
Chapter 45 : The Battle Begins

[Unknown location]

Marshy, Xenon, Voel, and Mifu were running fast in a large field, each step they took broke pieces of the ground apart.

Marshy had tears in her eyes, saying, "This cannot be happening…this cannot be happening…this cannot be happening…"

Mifu put his hand on Marshy's shoulder, and Marshy moved him away, yelling, "No don't touch me!"


"I'm..I'm sorry.."

Xenon said, "This was expected. But unexpected at the same time. How did Ferrow find the location of the exams? And on top of that shit, we don't even know the location of the exams."

Voel, Xenon's father, replied, "Don't all Hosts know each exam location each year?"

"That's the funny part. Now…we don't know. Usually, we do. But the Titan in charge of letting us know hasn't told us anything."

Mifu suggested, "And there's no way anyone could pinpoint a location through the live feed, the Titans created cameras there that aren't earthly, meaning they can't be hacked through."

Xenon added, "The reason why the Titans changed the scenery of the exam sites is so people outside watching live won't recognize the area."

Marshy interrupted, "...Someone..maybe someone was tagged. One of the Hosts…or one of the students. I don't fucking know."

Marshy continued, "The Titans prepared us for this. That is why we're going where we are going."

They stopped running, with a trail of dust and dirt behind them. They were out in the middle of an extremely open and emotu grassy field.

Marshy and Xenon looked at each other, and nodded.

They both walked forward together, and stuck their hands out. They closed their hands into a fist, and then a bright light appeared in front of them in the shape of a ball. 

Marshy said, "Only Hosts are allowed in here, Mifu…Voel. Please wait out here. This won't take long."

Mifu said, "Marshy.."

"I'll be fine. I can't waste anymore time. Duri needs me."

Marshy touched the bright light, and she disappeared. 

Xenon said to Voel, "I'll be back old man."

Xenon grabbed the light, and he disappeared too, leaving Mifu and Voel outside by themselves.

Mifu says, "I feel like…this will be it."

Voel answered, "It? What do you mean by that? As in, it for you?"

"There's no way I'm gonna let Duri be out there without his family. Even though he came from the Shadow realm, I still consider him a grandson."


"And anything can happen out there. If it involves Reborn or Harvest, then it's trouble. Marshy could also run into something she can't handle."

"I tell Xenon this all the time, ever since he was a kid, 'If our family breaks apart, who will put us back together? And if our family is hurt, who will patch us up?' And by that, I mean I support what you wanna do. I do, trust me. But..if you fight…you WILL die. That curse from Reborn's son that was placed on you is at its peak."



"I've lived for hundreds of years, Voel. I've done everything I wanted to do, and I got to see my granddaughter Marshy raise a boy into a fine young man, like she always wanted."

"...Are you sure about this? Marshy's going to find a way to keep you here."

"I'm not gonna leave my grandson out there to fight Harvest. He's only 15 years old with a lot of potential. As a man, and as his father figure, I can't abandon him no matter what it costs me. I've taught him hundreds of valuable lessons, and trained him until he was knocking on death's door.."

"Tch. You're a stubborn old man. If you're going then I'm going. I can't let Harvest hurt those children, and I can't let my son fight his match without me there.."

Marshy and Xenon were walking through a golden hallway, and the carpet was red.

Xenon said, "The ax within my blood wants to jump out..I can feel it."

Marshy replies, "My Excalibur is doing the same thing.."

They both walked through a set of doors, and when they did, they were in a room where it looked like a church, the walls were brown, and there were pews around them.

At the front of the room was Host Sith. And Host Sith was standing with a woman and a man dressed in nuns and priests' clothing. They were called Judges, servants of the Titans.

Marshy asked, "Sith?"

Sith responded, "Hehhh? You didn't think I'd be here? Keh..keh...keh..keh..I'll cut those Harvest bastards up!"

Marshy and Xenon walked up to the front, and Marshy said to the woman Judge, "Judge Anna. We need-."

Judge Anna responded, "We know what you need. Host Sith came here for the same thing."

Judge Anna had blue eyes, scars on her face, and blonde hair.

The male Judge beside her, was Judge Akio. He had green eyes, grayish black hair, and glasses.

