
Complicated by TheUnrealInsomniac (Naruto AU)


Latest Update:December 24th, 2022

Summary: Naruto Uzumaki wasn't sure what to expect when he moved to university. Mostly studying, partying and making new friends if he'd had to guess. Maybe, just maybe a bit of luck with the ladies too? Only if only. University!AU.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12847126/1/Complicated

Word count:128k


Chapter One

Naruto growled as he rolled over in his bed, slamming his head into his pillow and curling it over his ears, the dawn sunshine peeking through the curtains of his new bedroom doing little to pick up his mood.

Because the loud thumping from the next room still hadn't stopped. It wasn't like he could ignore the thumping … because he also knew exactly what kind of thumping it was. The punctuating moans, grunts and slamming of metal, he assumed as his own bed frame was metal, making it perfectly clear.

Not to mention the feminine, ecstatic screams that usually told him he would be getting a little break. Where he could manage a twenty minute nap. Maybe.

Then it would start again.

Naruto wouldn't lie, he'd enjoyed listening to it for the first hour … he was a single, red blooded man and the young woman he had met yesterday was stunningly attractive. But the sun was coming up now and he was already missing the time before she'd moved in.

He'd literally been in the student apartment for two … no three days. He wasn't sure, the lack of sleep was fogging his brain, and up until yesterday afternoon he'd had the whole thing to himself.

His grandpa had dropped him off early, using it as an excuse to perv on the barely legal, first year students away from the watching eyes of his wife. He'd insisted on taking Naruto to the student dorms when he learned that in his apartment, there would be at least two young women staying there.

Thankfully for Naruto's mental health, neither girl had been there, even the other dude hadn't moved in yet. So the old man had grumbled and slumped off somewhere with a muttered 'see you later kid'.

Naruto had felt so bad for him, well a bit bad for him, that he'd decided he wouldn't tell Granny Tsunade that he'd been up to his old tricks again.

And so Naruto had spent his first two days settling in. He'd gone food shopping with the money from his parents. He now had more instant ramen than either his mother or grandmother would ever allow him to have. He'd have to make sure to eat it all before they visited.

He could do that.

His dad would appreciate it though. As would his sister, Kurama ate more ramen than he ever did anyway. Her refusal to put on weight despite the heavy ramen based diet a mystery to all of them.

'Oh my God!' came a particularly loud moan from the other side of the wall. Again. 'Right there!'

Well at least he knew his new roommate's stance on God. That was something he supposed.

But fuck's sake, he just …

She knew he was in the next room! He helped her move half her damn stuff in! Did she just not care?

A long sensual moan filled the air as he heard bodies slump onto her bed. The metal creaking and squeaking as the two young adults shifted into restful, exhausted silence. He assumed, and hoped, at least.

He was severely tempted to suggest to Ino, that it might be an idea to move her bed to the other side of her room. Or if she wanted her and her boyfriend could fuck on his bed. It had sounded like they already were all night anyway. At least then he'd get a front row seat.

The blond scrabbled a hand over his face, messing with the bedhead fringe pushed down to mesh with his eyebrows. He blew out a long breath, trying to elevate the plastered down hair and grumbled.

It was reaching six in the morning. Surely they'd stop now? It definitely sounded like they'd passed out with how hard the bed had squeaked just.

Then again the amount of action those poor bed springs had seen last night … and the rest of the time they were there he imagined. If student dorm beds could talk the walls wouldn't even start.

Well maybe the bed was just about ready to give out. Maybe he could finally get some sleep? His classes literally didn't start until the week after next. The glorious misnomer that was Fresher's Week lasted two weeks and they were only in the first half of the first week.

Maybe with all the parties and the buzz of newly discovered freedom of those partying … he could work out some of the stress from Ino's enticing moans keeping him up all night.

He glanced down and sighed. A noticeable tent forming in his boxers he momentarily considered doing something about it, but honestly? He felt creepy enough being turned on by the sound of two strangers getting it on. Masturbating to it was currently a step too far.

Besides, if they started up again he'd be back to square one and he honestly didn't have the same kind of good-natured patience for it he did when they'd started just after midnight.

So no, a cold shower and something to eat. Maybe the sound of him in the kitchen/living area would remind the two inconsiderate sex fiends they weren't alone in the apartment.

He doubted that if he was honest, but a cold shower and some breakfast sounded good. Then he could go check out the library and see if he couldn't get some more free stuff from the Fresher's fair outside it.

Free shit was free shit after all, plus he could meet some of the female students which after last night …

He knocked his knuckles against his head and growled. He hadn't felt this uncontrollably horny since high school and fooling around with Tayuya in his bedroom back home. A cold shower was definitely in order.

He slowly extracted himself from the mess of his bed and, with a dirty look shot at the suspiciously quiet wall, Naruto padded into the en suite bathroom. Glancing at his reflection, Naruto grimaced. Pulling down his drooping eyelids he shook his head sleepily.

