
What Are You Hiding, Noman?

Every Royal Servant, including Luna, were extremely unhappy with the news Noman had just said.

Lith was still very young and hadn't seen the world properly. He was thus unaware of things and didn't completely understand what Noman said.

His thought process was that his mother was a Queen and in all kingdoms, there were bound to be people who were unhappy and cursed the King/Queen. One can't make everyone happy and if one worked to do such a thing, even if they spent all their lives working for it, there was bound to be some or the other dissatisfied soul.

Also, giving attention to the ones that curse would mean stooping low to their level. Why do that and waste time?

Since Lith was young and hadn't seen this world much yet, he didn't know that what Noman had just said was sugar coating things to a very high degree.

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