The employee ran off, and Reborn sat back down at the table.

The Centurions just looked at him, and Reborn asked, "Why do you all hide your faces? Ever since I've made war with earth, your faces were covered. No one has seen you."

One of them replied with a female voice, "Our faces have way too much..disgust applied to it."

"How come?"

"We've been performing rituals for a long time, rituals that would benefit you, Reborn. And the consequences of performing the types of rituals we were performing took a toll on us."

"For me, you say? Hm. Very dumb thing to do. All you needed to do was bring me back, and create hybrid soldiers with the female earthlings. I didn't ask you to do anything else for me. I appreciate the kind gesture, honestly. But you are all destroying yourself just for the sake of Harvest. Now I feel bad because you all are killing yourselves to the rituals just for my cause."

"Our cause is your cause, Reborn. The people of Harvest treated us kindly, but you treated us with more kindness. You got rid of some of the old laws, and made us into an even better society, and even allowed most of us to live out our dreams and to be free and to be who we were. Though there was nothing wrong with the past leaders, you were better than them. You helped all of us when we fell down, you always gave us advice. And when the Harvest realm was all wiped out, you still took some of us survivors and wanted to rule over all the realms with us. We are forever grateful."

"I guess. Oi..where's the food?!"

Seconds passed, and there were boat loads of fast food sitting on the table in front of them.

Reborn grabbed a burger, and smelled it.

"Smells drastic."

He took one bite into it, and yelled, "Delicious!"

Reborn chomped all the food down in one bite, yelling, "More! Bring more or die!"

They brought out more food, and Reborn ate more of the food in one bite.

Reborn smiled with a yell, "More! More! Hurry!"

One of the Centurions asked Reborn, "Um, Reborn sir, I thought you weren't into killing innocents?"

Reborn answered, "ONLY if I feel attacked. When I want something done, and there's obstacles or there are people resisting, I feel attacked. I NEED MORE FOOD."

One hour later, Reborn and the 5 Centurions were standing outside of the fast food place; Reborn exclaimed, "Haha! That was good."

One worker walked out there, saying, "Sir, you're going to have to p-pay for all that you took.."

Reborn's head turned all the way around, and replied, "Are you attacking me with your words..?"

The worker got scared, "S-S-Sir..it's just that-.."

Reborn responded, "Very well. You fast food people have a business to run I suppose. I don't wanna cause TOO much attention."

Reborn stuck his hand out, and a bunch of money started to fly out of a nearby atm. Reborn through the money at the worker, and said, "That should cover it! Hahaha!"

Reborn and the Centurions were walking down the street, and out of nowhere, a berserk man mixed with mythic beast blood was running down the street, screaming to the top of his lungs.

Reborn said, "Hm. The blood is within him."

One of the Centurions answered, "Yes. Many like him have caused havoc throughout the world, all so this planet can be crippled up until the war."

"Oh, that's nuts. But good work. Seems like you 5 have really handled everything."

The berserk man was charging at Reborn, Reborn smirked, saying to him, "Stop."

The berserk man was supposed to stop in place, but he didn't, continuing to charge at Reborn.

Reborn gasped, "Oh? He was supposed to stop at my word ability. Ah, I forgot all my powers aren't back yet."

The Centurions all switched places at light speed, and the berserk man exploded all over the place.

Reborn said to them, "Hmmm. Seems you all have gotten stronger. More Titan power?"

One of the Centurions answered, "Yes. Kin had also gained more Titan power before she was killed by the shadow boy."

"Ah, Kin. The woman who only joined our group just to try and turn us into diamond statues during the war. That was her revenge towards me for giving her the cold shoulder, she made me believe she was one of us."

"Why did..you deny her in front of the higher ups in Harvest?"

"I knew her true nature. If I gave her any credit in front of the higher ups, she would've had a position in the highest places. That's how the Harvest realm worked before I took control. They were always looking for good people. Kin was sinister, she had an obsession with me, always wanting to be near me after I showed her a tiny bit of courtesy. I didn't want someone as crazy as her messing with anything that had to do with making Harvest a more fluid society."