He had to hope his roommate would decide to spend tonight getting boned elsewhere. He didn't think he could be nice to her after two nights of listening to her getting screwed senseless.

Water cascaded over his shoulders as he hissed and gasped at the shock of cold and shivered as more and more of him was covered in the cold water.

Feeling his arousal slip away and down the drain like the water, Naruto finally relaxed. His body slowly uncoiling from the fresh lack of tension and he leant his head back to allow the water to wash over his face.

Turning the switch to hot, Naruto was showered and clad in a towel inside of fifteen minutes and feeling more revitalised than he probably had any business feeling.

Another towel joined the one around his waist, as he rubbed at his damp hair, and smiled. Noisy sex having roommates or not, it was still absolutely amazing to have a shower all to himself.

No more having to wait for his recently graduated sister to get her lazy ass out of the bath just so he could grab a quick shower. What was even better was she wasn't here to steal his shampoo and shower gel just to fuck with him.

He loved his big sister but fuck did Kurama delight in winding him up.

Naruto sighed in satisfaction as the sound of the gentle snoring came through the wall. Finally, he could have gone to sleep, but he would settle for being able to be in the apartment in reasonable quiet.

Towelling off and launching his towels over his desk chair, Naruto rooted through his drawers and pulled out some clothes. Dressing swiftly, Naruto checked the alarm clock on his bedside table was switched off. Last thing he wanted was to wake them up and have them start all over again.

Patting at his still damp hair, he shrugged and made his way to the kitchen/living room, scooping up his phone and keys in one fluid motion. He wasn't getting locked out of his bedroom. Again. The grumpy looking dudes at the front desk looked like they wanted to dropkick him into the wall the third time he'd done it.

He was excited to be moved out! It wasn't his fault he wasn't used to having to have keys on him at all times.

He tiptoed past Ino's room, the sound of light breathing glorious in the quiet of the early morning, and shouldered his way into the kitchen/living room one door down.

It was a surprisingly big room considering the smallish bedrooms, he'd only seen his and Ino's rooms but there was only really enough room for a three quarter bed tucked behind the en suite, a desk that span the entire width of the long room, a bookcase and wardrobe against the wall that connected his and Ino's rooms and shelves above the desk.

He could reach out to almost all the furniture from some point on his bed it was that narrow.

In comparison, the kitchen/living room was at least the size of every bedroom combined and then with a little bit more. One corner had a lino floor, countertops with cupboards beneath, a stove, a sink and two fridges at either ends created an L shape, with corresponding cabinets above some of the cupboards.

The rest of the room was carpeted, a light green with patterns that would look more at home in a bowling alley than a student's apartment but whatever, a couple of well-loved but still comfy couches framed around a medium range TV that was on a stand in one of the corners. A table that looked like it'd been brought from a community centre, had four similarly acquired chairs around it, sat opposite the window on the far corner from the kitchen.

The window looked out onto the surrounding streets that made up the outskirts of Konoha's city centre. Which in the early morning sun, had a certain kind of beauty that only came with the dawn.

Not too shabby for his first apartment outside of his parents' house on the other end of the city. He set to making breakfast. He had hours before anything would start up, he may as well take his time.

Flicking on the TV, early morning telly blaring out, as the kettle boiled Naruto smiled to himself. Despite how the day had started and broken sleep … he had a good feeling about today.

Naruto snapped awake as a large hand shook his shoulder, his neck aching as he shoved off the hand and groaned, blinking out sleep coated eyelids as he righted himself against the couch.

When had he lain down? What time was it?

'Hey dude.' The man attached to the large hand said loudly. Two distinct, fang shaped red tattoos on either cheek drawing his eyes. 'You need to wake up, one of your roommates is moving in and she's got questions I ain't got the answers to.'

The blond glared up at the source of his recent irritation. 'Who are you?'

'Kiba,' the brunet said with a frown. 'Now wake the hell up, I gotta go and this chick is bothering me. I got a dog to feed.'

'Kiba …' Naruto said, the memory of that named being screamed all night spurring on his irritation to outright grumpiness. 'What time is it?'

'Eleven, come on dude, if I don't get out of here, Ino's gonna make me take her shopping.' Kiba tapped his foot, kept glancing over his shoulder and towards the obvious sounds of movement in the hallway. 'I'll owe you one.'

He wasn't exactly keen on Ino's whatever owing him one, but he figured he should at least help the new person moving in. 'Fine, let me get up.'

'Great,' Kiba said with a relieved smile. 'If Ino asks where I went just tell her I'll call her later.'

Kiba, asshole that he was, barrelled out the door and Naruto was pretty sure he was already out through the front door to the apartment before the door had shut.

