
Chapter 108: Weird World

A couple of months passed. And everything was going fine, except for Li Sushang who trained like a maniac 5 days a week.

Ein would elevate her training every single day. Heavier, faster, harder. It was to the point that she was carrying tens of thousands of g's on her while running around like an olympian. Of course a human cannot do that, and she really couldn't. He took her apart, then built her up again until her muscles and bones mutated without any external help.

It was so effective that he made everyone do it too, albeit not to the point they would need healing like Sushang. And he was now teaching her to open the gates.

"Sushang, the 8 inner gates I will teach you is quite different. You'd have to keep it open until it becomes passive. And you are already qualified to open the first two gates. The gate of opening and healing." He poked her forehead, Sushang then felt wonderful.

Her processing power increased and her body regenerated at a higher rate. "We'll be focusing on the 2nd gate. It is vital to make you surpass your limits and maintain the others." He then let it continue to be opened until her body got exhausted.

"Ahh, Ein-sama... I feel lethargic, this technique is quite draining huh?" She plopped down to the ground after an hour. Her body was in tip top shape, but it was so fatigued she couldn't lift a single finger.

"You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until you open the gate of pain and limit, your bones will turn to dust and muscles will tear like paper. Now again." He gave her a boost and she propped up, good as new.

"Yes sir!" She felt like she was improving leaps and bounds. Her overall stats became massive and she never felt stronger in her life, not even when she started using the blade mantra. Which motivated her to go even further beyond.

"Good, keep that up and you could fight forever in a few years." He nodded in satisfaction and remotely gave her energy while her activities got more intense. So she would always improve, never getting stagnant.

"That's child abuse you know?" Eden chuckled from the side and looked at Sushang that was leaking youth. "The path to greatness is steep. And once the time comes, she would show the world her youth!" He gave a thumbs up and a toothy grin, his teeth shone and Eden smiled.

"Okay mister. Whatever you say. Hey Ein, can we perform together like old time's sake?" She asked him to sing with her and Ein also got an idea to make everyone more famous and in the spotlight.

"Sure Eden. How about we get Elysia as a dancer too? We will perform and Aesir corp. gets some publicity too, sounds great to me." He then prepared with Eden and it was also an opportunity to bond with his 1st lover.

They went to Germany and performed there. Although it was a modern song, the audience were mesmerized by their playing and divine voice. Making Ein's first appearance on the stage a resounding success. Especially with the ladies. Although Eden playing a harp elegantly trumped all of them.

"Mou, I knew you would be popular. But why do all the noble girls want to get inside your pants so badly?" Eden pouted at him because every young girl flirted with Ein.

"You know people desire what they don't have Eden. And don't act like guys don't gush all over you. You're perfect after all, just like me~" He gave her a peck on the lips and Eden's mood got better.

"Well, at least they haven't tried to touch me yet. They will be in for a rude awakening if they do." Eden was surprised that there were no harassers yet. "Well, you're the angel of strings. Those guys probably have fan clubs and worship you like a goddess. Too bad she's mine." He poked her butt and she chuckled.

"Alright smooth operator, I get it already. Thanks though, we haven't done something like this for a long time. It surely brings good memories." Eden reminisced the times when she and Ein would create music and release their albums.

"Yeah, it really was a nice breather. Let's go, or people would mob us here." Tons of fans were waiting for them, but they had better things to do and quickly went back to the base.


Meanwhile, Ottilie noticed Aesir corp. A mysterious and large company that basically had control of different sectors around the world. A corporate giant that has far surpassed Schicksal in influence. Especially with their super star Eden, the mysterious painter, Spiral workshop, Phyllis' shop, and Bodhi biotech.

"He appeared in Germany earlier... This is quite frustrating, I do not know anything about him. And I feel like he knows a lot about me." Ottilie bit her lip, she tried getting as much information about the Aesir conglomerate, but nothing came out of it. Infiltrators disappeared like the wind, rumors about that they made were ignored, and even propaganda backfired heavily. The masses almost rebelled against Schicksal.

As she agonized at what to do against a looming threat to her plans. One of her subordinates informed her of a message. "Mistress, a certain company named Spiral workshop wants to meet with you. Their head apparently awaits your reply." She got surprised by the words of her servant and immediately sent out a reply.