Judge Akio said, "This is new for us as well. For you all to not know where the exam locations are. You came so the Judges could get in contact with the Titans. We can do that for you. But..it will take some time."

Marshy asked, "How fucking long?!"

"A few minutes. And no cursing in here. You know that."

Xenon suggested, "I think..maybe it had something to do with the Titan in charge of filling us in on exam details. Maybe…he's gone rogue?"

Judge Anna replied, "A rogue Titan? That's highly unrealistic. But it's not impossible. But what reason would a being such as a Titan go rogue? What goals could it have? To have peak creation powers?"

Marshy said, "That's what the Titans do. They always cultivate to increase their creation powers, to max it out."

"But…Titans can cultivate their creation ability just by creating things on this planet called earth. That's one of the reasons they create things for us."

Xenon implied, "Maybe it's not enough for them, nun lady."

Judge Akio responded, "We're not nuns. We're judges."

"Same shit."

Marshy exclaimed, "Can we hurry up please? Let's contact the Titans so we can get a location so I can save my son!"

"...Then let's get moving."

Sith grinned, "Now that's more like it! Keh..keh.."

Seconds later, everyone was in a bright white room with white clouds surrounding them with golden pillars.

In the middle of that area, there were at least 20 Judges dressed in nun and priest-like outfits, and they were holding hands. In the middle of the floor, was a bright white star forming.

Host Marshy, Xenon, and Sith were standing to the side, watching.

Marshy thought, 'The servants of the Titans..the Judges. They are in charge of relaying messages back and forth from us to the Titans, and the Titans to us. The Judges are the ones who give the power rewards to the winners of the tournaments, they hand them to us to give to the victor's. And they also protect this world from any realm or world damaging/weakening artifacts. The Judges can live for hundreds of years, they came from the Garden realm, where all the Titans live. They are as strong as us. The Judges show us how reliable and how trusting the Titans are. All that…just for a Titan to have possibly gone rogue. And for what? That's the only thing we got right now. I agree with Xenon. And on one of these days, we're gonna have to fight a Titan.'

[Exam city site]

[Exam arena]

Duri and Tek were still brawling, and the brawl was bloody inside the black dome they were trapped in.

Tek flicked some chains out to Duri, Duri caught them, and ripped a sharp piece of them off.

They both twisted towards each other, with Duri looking to stab Tek, and Tek ready to punch Duri.

Tek connected with his punch, but Duri stabbed the chain piece inside Tek's other hand, then jumped and slammed his knee upwards on Tek's chin.

They both fell back, but then got up again immediately.

Duri had shadow energy on his arms and fists, and he threw multiple punches that Tek dodged.

Tek ducked down, and hit Duri in the stomach, got behind Duri, grabbed the back of his head, and slammed it into the dome wall.

Tek thought, 'His tolerance for pain…is unreal.'

Duri jumped back, grabbed the back of Tek's head, and smashed it into the dome four times, splashing blood everywhere.

Then, Duri finished him off by punching Tek across the cheek, sliding him across the floor.

Duri ran forward, allowed some shadow dragon snakes to form, and let them attack Tek.

Tek put up a chain wall, temporarily stopping the shadow creations. Tek jumped on top of the wall, created a large chain hammer, and smacked Duri in the face with it.

Tek kept hitting Duri in the face and body with it, then used the bottom of it to hit Duri in the chest.

Duri spit out blood, crashing to the other side of the floor.

Tek made some of his chains form around his fist, and he darted over to Duri at light speed.

Tek threw a punch, and Duri headbutted Tek's fist on purpose.

Tek thought, 'Why..?'

Duri was merging with the chains, and his face was covered in spiky chains now.

Duri opened his mouth, and his tongue was now a long chain.

Duri caught Tek's leg with his chain tongue, lifted him up, and started smashing and sliding him all over the place.

Tek was getting bashed in all directions and areas.

Tek had enough, so he grabbed Duri's chain tongue and ripped it off of him, setting him free.

Duri had no chains on him, and his appearance was back to normal.

Duri and Tek peered at each other for a few seconds, breathing heavily, then fought again.

Duri threw a spinning kick, but Tek elbowed Duri in the back of the neck.

