
The Dust Settles

When we reached the cluster of small buildings that made up the Trikru compound, I greeted a familiar guard and asked to see Indra. He led us into the courtyard where I used to spar against Anya and asked us to wait. I looked around with a light smile as I remembered those days.

"Reminiscing about the place that you regularly left black and blue, and half dead the last time?" Raven asked with a bit of exasperation in her voice.

"Makes me sound like some kind of a masochist, right? I don't know what to tell you," I chuckled. "My past life was peaceful, to the point that I had never had a fight with another person, except a shouting match. It's not like I need another method to fight people, but I do like exercise and pushing myself to my limits. It kinda gets addicting after a while."

"Yeah, you still sound crazy," she teased.

I rolled my eyes, but my smile did not falter. Indra did not keep us waiting long, and there was a familiar face with her as they walked out of a building.

"I was starting to wonder if you had forgotten your position while you were gone," Indra remarked.

"Seda," I said with a bow.

"Oh? You seem better adjusted to our customs. Did Azgeda beat some discipline into you?" she retorted.

"They tried, but I do this out of respect," I replied.

Indra smiled and held out her arm. I took it with a happy smile of my own, knowing that she still cared about me the same way as before I left. It was good to have friends again.

"It's good to see you as well, Anya," I said, giving her a nod, and held out my arm towards her.

She smirked, clasping my forearm, and said, "Your list of accomplishments grows every time we meet. A war chief could get jealous of such feats."

"Never missing a chance to brag, I see. Congratulations," I chuckled.

"Raven, welcome to our home here in Polis," Indra said with a polite nod towards her.

"Thank you," she replied.

"So, what brings you here?" Indra asked.

"Honestly, it's just been a while since I've been around friendly faces," I said.

"Then come! Trikru always honors their own," Indra said as she ushered me inside.

While I had hoped for a quiet reunion with Indra and Anya, both made sure that we had nothing of the sort. It made me wonder if they had been planning all of this since Nia's death, but considering the grudge that Trikru and Azgeda had, I would not be surprised even if they had been. Lexa's Coalition was only a few years old, despite the age of the title of Heda living on much longer. The two groups had fought several wars against each other and countless battles, so the amount of bad blood between them could fill an ocean.

Unlike anything that the show had touched upon, Raven and I were treated to a celebration and feast. There were a couple of people playing instruments while a woman sang in Trigedasleng and a few dancers moved around the room. Raven and I sat off to the side, but with Indra and Anya sitting close, we drew more than our fair share of attention, especially myself as I was tied to Queen Nia's death. Still, it was a fun occasion, even if it lasted most of the day. My mind was off my troubles for a time, and it was amazing learning about another culture in such an experience.

The party lasted until nearly sunset and, while I was not drunk off the wine, Raven had more than her fair share of cups. Thankfully, it was a good excuse to get ourselves away, so I helped her walk back to the tower where we waited on the elevator to take us back up because it would be hard for me to carry Raven up the entire thirty-four floors. When we were finally able to take the elevator up, I used my power to detoxify some of the effects of the alcohol, though there was still enough that she was a little more handsy than she would normally be.

Although I debated on whether or not I should see Lexa and Echo tonight as Raven and I made out on the long trip up, I knew that we should. Lexa had done a lot for me while I was gone, and Echo had done even more while we were in Azgeda. Even if I wanted nothing more than to take Raven back to my room, I knew that I owed thanks to the people around me that had allowed me to get to this point.

The elevator stopped at our floor, and I walked out with an arm draped around Raven's waist as she leaned into me. It was rare for people to be on this floor at such a late hour, so she was more relaxed... until a dark figure rounded a corner. I could feel her body tense up, but I tightened my grip on her waist and greeted the man.

"King Roan," I said with a nod. "It's been several days since our last meeting."

"It has, Natfaya," Roan replied with a hint of a growl in his voice.

I sighed, "I guess I deserve that kind of response. If it means anything to you, I am sorry for your loss, but we both know that your mother would never work with Lexa during Praimfaya. You'll be a great leader for your people, but don't fall into the traps that she did. Compassion and compromise are not signs of weakness."

I kept Raven at my side and moved past him after I said my piece, but we did not get more than a few steps away before he said something else.

"Echo told me that you were supposed to get 'close' to me, but refused," he remarked.