"Speaking of which, from what you all have been telling me, and what I already know, there is a hybrid Titan boy living among us. Said to be the legendary Angel Titan. The Angel Titan was a power that rested in previous Titans who were hybrids but were never caught, that power transferred through generations, scouting those who had high power energy, Mostly hybrids that were never caught like I mentioned earlier. The boy's name is Duri, the one who killed Ferrow and Kin. He is supposedly the last one of his shadow kind. He is definitely going to be a problem. Especially if he doesn't smell good. Without good hygiene, you are basically attacking me."


"Once all my powers come back ten times stronger, Duri would be of good use to me."

"Are we going to try and recruit him? Yes, he'd be a really good asset."

"No. I'm not recruiting him. That's so cliche, that's something my brother Zabel would do, and Zabel is already a foolish idiot as it is. I'm gonna use Duri to further my-our plans. As you know, there are other powerful beings in our way of getting to where we want to be as a society. Oh, and about the unknown rogue Titan giving you more powers, I'm gonna need to talk to him. Pronto."

[On the road]

[Tokyo, Japan]

Marshy was driving in her car, while Duri was riding in the passenger seat. Duri's hands were shaking, and he was staring into space down at the floor.

Marshy looked at Duri, and held his hand, saying, "I know you're nervous. It'll be fine."

"It's fucking nerve wrecking. There is someone else with shadow powers like me, and I'm about to MEET them. Like, what the hell?!"


"AND on top of that..I thought I was the only one who survived the attack. It's funny, when I had the realm jumping device thing from Ash, I never once thought about traveling to the Arcane realm to kill everyone there in my Titan form. I also didn't think about going back to the shadow realm, just to see what's going on there. I was too busy on the main mission. Like now, I haven't been able to do anything all day, and I haven't been able to train properly. I've been distracted by this mission of meeting this girl with shadow powers. AGHHHHH shitttt!"

"Aww, you're nervous."

"I-I'm not!"

"Sureeee. No need to deny it. What are you expecting from her?"

"I don't even know, to be honest. I guess I'm expecting her to be confused. Because I know I am."

"This is definitely an experience for us both. I'm actually excited to see this. Another shadow person? Better yet, a shadow girl? I wonder what she's like."

"You seem wayyyy too excited over this shit."

"Hah?! No I don't, brat!"


"Birthmark boy!"

"Single! Hold on, lemme call XENON for you, huh?! Yeah, didn't like that shit did ya?!"

"Oh you went too far now. Time to die."

"Bring it!"

"Oh yeah, you wanna go?"


Marshy was pulling out her Excalibur, and the ground around them began to shake.

Duri replied, "Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, it was a joke!"

"It better fucking be. I don't LIKE anyone. Especially that lazy cigarette smoker XENON."


"It's true!"

"It's none of my business."

"I'm serious!"


"Shut up! Oi, whatever happened to that Ryu kid with the Spirit of Destruction or whatever?"

"Tek buried him in chains and put him somewhere secret. Whenever Ranbu the Time Titan sees me again, I'll take Ryu to him."

"Oh, alright."

20 minutes later, Marshy and Duri pulled up in front of a giant dirty white building in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but trees.

Marshy and Duri got out of the car, and Duri zipped up his black coat, saying, "It's gotten colder."

"Damn right it has. Somethin's up."

"What is this place?"

"It's a place where they take teenage power users with low threat levels. Figuring they could use help. They mostly take in injured visitors from other realms. They hold them here until someone outside has a clear connection with them, or if the Hosts tell them what to do."

"What happens if no one claims them? Or if there isn't any connection between them?"

"Trust me, people don't land on earth without having a trace of connection to this place. Ever wondered why you were sent here by Band?"

"Not really, no."

"Guess we'll find out soon enough."

Suddenly, they both heard multiple male screams coming from inside of the facility.

Duri said, "Fuck."

Marshy added, "Yes. Fuck."

Inside of the facility, in a big white dining hall, workers of the facility were being thrown all over the walls by shadows, and getting slid all over the floors by winds of shadows.

Standing in the middle of them was a teenage girl named Ellie. She had a black eye patch, long brown hair with yellow streaks in it; her hair was in a braided ponytail. She had a black eye patch on her right eye, and she had brown eyes.

