

"So what I'm trying to convey here is…"

Lith took a pause and walking for a bit and dragging the sword, stopped when he saw everyone's attention had peaked.

Lith took the short sword out of the ground, surprising everybody once again as they saw that it wasn't a short sword this time, but actually a proper throwable knife.

Showing it to everybody, Lith continued, "Your life, your misery, your personality, your hardships… They're all a consequence of how you adapt yourself."

Lith paused here as everyone had fallen into comprehending what he had just said.

He may be somewhat younger than everybody here, but the wisdom he possessed truly stood out among this group filled with depressed ones.

There were some things in life that could only be known or learnt from someone who had always been privileged and barely had ever suffered through tragedies. Lith was one of those people and his viewpoint was much needed by them.

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