
Chapter 19 : Prophet

The music had an upbeat tempo, Duri and Seven could feel the beats vibrations on the platform they were standing on.

Their feet moved with the beat, hitting the arrows below them. 

Duri peeked over at Seven, seeing, she was confidently moving swiftly with each step. She was up by 30 points.

'At first I didn't care too much about this damn game. But..Seven and Nine has already basically robbed people of their money betting on her, and I know some of them are betting on me. And people are watching and recording, I definitely can't lose now,' Duri thought as his feet moved faster.

The crowd of students were saying:

"Duri's actually going against her!"

"He's catching up to Seven quick!"

"I love this song!"

Seven looked at Duri's score on the screen, and thought, 'Oh? He's keeping up? No one's been this close to me…and all he is doing is moving his feet with no real passion or rhythm within it at all.'

Everyone was paying attention to them, still recording.

Kazuma said to Ren-Ren and Jiyu, "I think-I think he's doing great!"

Ren-Ren replied, "I dance better than everyone."

Jiyu responded to Kazuma with a soft and nervous voice like always, "He's tied with S-Seven…he's doing a good job."

On the platform, Duri asked Seven, "Oi, why are you trying so hard?"

Seven answered, "I don't think I am, no. You really wanna beat me, huh?"

"Haha, I don't really want to beat you. I want to show everyone you actually suck at this game."

Seven stared at Duri for a few seconds, then laughed.

"HAHA! I LIKE YOU! YOU'RE HILARIOUS! But..you're the one who's gonna lose this game, not me."

"I'll bet my next week's allowance money that Marshy will give me."

"I get my allowance next week too!"

They kept moving their feet, there was a minute and a half left until the song was over.

Seven had 926 points, and Duri had 927 points. The crowd of students continued to cheer, and two generic security guards in the corner watch them with a grin, one was younger, the other one was an old head, saying to each other:

"Ah, I was like that when I was their age. Full of excitement and fun. But now…my old body keeps me from doing it anymore haha.."

"Mm. Don't they have school in about 10 minutes? We won't get in trouble, right? Ya know, for allowing them to be in here even if they accidentally don't go to school on time."

"HA! I would advise them to head off to school, but all this place cares about is money. As long as these kids keep giving them change with their parents' money, to hell with it."


Back over to the dance game, Duri and Seven were still strpping on the arrows, both of them not even breaking a sweat. 

Suddenly, the game exclaimed, "Switch!"

The beat instantly went faster, Duri and Seven had to switch positions.

The crowd of students got even more wild, Duri and Seven jumped past each other in an instant, standing on each other's platforms. 

'A switch?!' Duri and Seven think at the same time while in jumping motion.

They moved their feet more, and Duri said, "Ah..this game is pissing me the hell off!"

Seven agreed, "Damn right fool!"

There were 15 seconds left in the game, and the game yelled, "Switch!"

Duri and Seven were caught off guard, and they switched positions again.

The game was coughing down from ten, Duri and Seven were rapidly dancing with their feats hitting the arrows.

The crowd of students were going wild, Nine was invested into the game battle, along with Kazuma, Ren-Ren, and Jiyu.

The game said, "3…2..1…TIME!"

Duri and Seven instantly stopped, and the screen went black.

It was quiet in the room, everyone was staring hard at the screen.

Duri and Seven watched too, waiting for it to come back on. Of course, there were small whispers in the crowd.

The screen turned back on, and it showed : "Player 2 is the winner!"

Duri was player 2.

The crowd cheered, and Duri smirked, "Hmph. It was inevitable."

Nine said, "Well I'd be damned.."

Kazuma, Ren-Ren, and Jiyu exclaimed in a rhythmic way, "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! He won! He won! He won!"

Everyone was talking amongst themselves, talking about the game they just witnessed, the match between Duri and Seven.

Duri sensed something close to him, and he turned to look at Seven.

Seven had her hand out to Duri. As in a "Shake my hand," type of way.

Duri stared at Seven and her hand, and didn't shake her hand. 

"I don't shake hands with people," Duri said.

Duri patted Seven on her head, and Seven's face turned red, blushing as she was rolling her eyes.

Seven said, "Alright. You've had your fun. Stop patting me."

Duri moved his hand away, and said, "Suit yourself. I heard girls like that kind of shit."

"Hoh? Heard from where? A manga?"


"You don't know anything about manga."

"I've read over 300 books. The hell's your record?"

"Around there. But you could be lying."

Duri responded sarcastically, "Yeah I would definitely lie. Totally."

"You're making me mad again. We can go another round of this game."

"Bring it. I won't back down from anything. I'm not a softie like half of the people in here."

"You're probably softer than the tissue in my bathroom. Putting on a bad boy face when you're around people."

"This has always been me, Eight."

"My name is Seven."

"I know that. Don't tell me what I know and don't know."


"Because I wanted to."

"Such a pain in the ass."


Behind Duri, here came Nine.

Nine playfully hit Duri in the back with her hand, making Duri jerk forward.

"Duri, Duri, Duri. Excuse my friend Seven. She can be a bitch sometimes. She actually likes you. And wants to marry you and have a bunch of ki-."

Seven blushed again, and she covered Nine's mouth.

Seven said, "Don't say things you don't know, Nine. I don't like him. At all."

Nine moved Seven's hand away from her, and reached in Duri's pocket and took his phone.

