
Chapter 3 : Earth

Kaiju asked Duri, "How are you gonna fight with a broken arm, huh?! Look at you, you're nothing but a tool! A tool to prosper the Arcane realm and Zabel!"

"I train with a broken arm, it isn't that serious, Kaiju!"

Kaiju threw two kicks at Duri, Duri was hit by one of them, but dodged the second one.

Duri tried to punch Kaiju in the face with his stable hand, but Kaiju grabbed it and tried to break it.

Duri gritted his teeth, and kicked Kaiju between his legs. Then, Duri floated above him while still being held. 

Duri rammed his knee on the side of Kaiju's head. 

Blood blasted out of Kaiju's ear, and he ended up flying out of the side of the shadow dragon, and back outside.

Duri was falling after him.

Kaiju thought, 'This kid is only 6 years old, with strength and stamina and speed to rival mine...the prophecy about him was true then..the kid with the birthmark.. withholding a Titan's power inside of him...his mother must've been of a rare bloodline..'

Kaiju disappeared, then teleported beside Duri. He was punching and kicking Duri faster than lightning striking. From all directions, Kaiju was jumping from tree to tree, jumping and dashing through Duri to hit him at a fast rate.

Kaiju yelled, "Too fast for ya?!"

Duri was leaking with blood everywhere, and his right eye was closed.

Kaiju jumped from another tree, holding two shadow made swords. Kaiju started to spin like a tornado, darting over to Duri.

Kaiju yelled, "This was fun, but we're wasting time like this!"

Kaiju was about to slice through Duri, but Jae came out of nowhere in front of him, and put his hands up, creating a shadow barrier. 

Kaiju easily smashed through it, and Jae kicked Duri away, yelling, "Duri! RUN!"

Duri responded, "I can't leave you with him! He's too strong!"

"Nah...I'M too strong, just GO!"

Kaiju kicked Duri again, and Duri went flying across the trees, far away from Kaiju and Jae.

Duri was trying to stop his fast momentum, but since one of his arms was broken, it was hard.

'Gotta stop myself! Gotta stop myself and go back to fight! I gotta help Jae, Kaiju is a bad man!'

Duri looked back, and he saw a tornado spiraling in red, gold, and white flames. And in the middle of it, Band and Zabel were fighting.

Duri said, "Band! Band! Band! Band! Kaiju is not a good guy!"

Inside the tornado, Band headed to Duri, and screamed, "Duri! Thank goodness you're alive!'

Zabel cuffed his hands together, lifted his hand up, they turned bright white, and he smashed them on top of Zabel's head. 

Zabel shot down and he almost hit the ground, but the tornado made him fly back up at Zabel. Zabel had two 11 foot bright white swords in his hands and he tried to kill Band.

Band cuffed his hands together, and made two shadow swords that were black and grey. 

Band and Zabel were dueling, moving around flying around the tornado clanging their swords together, also while trying to throw wild kicks at each other.

Band said, "You made a big mistake, Zabel!"

Zabel replied, "Oh, did I? I must say, you're holding out longer than I expected. Especially since your friends are dead on the ground over there."

"Did the entire Arcane realm back you on this decision? To attack us?!"

"Ummm, no. Kinda. It's hard to explain. They were kinda like, 'Yeah, they need to get dealt with for trying to mess with our realm.' Band, you are all the true villains. I'm only doing what is right for all men and women."

"There's not enough room for multiple realms to coexist."

"Yes there is."

"No it isn't! If all the other realms are gone, then that means our realm will have room to expand and grow into the true society that we seek to have."

"Aww, how sweet. I don't care."

Zabel sliced Band across the chest, then stabbed him through the stomach, then headbutted him over five times.

Band grunted in pain, thinking, 'The tornado we're in is ripping away at my body. If I stay in here any longer, I'll decay. And then eventually...be gone. I have to do something! But I'm so weak right now...because of the rings. Damn you, Kaiju, for betraying us.'

Outside of the tornado, Duri was standing there in the middle of a dozen dead bodies, and blood leaking on the ground.

Duri was holding his broken arm, and yelled to Band, "Don't worry band, I'm coming to help!"