I stopped and turned around to face him, replying, "You're a good man, Roan. I wasn't going to use you to help us kill your mother. You deserved more than that."

"Thank you... Octavia," he said before walking away.

I smiled lightly at his departing figure then put my arm back around Raven's waist as we continued down the hallway. Lexa's suite was the furthest from the elevator and guarded by Gustus who, upon seeing us, opened the door for us without asking. I gave him a nod as we walked into Lexa's throne room, but it was currently empty, though I could sense that she was nearby.

"Lexa?" I called out, looking towards the side room which led off to her bedroom.

A muffled groan reached my ears followed by a teasing chuckle. About a minute later, Lexa stepped out, pulling her long brown hair out of her shirt with a wry smile on her face, and headed towards us.

"It's good to see you up and out of your room," Lexa said as she walked up.

"Thanks... sorry for the trouble that I've caused," I replied.

Lexa smirked, shaking her head, "You're fine, Rebecca. My troubles have solely been trying to manage the Thirteen Clans as we prepare for Praimfaya. Thankfully, Skaikru is not too large, so after dividing up essential personnel to the two bunkers, the rest of them can stay in Arkadia. Kane, Indra, and Luna have been the only voices of reason these past few days which have helped, but the other ten clans are still demanding more spots."

"Joys of being Heda. Now, it's your turn to take on the heavy role," I retorted.

"So... this is the woman that you risked my people for," Echo said as she walked out from the same place as Lexa.

"And you're the woman who has been trying to sleep with mine for over a month," Raven retorted.

"I 'have' been sleeping with her," Echo smirked.

"Why did you insist on saving Echo again? Roan could have worked with us instead," I asked teasingly to Lexa which made Raven chuckle.

"Because I need some way to annoy you both or you'd eat me alive while we are in Eden," Lexa retorted as she headed for the door. Opening it, she turned to Gustus and said, "Have dinner brought for the four of us."

"Yes, Heda," he replied.

Lexa closed the door and waved a hand towards the side rooms. "No point in standing around on ceremony. Everyone, but Octavia, has lived here, so head on in."

Raven shot a smirk at Echo as she pulled me along and moved past her. She led me through the map room and into the back rooms which were set up similar to my own suite, just a little larger with two couches. We took one while Lexa and Echo took the other. Raven leaned into my embrace as I draped an arm over her shoulders. However, Lexa and Echo sat next to each other with a thin gap between them.

"I guess a proper introduction is in order. Raven, this is Echo; Echo, this is Raven. For my sake, please don't make each other's lives miserable while we are living together. You two actually became friends during this time originally," I said.

"I'm sure," Raven said sarcastically.

"It's true, but you only had Monty, Murphy, Emori, and Bellamy to get along with up on the remainder of the Ark that is still in space," Lexa agreed then chuckled, "I guess that's another relationship that our actions have prevented, but I never really understood why Echo ended up with Bellamy. Monty and Murphy suit you even less, but still."

"I was with Bellamy?" Echo asked with disbelief.

"Who knows?" Lexa chuckled as she placed her hand on Echo's thigh and leaned into her shoulder. "But that Bellamy was different, a leader, a bit darker, and more brooding... a classic dark prince type."

While those two had their little moment, I sighed quietly at the mention of Bellamy's name, but Raven still heard. She placed a hand on my knee and gave me a concerned smile. I smirked and rubbed her cheek with my other hand, returning her smile with more ease than she had.

"What's wrong?" Lexa asked, realizing the shift in my mood.

"Bellamy pretty much disowned me today," I replied. "We went to see Clarke and he seemed to hear that I had come down to the bunker. He blew up, blamed me for Finn's death, then told me I wasn't his sister anymore."

"But that's not Bellamy... he would do anything for..."

"He's not the same Bellamy, as you just said," I cut in. "And I'm also not the same Octavia that he knew from the Ark... not all of the changes that we've made to the timeline are positive, after all."

Lexa sighed, "I'm sorry. I know you've been the one to take on most of the burdens... recently."

"It's fine; probably better since I don't have to pretend anymore with him."

"You're a terrible liar," Echo, of all the people in the room, remarked.

I smirked, shaking my head, and retorted, "You were the one who told me to stop pitying myself. I've got to start somewhere, even if it's a lie."

Lexa straightened in her seat and gave all of us a wave of her hand, quieting us all down. I activated my Wind Domain at its maximum intensity but bending around the walls was difficult, so I could not get a full picture.

