
Chapter 47 : Ten Million Siege

[Exam arena]

[Black dome]

Duri and Tek were laying on the floor side by side, covered in bruises and blood, taking a breather.

Duri said, "We've been fighting for 25 minutes. 25…fucking minutes."

"I can't believe I let you even last this long against me.."

Tek sat up straight, as blood dripped from his bottom lip.

Tek looked around, saying, "I didn't notice because of the fight..but this dome has a sinister aura to it.."

Tek stood up all the way, walking towards the dome wall. He put his hand on it, saying, "I didn't feel this type of malice inside the regular force field. And it's funny..funny that we can't hear anything that's going on outside. Somethings not right."

Tek turned around, continuing, "We need to-."

Duri instantly ran up on Tek and punched him in the face hard as hell.

Tek's faced spit out blood, and his back smashed against the dome wall. 

Duri said, "...This fight isn't over..until I fucking say it's over..dumbass."

"You fool! Take a guess on the situation we're in!"

"Hoh..? Mr. Popular is getting all serious now? He actually cares about something? Mr emo kid? The boy who hides from eveyeone to read a stupid ass book? Don't make me laugh."

"I did care about attention at one point. But not anymore. It is pointless. And it is vanity."

"Damn you must've had a rough childhood. Don't really care to be honest."

"Of course you wouldn't. You didn't grow up like me-." 

Duri dashed up to Tek again and punched him in the stomach then the face, knocking him across the floor.

Duri said, "No more talking outta you. I don't care what you have to say, bitch."

Tek replied, getting off the floor, "You must want me to kill you…"

"You can't even if you tried..I'd end up killing you first.."

Tek stood up all the way, "You are unstable. You're 15 years old…that explains it."

"Unstable..? As in..confused? Me and you worked together one time..and you thought we were all buddy buddy? I don't like you at all. To me..you're a scared little coward. Isolating yourself cause your an edgy emo boy. Everyone thinks your better than me and I hate that shit."

Tek dashed up to Duri and hit him in the face this time. Tek was bashing him in the nose over and over, with blood splattering everywhere.

Tek said, "You judge everyone else, but you never a took at your own self! Those are the actions of a foolish kid! You are filled with rage and bloodlust, that's a problem! I bet you never saw that within yourself!"

Tek threw one last punch, and Duri caught the fist.

Duri said, "I do…I do have issues I need to work on. I'm not perfect…and I have hella flaws. But I don't need you trying to tell me..anything!"

Duri kicked Tek in the face, take went flying across the floor, with his face scraping against it.

Duri stood there, breathing heavily, saying, "I can work on myself..on my own. I don't need anyone trying to tell me what to do!"

Tek replied, "I am the same way. I don't want anyone telling me what's wrong with me…I've been through so much shit..HE'S the reason I'm like this. But because of him..I know I have no competition…I'm great..and gifted..even though HE made me feel like I was worth something…I still hate him. So don't talk down on me like you really know what I'm like…because you don't know!"


[8 years ago]

[Auction hall]

In an enormous room, there were men and women gathered in some sort of bright ball room with food, drinks, and jazz music. They all were talking to one another, laughing like the rich assholes they were.

There were certain artifacts on a stage in front of them, and a man in a tuxedo walked up on the stage with a microphone, saying:

"Welcome to Bradbarry Auction!"

The man was giving introductions and what not, describing the process of the auction and showing people how to do it.

The man began to call out certain artifacts, and people hurt and yell out the price they wanna pay for it, but making sure that their price was higher than the person's who shouted before them.

Suddenly, a man ran inside of the room, and yelled, "Everyone, get out! There's a-!"

The light shut off, and some of the people were saying:

"Who cut the lights off?"

"Why was that man screaming?"

"Someone cut the lights back on please."

The lights cut on…and kid Tek was hanging on the wall with his chains out, and he was reading his black book.

Everyone looked at kid Tek, and kid Tek said, "Some of you are apart of the Kunjihyo group..correct? You tried to set up a fake invasion with your own people to try and take the artifacts for yourself, marking you out as the true suspects for when shit hits the fan and everyone gets questioned by the authorities. But don't worry, I killed them all. You can look outside if you want proof."