Band yelled back, "Don't!"

Duri ran forward, about to run inside of the tornado. Before he could jump in, a large fist of the same form and matter as the tornado reached out to hit Duri. 

Duri dodged it by leaning to the left, and kept running forward.

From that same giant fist, another fist stretched out. It grabbed Duri, lifted him up, and slammed him into the ground, and kept slamming him over and over again.

Over where Jae and Kaiju were, Kaiju was holding Jae by the throat, and said, "Pity. You did put up a fight with the tiny bit of strength you have left."

Jae replied, "Damn you, traitor! I've always known there was something up with you!"

"Messy tongue, boy. Zabel promised to resurrect my family with the Titan power inside of Duri, knowing that Titans are the strongest to ever live. Duri may not be a Titan in appearances, but for some damn reason, he has their power in him. And we seek to bring it out, and perform righteous miracles."

Jae spit on Kaiju, and replied, "Go die somewhere! You won't lay a hand on Duri."

"....No one spits on me!"

Kaiju threw Jae far away, launching him about 50 feet back. 

Jae was smashing through trees, getting bruised and battered on the way back.

He kept going and going, until he fell on the ground, sliding near the tornado, and sliding beside Duri and the giant hand emerging from the tornado.

Duri had his feet on the ground, struggling with both arms to keep the hand from slamming him again. His broken arm was holding him back though, and Duri cried while smiling.

Jae looked up at him, and said, "D-Duri!"

Jae got to his feet painfully, cocked his fist back, allowed it to turn into a shadow with black smoke aura, and he punched the fist that was trying to crush Duri.

The big fist moved back, falling into the tornado. 

Duri fell on the ground, coughing  heavily.

Jae was helping him up, and said to him, "Duri...your arm.."

Duri responded, "It's not doing anything to me at all. We have to save Band! He's in there!"

Jae looked at the tornado, and replied, "Oh, shit."

Behind them, Kaiju came walking up.

He said, "You little bastards keep surviving somehow when your abilities are supposed to be deteriorating. The rings were captured by the old guardians of this realm, taken from the Xenon realm of giants, hidden for only us to have. It can only be used once, but it seems like it's having no effect on Duri...why the hell is that?! Even if he has Titan power in him...that shouldn't matter! You are in the way of me reuniting with my family again!"

Duri and Jae stood up all the way, barely able to stand.

Jae asked Duri, "Any plans?"

"Save Band."

"We can't save Band without dealing with Kaiju."


"Kaiju is at full energy. In our current condition, we'd lose without a plan intact. Plus, you don't know how to use your shadow abilities yet."

"Mm. We should hit his pressure points. Just like Band taught us to do. Tai Chi tapping, he has weak points on his body that we put pressure on, and it'll numb him a little."

"You couldn't think of that when we were getting beat up?"

"What? I just thought about it. I was so caught up in fighting, that I didn't even think of any plans."

"If we're going with your plan, then okay..let's do it. But we need to get him caught off guard. His awareness is insane."


Kaiju said to them, "Whatever you two are planning over there, it won't work. I WILL resurrect my family! I will deliver your body to the Arcane, DURI!"

Duri replied, "You're a bad man!"

Jae held out his fist, and said, "I can only use this one more time...let's make it worth it."

A shadow dragon arose from Jae's fist, and it went to attack Kaiju again.

Kaiju avoided it over and over, laughing, "This again? You know this thing doesn't even match my level of power."

The dragon was chasing him around the sky, roaring loudly.

Duri ran to the tornado, and pretended to jump in, and then the giant fist from the tornado came out, trying to hit Duri. 

Duri jumped over the incoming fist, and stood on top of it. The fist was going out of control, swirling through the air, and Duri was hanging on for dear life.

Duri exclaimed, "Calm down! Calm down!"

The fist was flying around quickly, trying to hit Duri, but it couldn't since Duri was hanging on top of it.

Kaiju turned around to the shadow dragon, and pointed at it.


A black sword emerged from Kaiju's hand, and it split the dragon in half. And once it did, Jae came flying out of it with a shadow punch.

Jae threw a few fast shadow punches, but Kaiju dodged and blocked them with his arms.