The blond righted himself, swinging his legs around so he was sat upright and forced himself to his feet. He cracked his neck as scratched at his cheek, the scratch of sleep in his eyes making him blink repeatedly.

'Neji,' a woman said from the other side of the door. 'Careful with that suitcase it's got my work out gear in it.'

'I know Tenten,' "Neji" replied as there was an almighty grunt and the sound of a door being pushed open. 'Did you bring all your weights? You could have used Lee's.'

'Shut up and lift,' Tenten snarked back and immediately Naruto liked her. 'They're not that heavy.'

He carefully opened the door and was greeted with the sight of a woman, her brown hair raised into two almost perfectly circular buns on the top of her head, just above her ears. She actually looked a bit like a panda now he thought about it.

She was wearing a loose fitting white t-shirt which showed off her impressive arms, the weights were clearly doing their job, and a pair of maroon pants. She turned to him with a polite smile and held out her hand.

'Hi, I'm Tenten, are you one of the roommates?'

'Yeah, I'm Naruto,' Naruto said as he took her hand. The grip she gave him fierce as they shook and he let his hand fall to his side. Fighting the urge to check she hadn't broken anything. 'I'm in the room at the top of the hall, you just moving in?'

'Mhmm, my classes don't start until the end of the month but I figured best to come and get a look at the place. Learn where the gym is and so on.' She made a dismissive wave to the front door and scowled. 'That scruffy looking guy doesn't live here does he? He was kind of a prick.'

Naruto smirked. Oh yeah, he liked this girl already. 'No, he's a … friend of the other girl who's in that room.'

He pointed at Ino's door and grimaced reflexively. His neck was still stiff from his impromptu couch nap.

'Friend huh?' Neji asked with a raised eyebrow as he appeared in the doorway of Tenten's room. 'I assume a brand new friend?'

Naruto frowned. He wasn't exactly happy with Ino right now but the way Neji was looking at the door behind them …

'And you are?' Naruto asked, trying not to be too rude. And probably failing. Like he was failing to stare at the guy's weird, no pupil having eyes. The long brown hair he could deal with … but those eyes man, they were weird.

'Neji Hyuuga,' he replied, without offering his hand. 'I'm just helping Tenten move in. I've been at the university for a year already. What's your name?'

'Naruto,' he replied meeting the guy's eyes. A weight growing between them, so palpable Naruto felt like not even Tenten with her brawny arms could lift it.

'Honestly,' Tenten said, pushing Neji back towards the front door and sighed exasperatedly. 'Stop playing the overprotective boyfriend card and get more of my stuff out of the car. Sorry Naruto, he's nice really. He just gets jealous easy.'

'I'm not jealous,' Neji said haughtily, pouting like an honest to God child. 'I'm just making introductions with your new roommate.'

'Yes babe,' Tenten said with a roll of her eyes. 'Well now you're done measuring him up can we stop? I don't want a repeat of you and that nice guy from the dojo back home okay?'

Neji, apparently mollycoddled enough to stop being a judgemental ass, shrugged and went where he was told. Still casting a final look at Naruto before going.

'Hey, sorry if I was being a bit-' Naruto started as he nodded in the direction of Neji.

The brunette waved her hand at him and smiled. 'Oh don't mind him. He'll warm up once he's sure you're not trying to get into my pants. He comes from a very traditional family … they're not keen on co-ed living arrangements. I'm still breaking him out of some of those stupid ideas.'

'It's cool,' Naruto said with an easy smile. 'But did I hear you say dojo earlier?'

A gleam shone in the young woman's eye as she turned to him. 'Yeah, I do kendo and kung fu, bit of karate and jujitsu. Do you know any martial arts?'

He beamed and nodded quickly. 'Yeah, I got my black belt in karate last year. I trained with my family since I was a kid. There's a community centre nearby that hosts different classes throughout the week if you want me to show you where it is?'

Tenten grabbed his arm and squeezed what he supposed was gently. 'Really? That'd be great! Do you know if they have kendo? I was worried I'd have to stick to sparring with Neji. I need fresh meat Naruto and ever since we started dating properly Neji won't spar properly. It's driving me crazy.'

'I don't know but I'm sure we can ask,' Naruto said as he rubbed at his arm once Tenten let it go. 'I can also answer any questions about the place if you need. I've been here since Monday so I've pretty much got the area figured out.'

She nodded and grinned as Neji reappeared at the front door, looking red faced and thoroughly worn out. 'That would be awesome. Let me just get settled in and then we can talk?'

'Talk?' Neji asked cautiously. 'About what?'

'Apartment stuff,' Tenten said fluidly. 'Stand down boyfriend.'

The long haired man scowled and gave Naruto a curt nod as he shifted down the hallway and into Tenten's room. To the chorus of Tenten's swallowed laughter as the feminine looking man tripped and nearly toppled onto her bed.

Yeah, Naruto definitely liked Tenten.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12847126/1/Complicated

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