Someone from the crowd yelled, "Lies! He's lying!"

"Go look outside."

The people started spinning their powers up into existence, and they went to attack Tek.

Kid Tek said, "That's my line.."

Seconds later, kid Tek was walking out of the room, and he was covered in hair and blood.

He was eating a candy bar, and his uncle was waiting for him outside with a grin. 

He said to kid Tek, "You've done well for you fourth job, nephew."

"Thank you uncle. And you promised that if I keep doing this…you'll take me to my parents?"

"Of course. Anything for you.."




Duri had Tek by the neck from the shadow arms that came out of his chest, and Tek had Duri by the neck with his chains, trying to mimic his power energy.

Tek said, "You don't know anything about me..watch you say to me..I am stronger…"

Duri responded, "You think you're the only one with a backstory?! Fuck you! You didn't grow up like me! And as I can say to you…for the one millionth time..YOU DON'T KNOW ME!"

Duri yanked Tek's chain to pull him closer, Duri's arm and fist became a full shadow, and he punched Tek in the face.

Tek's face almost broke, and his body darted backwards, and he hit the corner of the dome, and a little bit of the dome cracked.

Tek was struggling to get up, he said, "It cracked..."

Duri replied, "What are you talking about?"

Tek answered, "The dome..it's cracking. When you are mad, Duri…you get even stronger.."

"..I don't care about that dome. I wanna fight!"

"Please just shut up for a second. This dome is no good. We need to get out of here."

"You did NOT just tell me to shut up.."

"Duri..merge with my power real quick."

"Why the hell should I do that?"

Tek thought, 'Duri's pissed. Ever since we said those things to each other, it's obvious he's like that..but someone needed to tell that foolish kid how he is.'

Tek said to Duri, "I wanna beat you to a pulp as much as you want to fight me..but this isn't the time. This dome that we're in has a dark presence. I didn't feel it earlier..I was too busy fighting your ass. But now..it's strong."

"I don't feel anything."

"Of course you don't. Your bloodlust is blocking it out. If we are going to get out of here, we need to work together again. Who the hell knows what is going on outside of here."

Duri looked around,thinking, 'Calm down, Duri. Calm the hell down..feel the dome..calm down..'

Duri started to breath in and out, and he was feeling different. He started to sense the hostility of the dome, and felt it's malice or dark energy.

It sent shivers up Duri's back, and he said, "Shit! That feel weird.."

Tek answered, "Now you see this is bad."

"Obviously. What do you suggest then?"

"Obviously break out..but we need your strength."

"Not yours? The way you were spouting out how great you were earlier I thought you'd bring up your own strength."

"You have more force in your punches than me. Merge your shadow arm with my chains and break us out."

"...Alright. This is the last time I'm working with you."

"Thank God."


[In Espens domain]

Hanako and Ferrow were dueling hard, Ferrow was using his red sharp spinning discs to block Hanako's sword attacks, and each time their weapons connected, it would create large heavy winds and destroyed pyramids.

Ferrow thought, 'I can't teleport out of this domain. I have to find the girl responsible for this place. I take her out, the domain will dissolve. Just like I did her ancestors when I faced off against those damn domain users.'

Hanako kicked Ferrow in the stomach, sliced him in the face a few times at quick speeds, and then kick flipped him into the air.

Hanako jumped up to him, and kicked him again, shooting him straight through a pyramid. 

Ferrow fell through it, sliding on the ground.

Ferrow looked up, and Hanako was bursting through the entire pyramid, blasting it into pieces.

Hanako slammed her swords down near Ferrow, and Ferrow jumped out of the way just in time.

Ferrow pointed his hand out towards Hanako, and Hanako began to ascend into the air by herself.

'I'm being moved against my will?!"

Suddenly, a bunch of grey storm clouds began to surround her, shocking her with red lighting.

Hanako screamed because of the pain, and coming from the clouds, were red sharp discs, zooming at her.

Hanako forcefully put her two swords together, then she started drawing something in the air with them, and it was in light brown font. She was drawing some symbols that only she knew what they meant.