"The head of Spiral workshop. A worldwide giant that handles almost every tool, from farms to household gadgets... What would they want from Schicksal? They could basically withhold their products and blame it on someone. Then the world would go on a witch hunt." She was stumped, thinking once more on what would Aesir corp. want.

After a couple of days, Vill-v along with Phyllis came to Schicksal. Wearing their usual clothes that surely raised a brow, but they didn't care one bit and walked like they owned the place. Technically, Aponia did. She just abandoned it because it has no more use for her.

They were escorted to a room and were greeted by the overseer. "Welcome, I hope you weren't inconvenienced by this trip?" She started with pleasantries and Vill nodded.

"Umu, it was fine. I am Vill-v and this is Pardofelis, the chairman of Phyllis' shop." She introduced the skimpily clothed Phyllis. "Nya, what's up Ottilie Apocalypse." She greeted, making the blonde's smile strain for a bit.

"I see. Then may I ask why personages such as yourselves came here?" Ottilie cut the introductions and wanted to know what their purpose was.

"It's quite simple really. We are busy people, and Kallen Kaslana is a friend of ours. God bless her soul. We only had time now to visit her grave, she also shared stories of you." Vill-v shed a tear and Phyllis also acted with her. Surprising Ottilie that Kallen never introduced them. Naturally, she got suspicious.

"Un. She always went headfirst to danger. And helped people first. We met at the east when were attacked by bandits, but sadly. We weren't able to repay the favor." Phyllis said sadly, Ottilie was stumped. It was the time that she didn't have much information about Kallen's whereabouts and their story was pretty much rock solid.

Vill-v then took out a painting of them that was just a picture with some filters. Ottilie looked at it and she saw Kallen smile brightly with the two. Making her trace the photo softly as she went melancholic.

Vill-v and Phyllis nodded at each other. Successfully planting a fake story in Ottilie's head, taking advantage of her obsession with Kallen. "So we would like to enter a partnership with Schicksal in memory of Kallen." Vill-v offered.

They would make sure the blonde won't fuck up and abuse the knowledge of void archives. Creating or disseminating technology more advanced than the times that would result in something like Chiyou from project Ember or the honkai grows stronger exponentially.

"I... I see. Thank you for this offer, might I ask how close were you with Kallen? I want to know more about her adventures in the east. She left quickly and was unable to send letters you see?" Ottilie asked about Kallen's journey to the east. Wanting to know if she at least lived freely for some time before dying.

"She was admirable. Her goal was to save the world and the unfortunate. It's a shame she didn't live long enough to make a change. The world needs more people like her." Phyllis said with a somber tone.

Ottilie finally believed them and thought that entering a partnership with the two would bring great benefits as well. "Alright, thank you for entertaining me. I agree with this partnership, please send me the fine print. I believe this is the start of a good friendship." She stood up and shook their hands with a smile. Not expecting to find someone that were friends of Kallen.

"Umu, we will send it to you later. And it surely will, we expect good things to come out of this." Vill-v nodded at her. They then left after saying their goodbyes.

"Why don't we just sic Aponia on her so she won't do something stupid or something?" Phyllis yawned, wanting to laze around as Ein was training them to the ground lately.

"It won't be interesting otherwise. Kukuku~ She is already in our palms, maybe I'll make a magic show and create androids of Kallen? She'll surely have a heart attack no?" Vill-v's magician personality talked using her symbiote.

"Ooh, you're so bad. Do you really want to play with her feelings like that?" Phyllis kind of felt bad for the blonde as they know what it's like losing someone important, thankfully Ein returned eventually and it was surely a welcome surprise.

"Our circumstances differ Phyllis. We are steadfast, loyal, and followed Ein wholeheartedly. Though it was kind of Kallen's fault her friend did those things to compensate for her dream. But the point still stands, don't betray your friend's trust. Kallen is right, Ottilie Apocalypse does not understand her, or she would've been blunt and tried to change Kallen to be more smart and realistic like what Ein did." Vill-v's expert personality explained and Phyllis nodded.