Duri turned to the right after that blow, and punched Tek in the stomach, then smashed his elbow into Tek's back.

Tek grunted in pain, so he slid to the left, and super kicked Duri in the cheek, making him crash on the ground a few feet away.

Tek wasted no time, growing bigger because of the chains around him, and he was in the same form he was in when he fought against Kazuma. He was that tall chain created knight with red eyes and large chain arms and fists.

Tek was shooting ropes and lines of chains at Duri, Duri was running around and evading them, keeping them from touching his body since they were sharp. Duri noticed that Tek can make his chains lethal or non lethal.

Duri ran forward, jumping over the line of chains that were shot at him from Tek's body and hands.

Both of Duri's arms were surrounded by black shadow smoke, and he pointed them at Tek.

Two large shadow snakes shot out, and they both pinned Tek's arms against the dome. Tek was trying to get free, but Duri was already in the air, looking to super punch him.

Tek gritted his teeth, and he jumped out of the large chain knight, soaring up to Duri with a menacing look.

Outside of the arena, in the sky, Host Tetsuya, Kedarah, Chaos, Hanako, and the other couple hundred Hosts were floating in the air in front of Ferrow, Prophet Adam, and a hundred prophets of Reborn.

Tetsuya said, "How did you find this place? And were you the ones who trapped those boys in that dome?"

Ferrow replied, "I am here to collect souls for the resurrection of Reborn. I need to kill Duri and take his own soul, so that my son Katai may live again. I do this for Harvest, for the purpose of Reborn, and so I can keep the promise I made to Katai's mother."

"Harvest…hm? And you think we're going to let you do that? You fuck with those kids, you fuck with us."

Prophet Adam immediately dashed over to them, and grabbed Chaos's face, darting through multiple buildings.

Ferrow said to the prophets, "Prophets of Reborn. Kill them all."

Ferrow vanished.

And the Hosts and the prophets were battling hard.

Tetsuya yelled, "Kill them all!"

Kedarah, and Hanako replied, "Yokai!"

The exam students were still in the arena around the black dome Tek and Duri were in. The arena was covered in a force field, but multiple prophets of Reborn were trying to destroy it.

Seven, Kazuma, Nine, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Espen, and Shiryu stood together, ready to use their powers. 

The other exam students were doing the same, and some were scared, or crying.

Some said:

"This isn't part of the exams? How do we know it's not?!"

"Everyone stay calm!"

"Easy for you to say!"

"Stop shoving me!"

"What if they break in?!"

"Oh my goodness I can hear them trying to get in!"

"I wanna go home!"

"The Hosts will protect us, right?! We should be fine!"

Seven said, "So much energy and pressure around us, I can feel the strength of the enemies outside this arena."

Ren-Ren replied, "Me too. Their power levels must be insanely big. If they do break in.."

Jiyu finished, "..H-How will we fight them?"

Shiryu said, "I..didn't expect this..to happen. Did I bring any food with me..?"

Espen commented, "I'm reading the minds of the enemies outside."

Kazuma asked Espen, "You can read minds even if you can't see them?!"

"It's easy. If I can feel someone's energy, I can read their minds, and I can see their whole appearance. But if someone has their energy hidden, I can't read their minds."

Seven asked Espen, "What are they all thinking, Espen?"

"The word that is constantly being thought about, is 'Harvest.' Most of them are thinking about their families, and it seems like their families were killed in some sort of an invasion."

"Is this about revenge? What do they want?"


Everyone stopped talking, and looked at Espen.

One of the exam students asked Espen, "What do you mean they want us?"

"They want our souls. That's all I know."

The students started to panic instantly.

But then Nine and Ren-Ren stood up on some chairs, and yelled, "Listen!!!"

Everyone paid attention while whispering.

Nine said, "Stop being such PUSSIES. We got this far together since the start of these exams. And we overcame everything that was thrown at us. Yeah, is the real fucking deal with real enemies and what not, but we can't show them that we're scared. That'll just fuel their ego and attitude!"

Ren-Ren suggested, "While we are safe in here, you peasants should set traps with your powers just in case they burst through. While some of us try to break that dome that has Duri and Tek trapped in there."

Seven nodded, "That's…actually a good idea. Let's get started then."