Hanako said, "Kattanum.."

The entire storm clouds and red discs shattered, and Ferrow said, "Expected."

Hanako started drawing some more things in the air with her sword, and she stabbed the words through with the sword in her right hand.

After she did that, a light brown electric beam shot at Ferrow, and it blasted a hole in Ferrows chest, and it almost disintegrated his entire body. Ferrow coughed up blood, and he jumped away, the wound in his stomach was healing, but it was healing slowly.

'It shouldn't be healing this slow..'

Hanako was teleporting to different areas around Ferrow, drawing the symbols in the air with her sword, stabbing the symbols straight through, and letting a blast of light brown beam energy at Ferrow. 

Ferrow was dodging some of them as he ran, but he was struck multiple times. The ground and pyramids were exploding and collapsing as well.

Ferrow thinks, 'I have to-!'

Hanako teleported in front of Ferrow again, drawing a symbol, and stabbing through it, and a beam shot out and hit Ferrow in the chest again. Ferrow yelled as he was blasting back through multiple pyramids again, blowing them up on impact.

Just then, one of the pyramids turned into a giant sand monster, and it punched Ferrow down to the ground. The giant sand monster was created by Espen.

Ferrow sat up, and he saw five light brown and grey large tornados surrounding him.

'Five of them?!'

From a distance, Ren-Ren was surprised, saying, "She can make five tornados?! I can't even do that! I think.."

Espen said, "You probably can."

"Eh. Maybe. I wanna go out there and help. But I know I'll just hold Host Hanako back."

"You're better being here than out here. You are in no condition to fight anymore."

"..Did I do good?"

"For a future villain, yes."


Down below, the tornados were chasing Ferrow around the area, and they were shooting light brown slashes at him, destroying everything.

Ferrow jumped, turned around, and made some sharp red discs form, and he blasted them over at the tornados. 

The discs got devoured easily.

'I should've known that wasn't going to work.'

Coming out of the tornados, were five versions of Hanako, and they all were holding swords.

Ferrow thought, 'She can clone herself too..? Or is it just when she's in the tornado..? Or could it be an illusion…?!'

All 5 Hanako's were coming at Ferrow in full speed, making Ferrow think, 'Shit!'

All five Hanako's were slicing Ferrow up in all directions and spots, slashing blood all over the sand.  

Ferrows' body was jerking all over the place, and Hanako was thinking, 'I have to keep slashing until he can't regenerate anymore. The heart would be an obvious weak spot..but..he doesn't have one!'

Hanako sliced Ferrow up the face, making him fly in the air.

She met up with him, and was kicking him in the face with both feet at 170 miles and hours.

After a few seconds of that pummeling, Hanako spun around behind Ferrow, saying, "You're finished."

She cut Ferrows head off.

Hanako floated away from Ferrow, and Ferrow's headless body was still floating.

From a distance, Ren-Ren exclaimed, "Hahaa! Yeah! Take that bitch! She beat him!"

Espen responded, "..."

"What? What's the matter?"

"He isn't dead. This is my domain, if he died here, then the domain would close on its own because my intended target was defeated. But it's not closing.."

"No way…

Immediately, Ferrows head began to grow back, and Ferrow said, "I didn't want to have to get serious."

Hanako gasped, thinking, 'Still not dead?!'

She dashed over to cut him again, but Ferrow caught Hanako's sword, and said, "Power Level: Ten million."


Ferrow flicked Hanako's sword, and Hanako went flying backwards. Ferrow appeared in front of her with his hands behind his back. 

Hanako's face was getting beaten up brutally by an unseen force, while Ferrow kept a straight face with his hands still behind his back.

Ferrow grabbed Hanako's head, darted to the ground, and bashed her head into the ground at least four times.

Hanako gritted her teeth, and she kicked Ferrow into the air at least 60 feet.

Hanako was flying up there, and her giant spirit form was behind her.

They went to attack, cutting Ferrow in the chest. Ferrow blasted back and hit another pyramid, but he landed on his feet.

Ferrow pointed at the ground, and large 50 foot long red swords made out of blood ascended from the sky, and coming from the ground, were large red discs.