Duri said, "Oi! The hell are you doing?"

"Hold on a sec, hold on a sec, I'm trying to help you, geez. Loosen up, nerd."

Nine began tapping on Duri's phone, and tossed it back to Duri.

Duri asked Nine, "Idiot! What did you do?"

Nine smiled, "Hehe, I put Seven's number in your phone."

Duri blushed, and Seven blushed again too.

Seven said to Nine, "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

Seven chased Nine, and Nine was laughing the entire time.

Duri looked at them, and then looked back at his phone. He saw Seven's phone number, and he said to himself, "No way. No way I have a girl's number in my phone besides Marshy's."

Duri stepped down from the platform, and Kazuma, Ren-Ren, and Jiyu met up with him.

Kazuma said, "We're gonna be like, sooo late to homeroom!"

Ren-Ren added, "For me, personally, I don't care. This has been entertaining!"

Jiyu said softly, "Great job, Duri. You did it."

Duri replied, "Hell yeah I did. Now let's head out."

[Unknown location in Japan]

[Abandoned old church]

The church was made out of wood, and inside of it, were wooden pews in 8 rows on the left and right side with a lane down the middle.

At the front of the church, was a gold and red statue of a human figure, with a gold shrine around it.

Standing in front of it were 10 hooded women, and standing at the pulpit was a man dressed in a priest's robe, holding a black book in his right hand. He had straight shoulder length grey hair, and a black hat on.

His name was Prophet Adam.

He said to the women, "You have all come to be cleansed. Your sins against your future king will be forgiven, only if you are washed by our forgiveness. The forgiveness of Harvest. Reborn will return, his name symbolizes his future, and the future for earth and all of the other realms. Everything will be Reborn in his image. You women have been chosen to breed soldiers…soldiers created by our power. You will provide offspring, and that offspring will be strong, being hybrids with our power and your power. They will serve great purposes for the coming king."

The women were trying to speak, but they couldn't open their mouths, like it was being closed by an invisible force.

Prophet Adam continued, "Hoods be removed."

Suddenly, in quick speed, all of the hoodies of the women flew off, exposing their terrified faces.

The women couldn't move at all.

But one of the women still had their hoodies on, and they had their hands in a praying gesture.

Prophet Adam was intrigued, asking, "Woman. How are you able to move? Your hood has not come off."

The woman said to herself, "Amen."

She took her own hoodie off, and it was a woman Prophet Adam recognized.

The woman was Hanako. One of the seven of the strongest Hosts.

Prophet Adam said, "Oh look. A Host. Have you come to destroy the plans of earth's true salvation?"

Hanako answered, "Reborn is no god. There is only one God. Harvest will fall. And die. We'll kill them off. Thou will not be victorious, but the ones who have the Entity behind them are deemed the victors."

"You speak foolishly. The religions on earth do not compare to the heart of Reborn, our king…who will be resurrected with the ingredients of the ritual."

In the corner of the church, was Host Chaos.

He was eating an apple and he said to Prophet Adam, "Wanna know how we found this place? We've gotten tips of women disappearing heavily in a certain area. We followed the Harvest, you guys use your power to paralyze women, and to move women into this church. And then force them to breed offspring with your created inhumans. And based on what Reborn did before when he was alive…this is the second method of you guys trying to breed offspring. The way you guys hurt Marshy.."

Prophet Adam replied, "That poor woman Marshy. She fell in love with what she thought was a real man, but it was actually our creation. She was no use to us, she can't even get pregnant. She would've been a great servant and soldier for king Reborn. I heard she has adopted a powerful hybrid boy, mixed with a Shadow, Titan, and human. Ah yes…his name is Duri. Reborn will become his father, he will be the father of us all in due time. Duri will be a magnificent asset to Reborn, he could become a Centurion rank in Harvest..the strongest Harvest followers."

Hanako said, "Your creation that she fell in love with tried to kill her when she couldn't have a child. They fought, it was an equal fight..the creation ran off to never be seen again."

Chaos was walking down the aisle between the pews, adding, "Reborn has not been resurrected yet. Meaning…Harvest has not acquired all of the ingredients for the ritual. But we'll stop you before you even get to them. Oh, and by the way..Reborn is not touching Duri, you will not touch Duri, unless you want Marshy massacring you all along with this world."

Prophet Adam replied with a sinister, disturbing, monotone, and serious voice, "I, Prophet Adam, prophesy that Harvest will remodel earth into Reborn's kingdom, while trading casualties in a blow for blow with the world; against the ones who don't want to be cleansed with Reborn's blood."

Chaos stood beside Hanako, and asked Adam, "What are the Prophet's of Harvest? Or are you all under a blood contract or something?"

Prophet Adam responded, "We are not of earth. Our powers are equal than or greater to you hosts. And us prophets are the messengers of the Harvest movement. The Centurion's are the ones under Reborn, having almost the power of Reborn. My goal as a prophet of Harvest, is to do my duties in instructing women to make offspring for Reborn, and to use all of my power to flood this earth with Reborn's blood. Saving their souls."

Hanako and Chaos got in a fighting position, and Chaos said, "Hanako. Get the women away from here. I'll take care of this monk guy."

Hanako replied, "Yokai. Be careful."

Prophet Adam sighed, "Fools. You do not listen. I shall save you from yourselves, your own souls are sins in itself. Be washed."

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