Kazuma ran to the dome, and exclaimed, "Don't worry guys, we'll get you two out!"

Outside, Tetsuya was floating by himself, with 4 prophets charging at him with open books floating in front of them.

"This is for Harvest!"

"Yes, your soul shall do us a good deal!"

Tetsuya replied, "No comment."

Tetsuya snapped his fingers, and the chests of the prophets blew up, leaving a large hole in them, instantly beating them.

Another prophet was arriving, and Tetsuya snapped his fingers again. Nothing happened, making Tetsuya think, 'My ability won't work on those who have high self esteem. When I snap my fingers, the low confidence in my opponents overwhelms, and it destroys them.'

The prophet shot blood out of his eyes, and they were spiraling over at Tetsuya.

Tetsuya pointed at the blood attack, then closed his hand. The blood attack turned around and blasted the prophet straight through the chest.

He sighed, but then Tetsuya was kicked down on the head, and he was soaring down to the ground.

Tetsuya thought, 'What?! I couldn't feel his presence or even sense him near me!'

Tetsuya landed on the ground feet first, and a large red cube was falling near Tetsuya, and the cube was thrown by a dozen prophets who were floating above it with their hands out.

Tetsuya teleported to the cube, and he made it stop in motion with one finger.

Tetsuya closed his hand, and the red cube shot upward back where it came from, it broke apart into large red needles, and it began to stab multiple prophets through the chest.

'My ability: Strength, endurance, speed, skill, and I can use my opponent's own move against them. They don't stand a chance. But…each person I fight, becomes more and more smarter and stronger. Also, I need to find the leader. I can't sense his presence anywhere. Where could he have gone?'

Immediately, Ferrow was standing back to back with Testuya, and said, "You locked those children up in that arena pretty nicely. The prophets are having a hard time getting inside. I can't even teleport in there."

Tetsuya turned to attack, but Ferrow was already away from him, floating in the air.

Ferrow said, "You Hosts underestimate us. You know..everytime you kill to defeat one of the prophets, their power is dispersed equally to the other prophets? Meaning, we are getting stronger by the second. You won't be able to beat us."

"You're doing all of this just to take the kids' souls and especially Duri's soul..it looks like you are underestimating us."

"No. As of today, Reborn will be resurrected, and my son will also. Duri will die, Tek will die for not becoming one with Harvest. It's only a matter of time."

"We won't let you."

Ferrow grinned, and dissapeared.

A few prophets were running in the street, and they saw a huge line of oversized stuffed animals.

When they stopped at it, they said:


"Are they mocking us?"

Suddenly, Kedarah appeared in front of them all, smiling.

They said:

"It's Host Kedarah."

"It is."

"Kill her."

Kedarah said, "Mmm? You came here..to attack these babies..? To attack..Duri?! Those children…are scared. And you…caused it."

The prophets tried to make a move, but they couldn't.

Some of them said:

"What's going on?"

"Why can't we move?!"

Under them, was a garden of large flowers, and those flowers trapped the prophets, making them stationary no matter how hard they struggled.

The flowers were poisoning the prophets, making their veins turn black.

They even tried to use their powers, but they couldn't do that either because of the poison, and that poison weakened their will to fight and weakened their powers.

Kedarah said, "Go."

Immediately, the adorable stuffed animals behind her came to life, and they rushed at the prophets. The stuffed animals were almost indestructible, with their fur being as hard as steel. 

They were bashing heads in, stomping rib cages, throwing enemies through buildings, and causing other buildings to shatter because of their power.

Some prophets tried to attack Kedarah from behind, but Kedarah turned around to them, and sighed. And that gesture from her blew the prophets away, smashing them through buildings.

Kedarah's abilities: She is able to create adorable items and turn them into semi-invincible living things, and she can create gardens of poison flowers that can poison and weaken her opponents. And she also has enhanced speed, strength, and fighting ability.

A prophet with blood spiraling around his body tried to use his enhanced speed to attack Kedarah, but Kedarah spun his foot around, attached to the back of the prophets neck, and slammed his head into the ground hard, splitting the ground in the process.

All through the exam city, there were dead bodies everywhere, and those dead bodies were either the Hosts of the prophets.

