When I woke up, I realized immediately that I was still in wolf form. My wolf exuded feelings of contentment and happiness.
Eliza’s wolf was curled around us, two furry bodies locked together in a fierce embrace.
The sun had already risen, but I felt no urgency to get up and run off today.
Eliza had understood what I said, she’d read the words, and she had thanked me. I didn’t worry that she’d yell at me or tell me she hated me or any of the other horrible thoughts that had gone through my mind.
She’d accepted my actions.
I still didn’t think she’d forgiven me, but at least I knew I could stay beside her.
Yawning, my wolf’s tongue curled in his long jaws. He stretched a little but was careful not to disturb Eliza’s wolf.
Lazily, he lay his head down on her again. I felt the softness of her fur against mine. It felt so right, so complete to be there with her.
There was a part of me that wanted us to stay in wolf form forever, snuggling like that.