They were chasing Hanako and her spirit form around, and Hanako was dodging them, barely as the ground broke under her. 

Hanako teleported to where Ferrow was.

Ferrow expected Hanako to be blasted back by the force of his energy, but Hanako bursted right through it, slicing Ferrow in the neck. 

Ferrow thought, 'She…got through my energy barrier..?'

Hanako super kicked Ferrow in the face, and he fell back far, but was getting back on his feet.

The swords and the discs were coming from the sky and ground faster, and it was total chaos. Hanako was teleporting to all positions like a blinking light, but it still took a lot out of her.

Ren-Ren yelled to Espen, "Hurry and do something! You can control this place right?! Can't you like, change places?!"

Espen was holding her staff in the air, but she was struggling to do something.

She said, "I'm trying! I haven't had anyone this strong in my domain before! I can't control it! It's like he's controlling my domain!"

Ferrow said, "Power Level: 10 million and one."

Hanako was rushing towards Ferrow, and she instantly froze. She tried her hardest to move, but she couldn't.

Even Ren-Ren and Espen were frozen.

Ferrow was walking up to Hanako, saying, "I never had anyone push me this far into using half of my power."

Hanako broke out of the paralysis, and she attacked Ferrow again.

Ferrow gasped, making Hanako freeze again.

Ferrow said, "I applaud you for that! You actually broke out of it! But now it's time for your souls to be mine. I shall be killing you now."

Hanako thought, 'I can't move…but there's one thing I can do..I can't let those kids die.'

A light brown and grey tornado formed around Ferrow, and Ferrow jumped backwards, and pointed at Hanako, making the tornado go away.

Ferrow thought, 'Even at this power, this woman can still activate her powers in paralysis?!'

Suddenly, more tornados appeared, and clones of Hanako were jumping out of them. Hanako was simultaneously making tornados, and Ferrow was destroying each one. 

While more tornadoes were being created, one of Hanako's clones teleported near Espen, grabbed her staff, and snapped it in half.

Ferrow had red stars above his head, and he was about to launch an ultimate attack to kill everyone, but the domain closed altogether.

Everyone was back in the arena in their usual spots, and Ferrow accidentally launched his red star blast move at the black dome Duri and Tek were in.

Duri and Tek were still trying to break out of it, and they said together, "One..two…three…punch!"

Ferrows blast hit the dome, and the entire dome blew up.

Hanako, Ren-Ren, and Espen were already knocked out on the ground, unconscious from the paralysis, which drained their adrenaline strength temporarily, but they were hurt badly, bloody, wounded, and broken. They had been badly beaten by Ferrow.

Dust was everywhere, and Ferrow began walking forward to see what he had hit. 

'They closed the domain…am I back in the arena? What did I blast?'

Outside the arena, Kazuma, Seven, Nine, Chaos, Shiryu, and Jiyu were working together to fight Prophet Adam. And prophet Adam was way stronger now, and he was beating them badly too. 

Prophet Adam said, "You all have heart. Imagine if it was connected to the blood of Reborn?! That is true salvation."

Back in the arena, the dust cleared up, and the black dome was completely shattered.

And standing in front of the dome was Duri and Tek.

Duri said to Tek, "I broke it by the way, dummmmmbass."

"No. I did it."

"No. Me."

Ferrow said to himself, "That woman…she knew this would happen..she memorized our positions before we went into the domain..knowing I would blast the dome out at the right time and angle. Is that why she looked like she was picking her positions so specifically..?"

Duri and Tek looked at Ferrow, and they got in a fighting stance.

Duri saw Hanako, Ren-Ren, and Espen on the ground, and said, "You hurt them…?"

Tek said to Ferrow, "We'll kill you."

Ferrow replied, "You two are just mere boys. I even beat one of your Hosts. It brought me pain creating that dome, since it was created by a forbidden ritual. And I don't feel like making it again. I'll get rid of you two quickly then. I'll do you the honor of killing and taking your souls. Tek, you will die for rejecting Harvest. And Duri…I will use your soul to bring my son back, you murderer."

Duri and Tek exclaimed, "Fucking bring it!"

Chapitre suivant