But Host Tetsuya, Hanako, Chaos, and Kedarah were still alive.

There was tons of destruction with smoke everywhere. Buildings were being destroyed, the ground was breaking apart, the powers being shown were wrecking everything.

Chaos and Prophet Adam were dueling, but Chaos was surrounded by images of his daughter, with Prophet Adam laughing.

Prophet Adam chuckled, "So. This is your true weakness. Though I have spotted it before in our last fight, I wasn't so sure. But now I am."

He thought, 'Those images of his daughter are causing him to be depressed. He loves his daughter so much, just the mere image of her will change his entire mood and attitude.'

Chaos said, "I..will..end you…fake ass priest!"

"Hoh? Me and the other prophets are getting stronger by the second. What did you have in store?"

Chaos's eyes turned black, and he stretched his hand out, and he rammed his hand into his own stomach.

Chaos spit out blood, and Prophet Adam coughed up blood, and there was a hole in his stomach.

"What the?"

Chaos said, "This power is cursed. But I don't give a damn."

"..Agh! A mere hole in me isn't enough to stop me! We are from the Harvest realm! Our bodies are tough! And now that we are getting stronger, we are even toughe-!"

In that split second, Chaos punched Prophet Adam in the cheek. That punch made multiple buildings explode, and made the ground break apart even more. Prophet Adam crashed through multiple buildings too.

Chaos stuck his hand out, and a large pink electric orb started to grow fairly large.

Chaos pulled his fist back, and punched the orb, and that orb shot forward, destroying more of the area; but when he punched it, sonic soundwaves started to screech loudly, and they hurt the ears of the prophets and shattered the windows of buildings.

Chaos looked up, and he saw some prophets fighting some of the Hosts.

Chaos did some hand signs, intertwining his hands together, and twisting them around the palms.

The prophets he was looking at, their bodies began to twist up and bend and stretch, and their heads were almost twisting around.

They were stuck like that, and the Hosts beat them down while they had the chance.

Chaos abilities: He can create pink orbs that can cause nuke sized destruction. He can manipulate the joints and bones of those he does his signature hand signs towards. Can use a cursed move that if he applies damage to himself, his opponent suffers a worse kind of pain in the same area. Super enhanced speed, strength, agility, endurance, toughness.

Chaos thought, 'They get stronger after they lose? Doesn't seem like it..wait a minute..'

Chaos heard pounding feet, and he saw Prophet Adam running towards him at full speed. 

Chaos thought, 'His speed..changed.'

In a split second, Prophet Adam's hand was made of blood, and he punched Chaos in the face hard. 

Chaos was shocked, because the punch actually…hurt.

Chaos crashed through some buildings, making them fall down and crash into rubble.

Prophet Adam and the other prophets were way stronger now.

"Now..you are all in trouble. This is for Harvest. Reborn will create hybrid soldiers to kill the Arcane realm and Titan realm, and will rule over all the other realms in existence, including earth. Nothing can stop us."

Inside the arena, the students were finishing up on their traps, with Jiyu planting electric barbed poison wires around the ceiling of the arena.

Seven, Kazuma, Nine, and Ren-Ren were using their powers to try and break the dome Duri and Tek were in. 

They did this for a few minutes, and some other students joined in and used their powers to help. 

"It's no use!"

"We can't break it!"

"They're screwed!"

Seven yelled, "No! We have to break it! If anything fucking happens, having Duri and Tek out would help us out extremely."

Kazuma thinks, 'With Duri able to merge with any power, and Tek able to steal energy from his opponents to be somewhat on par with them, they would be a great help!'

Ren-Ren scoffed, "Whatever! Let's just hurry up!"

All of a sudden, sitting on top of the dome, was Ferrow.

He was sitting criss cross, and he said, "Children."

The students backed away, fearful.

Seven asked, "How did you get in here?! There's a barrier around this arena created by the Hosts!"

"The beacon that I've placed inside of Tek's head to find you all. I can teleport near it anytime I want. But if it is inside a protective barrier, it's gonna take longer to reach him. Just like the train you all were on, that had a protective barrier over it too. Even though I couldn't attack then, I was busy acquiring the army of prophets. Now then…enough chatter. Let's get this done.."

Chapitre suivant