
Chapter 42 : Are You Trying to Kill Me?

“HEY!” Jared’s voice boomed through the area, ricocheting off the nearby buildings as I brought Carmen to her knees. She looked up at me, her eyes glowing with the first hints of transformation.

Jared yanked me backward by the collar of my shirt, dragging us apart while Brandt took Carmen roughly by the arm and led her in the opposite direction. She was screaming profanities that would have made even the most hardened pirate blush. I would have been impressed if I hadn’t been absolutely burning with rage.

“What the fuck is going on?” Jared snarled, turning me to face him.

I fought out of his grip, pushing him away. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins and I was panting, totally unable to control my breath. I swatted him away again as he reached out to me, but he didn’t flinch. He took my face in his hands, turning me from side to side as he inspected the damage I couldn’t yet feel.

“She called Scarlett a used-up breeder,” I said as I fought for air. “I didn’t like that.”

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