Ellie yelled, "Get away from me! Stop trying to calm me down, assholes! Dumbasses!"

Workers and officers tried to use their powers, and Ellie threw black shadow wind at them, blasting them against the wall. Other teenagers from other realms were hiding from her, looking afraid.

One worker said to Ellie, "Ellie, listen, we can help you. It's been two days since you've been here..you never had an outburst like this."

Ellie responded, "That's none of your business! And you bastards drugged me! I fell to earth for a reason! I'm looking for someone! I need to talk to him now! Dumbasses!"

"We had to drug you for your protection and the others' protection! Ugh! What's his name?!"

Duri and Marshy busted into the big room, and Ellie saw Duri.

Duri said, "Ellie?!"

Ellie exclaimed, "Duri!"

Ellie dashed over to Duri, and threw shadow wind at him, yelling, "Excellent murder shadow blast!"

Duri gasped, and jumped out of the way, allowing the shadow wind to hit the wall.

Duri asked, "You still shout out corny ass move names? You fucking nerd!"

Ellie answered, "Shut up! Shut your stupid face! Where have you been?! What took you so long?!"

Ellie yelled, "Super awesome radioactive shadow snakes!"

Ellie stuck her hands out, and shadow snakes rushed at Duri.

Duri grinned, made his arms into his shadows, and stooped the shadow snakes with both hands, grabbing their heads.

Duri laughed, "What do you mean what took me so long?! I had shit going on! What are you doing here?!"

Ellie rushed up beside Duri, and made her arms and feet until shadows, and she started punching and kicking at Duri.

Duri was still holding the shadow snakes back with his shadow arms, but he made shadow arms come out of his side, and those arms started blocking all of Ellie's attacks.

Ellie yelled, "Super kick! Super punch! Super kick! Super punch! Super kick! Super punch! Ugh, I'm here for you, dumbass brat!"


One of Duri's shadow arms punched Ellie in the stomach, sending her back and making her smash against the wall. As soon as she hit the wall, Duri's shadow arm grabbed her leg, and slammed her against the other wall.

Duri slammed the two shadow snakes into the floor, and then allowed bigger shadow snakes inside of Ellie's snakes, and made them explode by growing larger in them.

Marshy asked Duri, "Is this how you shadow people behave when you haven't seen each other in a long time? And who is she?"

Duri replied, "Kinda, but not really. It's complicated as hell. Ellie has always been a loose cannon. She's like the girl version of me, and the only way to calm her down is to beat her. Every time she's super anxious or panicking, you have to beat her to make her calm down. She's..Jae's little sister."

"Jae?! Your best friend?"

"Yeah, him. They're brother and sister."

"Now this has gotten more fun to watch. I should've brought my popcorn and alcoholic beverage."

Duri dashed over to Ellie, and asked, "What did you need me for?! And why are you alive?! I thought everyone in the shadow realm died!"

Ellie was running at Duri, saying, "You're not wrong! But I survived!"

"Why were you looking for me?!"

Duri threw a punch at Ellie, his fist went through, but Ellie vanished into a shadow. Duri was confused, and Ellie came up beside him and shadow punched him in the gut.

Ellie laughed, "Haha! I'm on my Naruto shit! Did you see that Shadow copy of me?! But you can't do that, dumbass!"

Duri laughed, and he spun around and made shadows form on his elbow, and he hit Ellie in the face, making her bash into the wall again.

Duri asked again, "Why were you looking for me, idiot?!"

Ellie shook her head, and ran at Duri, "Fist of bullet gun dynamite murderfest!"

Ellie made her whole body into a shadow, and she threw punches and kicks at Duri. Duri went into his full shadow form, and was blocking all of Ellie's punches and kicks.

Duri and Ellie made shadow hands and arms come out of them, and they were using those to fight, both sides of the shadow hands were blocking each other.

Their speed was incredible, as the people around them watched them with intensity.

Marshy walked up to a random worker, demanding, "Oi, go make me some popcorn. Now. Like, now! Hurry before the fucking fight ends!"

"Okay, okay! Geez!"