Kaiju was about to use the sword on Jae, but here came Duri. 

Duri was coming with an incoming kick, but Kaiju moved out of the way. 

Instantly, the tornado fist swooped in and grabbed Kaiju out of nowhere, holding him tightly

Kaiju yelled to Zabel, "Oi! Zabel, tell this thing to let go of me!"

Duri and Jae were running on the arm of the giant tornado fist, and they attacked Kaiju.

They used two fingers to touch Kaiju's pressure points, and then they super punched Kaiju in the face together, and that punch alone was enough to knock Kaiju out of the red tornado fist grasp, and it made the fist disappeared.

Kaiju fell to the ground, causing a loud thud.

Duri and Jae slid in, standing in front of Kaiju.

Kaiju was coughing up blood, and his pressure points were swelling up.

'Impossible! There's no way that they would know that move...unless...that fool Band! Shit...I'm not done yet..'

Kaiju stood up, saying, "I will not fail...I won't. The guardians of the Arcane world, and Zabel...promised to resurrect my daughter and wife….who were killed in action because of Band, Set, and Rook."

Duri and Jae got in position, ready to fight again.

But this time, at light speed, Kaiju dashed forward with a 13 foot black shadow sword, and went to kill Duri, ignoring Jae.

Jae caught a glimpse of it, yelling, "Look out, Duri!"

Jae stepped in the way, and Kaiju rammed his sword through Jae's chest. 

Duri instantly reacted, jumping up, ripped the sword out of Jae, and slashed the sword across Kaiju's neck.

Blood leaked out, and Duri was staring at him, breathing heavily, and holding the shadow sword.

Kaiju cried with a tear, "Sorry, Emilia...sorry...Espen…"

Kaiju fell to the ground dead, and so did Jae. 

Duri turned around, and looked at Jae's dead body.

"Jae, come on….Jae?"

Duri kneeled downward, and he noticed Jae's pulse wasn't bumping anymore.

"Jae...are you...dead? You're not moving at all...you are not breathing..Jae!"

From inside the tornado, Band yelled, "Duri! Get away from here! Go!"

Duri's eyes went full white again, and he disappeared. And then he reappeared at the bottom of the tornado. He looked up, and saw Band and Zabel sword and kick fighting.

Zabel said to Duri, "Congratulations to you for killing Kaiju, using my own power against him. That was good thinking."

Duri yelled, "Shut up!!!"

Duri blasted up towards Zabel, but Band tackled Duri away. 

Band said to Duri, "I'm going to send you to another place, avoid Zabel at all costs! Good luck!"

"What? What are you trying to say to me?! This guy is a bad guy! He is the reason Jae is not waking up!"

Band was about to put his hand on Duri's head to send him to another place, but Duri grabbed Band's wrist, flipped around, and threw Band to the bottom of the tornado. 

Band yelled, "Duri!!"

Duri was floating because of the air of the tornado, and he was right in front of Zabel.

Zabel said, "You are more powerful than you know, Duri. Come, and do us a favor."

Duri darted up to Zabel, and Zabel tried to slice Duri in half with his two swords. Duri dodged it, and ended up at the top of the tornado.

Duri pulled his fist back, and wind along with a black mist was circling it. Duri said, "Kon…..Ku…..Saisen!"

Duri was about to smash his fist against Zabel's incoming body, but Band appeared behind Duri, placed his hand on the back of his head, and yelled, "Realm transfer: Earth..!"

Duri yelled, "No!"

[Saitama Japan]


[Year : 2024]

Duri opened his eyes, and he was in the middle of a road. His arm was still broken, and his body and face were bloody and bruised.

Duri asked himself, "Where...am I? Where's Band…?"

He then thought, 'How come...I haven't lost my memory..? World transfer can cause younger people to lose memory...but I'm okay..?

Car horns were beeping behind Duri, and people were yelling from the cars, "Oi! Kid! Move outta the damn way!"

There were many complaints coming from the drivers in the dozens of cars behind Duri.


"Oh my goodness.."

"He's injured.."

"He's only a child..!"

"I don't care! He shouldn't be blocking the road!"