"It's Gustus, relax," Lexa chided at the same time that the door opened.

"You live in Azgeda for three months and then tell me to relax," I retorted as I retracted my domain.

Gustus walked in a moment later, carrying a large tray of food. There was a small pot of stew, roasted chicken, an assortment of vegetables and rice, and even a dessert of fruit and honey that made me chuckle since it was even nicer than the meals that I received. He placed it on the table between us then grabbed a bottle of wine from a nearby cabinet.

"Thank you, Gustus. I'll be fine for the rest of the night," Lexa said.

"As you command, Heda," Gustus replied with a bow.

He walked away and, once I was sure that he was out of earshot, I chuckled, "You like that level of power... where people wait on your every word."

"I am fully capable of tending to my own needs," Lexa retorted. "But there is also nothing wrong with distributing the workload."

"Oh? Is that how justify it?" I teased with a smile.

Raven 'accidentally' elbowed me in the ribs and shot me a look that told me to stop. It was not that I was being harsh to Lexa, but rather that I was flirting with her, mostly unconsciously. I had a teasing nature that came out the more I was relaxed around someone, so with Raven and Lexa as the closest people to me, the lines could easily get blurred. I kissed her cheek then nuzzled into her neck before all of us turned our attention to the meal.

We ate the good food and talked for a bit, but all of us seemed ready to split into our couples and go our separate ways for the evening. Raven and I left Lexa's suite then headed back to our own, arm in arm. Dagyn did not get more than a nod from me as we hurried into my room, and I nearly kicked the door shut as Raven jumped into my arms.

Her legs wrapped around my waist while her arms locked around my neck as she kissed me deeply. If not for my regular training, she might have tackled me to the ground, but I caught her and returned her kiss greedily. It had been over three months since we had last seen each other, so now that the moment had arrived, neither of us could hold back anymore.

I did not even bother to take her back to the bedroom, and instead, I placed her on the short cabinet nearby which freed up my hands to pull off her shirt. When our lips parted, I moved down to her neck and kissed and nipped at the sweet spot right behind her ear and tossed her shirt aside. She let out a moan in my ear which seemed to vibrate through me. While I pulled off mine, her fingers traced up my toned stomach, following the muscles up my back and then my arms.

"Not bad," she complimented and bit her lower lip as she gave me a lustful look.

"I'm glad that you approve," I teased, grabbing her by the hips and pulled them towards me.

Raven moaned and sat up, locking her arms around my neck, as she kissed me again. My fingers undid the buttons on her pants, and I yanked them halfway down her legs. She kicked them the rest of the way while my hands moved up her chest and cupped her breasts. She moaned against my lips as my thumbs circled her nipples over and over.

When her tongue invaded my mouth, I pressed her back against the wall and slid my hands down to her core. Her whole body shuddered, and she gave a deep moan as my finger slid down her wet slit. I teased her by avoiding her clit for the first few passes, but when I did touch it, my mana flared in my hand, enhancing my speed.

It only took a few moments before she rolled her back, moaning loudly while clutching onto me. Her nails dug into my shoulders as I kissed her neck and kept my fingers moving in rhythm with her grinding hips. Raven cried out with her release, but I was not done yet. I kept circling the little bean faster and faster, while also softer, and moved my mouth down to one of her nipples.

Her pleasure mounted again, but right before she could orgasm, I pulled my hand away. She gave a whimper of protest, but she quickly figured out my intention when I knelt down and pulled her hips to the front of the cabinet. My tongue found its way to her clit as her fingers wove into my hair and she held me in place.

I used the same trick again, only enhancing my entire body this time, since I could not control it well enough to limit it to such a small body part. My tongue swirled around and around as I pushed her closer to her breaking point. I had to lock her legs in place to prevent her from bucking, but the focus it allowed me, paid off as she screamed out with her orgasm.

I leaned back when she let go of my hair and looked up at her panting body that had a thin layer of sweat clinging to it. As tempting as it was to eat her up a second time, I knew that she needed to catch her breath. I stood up slowly, a hungry look in my eyes, and placed my hands on their sides of her face, then kissed her passionately. She could only weakly wrap her arms around my neck as she kissed me back. Picking her up by her hips, I carried her back to our bedroom, so that we could carry on our activities when she regained her energy.

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