Ellie said, "I really wanted to find you, Duri! I needed to find you!"

Duri answered, "How did you even find me?!"

Ellie got down low to kick Duri in the stomach, and Duri jumped over it, spun four times in the air, grabbed Ellie's hair, twisted downward, and smashed Ellie's face into the floor with a loud thud.


Dust and wind shot out from the impact, and Duri was kneeling over Ellie.

Ellie grabbed Duri's hand, and said, "You idiot. Why did you come sooner?"

Duri responded, "Crazy shit has been happening lately. And I didn't know you were even here until the last minute."

"Pfft. Excuses. Excuses from a dummy."

Ellie sat up, continuing, "I'll explain everything."

The worker came up to Marshy with popcorn, saying, "Oh shit, is the fight over?"

Marshy answered, "Yes!!!! I'm gonna kill you now."

The worker screamed, running off.

In Ellie's room in the facility, her and Duri were sitting on the bed, while Marshy was inspecting the entire facility out of curiosity.

Ellie said, "I found a realm jump device in another realm. The Water realm."

"How the hell did you get there?"

"After Zabel invaded the shadow realm when we were kids, I was blasted out of the realm entirely, and was pulled into another realm by the force outside of the realm. I was raised by Water people. Literally. They sent me here, but it took so long because I needed to be physically ready for the brutality earth had waiting for me. I saw that you had been transferred to earth, and my number one goal was to find you. Ever since that day, I've been having dreams..dreams that Jae has been in. Every dream, Jae tells me, 'Find me, sister.' I don't know why, but I need your help."

"Jae…? In your dreams..? Is that all he says?"

"Yeah, pretty much like a weirdo. At first, I needed to find you so I could have a shoulder to cry on, just so I would have someone like me by my side, and to stay there. And then when I started having those dreams, I needed your help to help me..find Jae perhaps."

"Find Jae..? Wait..are you saying.."

"Jae might be alive."

Duri's heart dropped, and he stood up, putting his hands on his head.

"It can't be true. I fucking watched him die!"

"I did too. But the dreams are prophesying to me, if he is alive, he wants me to find him."

"…The mere thought of Jae still being alive makes me anxious…and a tad bit satisfied. How many others of our kind are still alive?"

"Just me and you. And Jae being a potential survivor."

Ellie stood up, and stood in front of Duri.

Ellie says, "I need your help. I can try to find Jae alone, but I don't know what I'll come across. And plus, I really wanted to see you. It's been too long. I used to bully your ass."

"Yeah and you were annoying as hell, I wanted to bash your brains in. I probably should've."

"Shut up. Will you help me or not?"

"Where the hell would we even start, smart one?!"

"I don't know, okay?! We just have to give it time, I guess."


"And I wanna know more about you and what you've been doing on earth."

"A lot."

"Mind telling me? For old times sake? I really missed you. Missed how you would always be injured just because you trained yourself too hard. And I missed how you always pissed in the bed! Haha!"

"Shut up, dumbass! I never did!"

Out of nowhere, an alarm started going off in the facility, and red lights turned on. There was a lot of shaking, and dust on the floor was levitating.

Duri and Ellie looked at each other, and they bursted out of the room, sliding into the hallway.

Down the hall, was a boy in a white patient gown. His eyes were bright pink with blood tears slowly coming down, his hair was wet, grey, black, and white, and he had a red bandaid on his cheek.

His name was Taro. As he walked down the hall, walls were caving in on themselves.

Duri asked Ellie, "He's destroying everything around him. What's his problem?!"

Ellie answered, "While I was drugged, I noticed and heard things about him. He has a hard time controlling his powers, and that's the only thing he wants. He figured he could come to earth to learn how to control his powers better than his home realm. Now is the time he isn't controlling them very well, his power is dark, so it looks like this crazy bastard is evil. He's strong as hell too."

Duri and Ellie went into their shadow forms together, and Duri replied, "You noticed too much shit for a girl who was apparently drugged."

"That just shows how much better I am than you."

"You're not. I beat you earlier!"

"I let you."

"They all say that."

Taro stuck his hand out, and more things were caving in around them.

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