Duri realized he was in the middle of a large city, with buildings all around him, civilians walking on the sidewalk, and billboards of fighters and certain tournaments with unique names on them.

One billboard read:

"Jin and Kazuya have won the 2v2 Heaven tournament!"

"Miss Sakura has beaten Shoji in the Yoshi tournament finals, winning a golden orb worth 40,000,000 YEN!"

"Gum-Gum tournament tonight @8pm! Streaming on all platforms, follow all of our socials!"

"Eight people have died in the Gamma tournament.."

"Power Levels can now be accessed on the back of your hands, all you have to do is go to your local tournament building and register!"

"Pop star Yuki-Yuki San is performing LIVE in Tokyo!"

"The Knights basketball team coach has been fired for too many games lost this season. He says, 'I don't care.' What a comment from the head coach."

"The seven hosts have defeated a giant mythical creature in the mountains of Mount Fuji! A level 5 monster!"

*[The seven hosts are seven strong people chosen by the guardians of the Garden realm to watch over each tournament and to protect the earth as guardians as well.]*

*[Monster levels are determined by severity; the strength of the beast that is invading from another realm or birthed There are 10 levels, with ten being the highest, and 1 being the lowest. The monster levels are placed on human-like creatures too that come from another realm or to invade, or even humans. Duri would be placed in a level like that, since he came from another realm. Threat levels are determined by power levels, which only strong fighters like the hosts can determine just by looking at someone or something.]*

Duri stood up, and looked at everything around him. He saw some people on the side, dressed like fighters, and some dressed like thugs. Some people were eating food and walking with friends, some were recording themselves live on the Bloggerz app, while displaying a little bit of their powers.

Duri smelled food, and the sounds of the city, chatter, laughter, cars, and other noises filled his ear up. Looking around, he also saw manga stores along with anime merchandise, malls, big buildings, planes in the sky, people working their jobs, taxis, limos, rich people being followed by a group of other people, and news vans riding by.

Duri was walking in the street, and some people were recording him, saying:

"Oh yeah, this is DEFINITELY going on Bloggerz! A kid, appearing out of nowhere, beaten and bruised, this is content!"

"Instead of recording, you can help him. You're acting like the annoying reporters that drive around here all the time."

"Ahh, shut up. Every year, Bloggerz gains 500 million users, becoming popular rapidly. And the same goes for the tournaments. This kid might just change that number by making Bloggerz more popular, and also my Bloggerz account popular. I need the followers!"

"Idiot. There are 20 billion people on this planet...not one of them would even think about following you."

"Hater! You're a hater!"

*[Bloggerz: A social media website.]*

Duri was still walking in the middle of the road as cars were beeping loudly.

"Move kid!"

Duri said, "Where...where am I?"

A loud horn beeped, and Duri looked to the right of him, and saw a truck speeding at him at a fast pace. The driver was trying to hit the brakes, but it wasn't working. 

"Come on! Work ya piece of shit!"

People yelled, "Aye! Someone help!"

The truck was coming closer, and Duri stuck his hand out to it.

Duri's hand stopped the entire truck with a large bang and crashing noise, the truck stopped, but the entire front of it was decimated by Duri's hand; a great shot of dust and truck pieces flew everywhere, but the driver was alright.

The driver hopped out of his truck, and asked Duri, "Oi, kid! What the hell's your problem?! You're gonna pay for my truck!"

Duri looked at him, and asked, "Where am I?"

"....You must not be from here.."

People on the side that were watching commented:

"That little kid stopped the truck with only one arm!"

"He's strong as hell.."

"He's so young.."

"And he has a broken arm.."

"I've never seen anything like it.."

A small group of people, men and women, came over to Duri and the truck driver, and they said:

"How dare you yell at this poor kid!"

"Take a look at him! He's hurt!"

"Shame on you! His arm is broken!"

"Oi...where did he go?!"

The bystanders looked around, and they couldn't see Duri anywhere.

Duri was already on the other sidewalk, holding his broken arm, getting away from everyone.

'Tournaments...tournaments...is this really Earth? I need to go back home...to save Jae and Band. I smell food...I'm hungry. I can't think straight. Someone...help me.'

Chapitre suivant