"Well, Ein would've probably kicked our asses if we did something like that. And we knew it, for such a brilliant inventor in Kallen's stories. She must have low EQ no? Though Kallen does have a better life now thanks to her decisions. But she won't know that for a long time." Phyllis chuckled and they critiqued Ottilie's decisions mercilessly.

It was also true that Kallen was living the life. She now lived freely and had a fulfilling job instead of being on the run and possibly dying like an idiot after a few years. "Mission complete, let us report to Ein. Our job here is done." They left using a carriage that was heavily modified. Quickly getting out of Vienna and teleporting when they were sure that nobody followed them.


Ein and the gang lived peacefully in Japan. Exterminating pests and successfully lessened mortality greatly from honkai energy. Everything was going smoothly and the years go by quickly. With a clear purpose, they didn't really notice time flow. Spending hundreds of years with other immortals did wonders for them.

And something interesting has finally happened again. The world was calm for centuries, Ottilie also didn't do anything major with void archives. Although Ein did meet with her regularly alongside Fu Hua. She adopted a new name and took care of threats.

Ottilie focused on the valkyrie order of Schicksal. It made her remember Kallen's bravery, warriors that fought against the honkai. They were divided into groups that also showed their strength.

Rank D were mostly tasked with paperwork, office jobs, logistics. Not really a part of the front lines and they don't see action. Rank C were new recruits that had sufficient enough honkai adaptability to accept one of Ottilie's creations that would help her with Kallen's dream. An artificial stigmata.

It gave pretty normal people that had bad honkai adaptability a fighting chance against the beasts and corruption. Rank B to S are valkyries that fight in the front lines. Rank B valks could defeat seraph class honkai beasts solo. Rank A ones could stall emperor class honkai beasts, but their powers vary. While the S ranks are the best of the best, the minimum being able to take care of emperor class beasts alone.

Also, males that are able to fight and have a rare resistance to honkai were recruited to be knights. Like Kallen's father. And last but not the least, the strongest valkyrie in the order. The paladin, she was tasked to protect the overseer. Her personal guard that defends Ottilie personally.


Ein was currently in the sea of quanta. Still making mega structures that he would spread all over the abyss. He has made hundreds of thousands of it already and his plan was almost done. He just activated one more and only needed a few more decades to have enough of them. "Phew, it's almost time. Just a bit more..."

He thought that everything they did were almost coming to a close. "Hime, my work is nearly done. A world without wars and honkai is nigh. I'll make it myself, hard times would be over and we could finally live in true peace." He reminisced about the previous era. The wars and calamities took away his parents, his home, HIMEKO. And the lives everybody deserved to live.

"Oya? This seems interesting indeed." He received a comm from Phyllis that a girl became the youngest physicist of all time at the tender age of 16 with a doctorate already.

He looked up the name and he did not expect that at all. "Emma Planck. Discovered the action of quantum that is now called Planck's constant. Damn, Planck is a girl? What in tarnation..." He looked at the picture of a green haired girl. (pic here)

He sighed and thought that wasn't really that weird as the multiverse he was in was fucked up. "What other things changed?" He looked for other famous scientists and saw that something about Albert Einstein was weird. He hasn't proposed the theory of general relativity yet.

"It's already 1937? He surely proposed that in 1905..." He then looked up his family tree and saw something freaky, he had a relative named Lieserl Albert Einstein. And she looked exactly like his lover. Except the pure blue hair and eyes. Einstein had violet eyes and she has a tuft of red hair. (pic here)

"Damn, I need to see this with my own eyes." He returned back to earth and located EINSTEIN's doppelganger. She was in the United States.

"Hehe~ EINSTEIN's not gonna expect this. You guys thought only SAKURA and RIN have lookalikes. But this world still has more weird things to offer." He went to the US and infiltrated Emma's school where she was a professor. Instantly making himself into a teacher in Princeton University to see the spectacle with his own eyes.


Thanks for reading. Being pulled out to work in the emergency room is not fun... Anyways, ciao.

I will be explaining more on what has happened during the time skip later. Nothing really exciting happens until the north american branch of Schicksal appears.

And of course, members of anti-entropy would be introduced. I will be starting with Lieserl and Emma.

Khay_Cee_Paduacreators' thoughts
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