
The Alpha Alure

Somewhere during my independent studies of my third period I fell asleep because one second I was sitting on the floor of the second story library, the next I felt a finger poke on my cheek.

Grabbing the finger I pulled down, pulling the unsuspecting guilty party with it. Using my legs I pinned the body under me, one leg around their neck, the other over their legs while my arm had theirs in a uncomfortable position behind their back.

"Give!" The voice was rough and rushed with a hint of fear.

Opening my eyes I released the person I had held in my vice grip. Johnny Piers he was the pack doctors son for Spiritwood. Beside him stood Martin smiling ear to ear, his crystal blue eyes shown with excitement as he watched me.

"What did I tell you Johnny, wasn't I right." Martin watched as Johnny struggled and flailed on the floor sitting up rubbing his arms.

"Alright, you were right Mar," his facial expression shown hurt and pain as he rubbed his arms. I felt bad I didn't mean to hurt him but then again he touched me unexpectedly.

"Sorry," I mumbled to Johnny, but he just shook his head.

"It was my fault Martin told me not to touch you, but I did anyways. I'm sorry." He was polite about it and straightforward, I liked that.

Getting up from the floor I dusted myself off before bending down grabbing my bag. After slinging it over my shoulder I watched both boys, all three of us not moving as they stared at me intently.

The silence was awkward, clearing my throat I swayed side to side. "So....."

Johnny looked at Martin who had yet to take his eyes off me, with a grin. Nudging him Martin snapped back to reality stuttering over his words. "Oh....u-uh..yea. Lunch...well see.." rubbing the back of his head he was making me impatient, and frustrated. He must have been doing the same to Johnny because he took a step forward and spoke.

"Lunch is in 5 let's go together. You look like you could use a friend." Johnny spoke with confidence as he held his arm out for me, like a gentlemen.

"Is this your way of making friends with me?" Looking down at Johnny's arm I chuckled. "And here I thought shivery was dead."

"Yes, this is our way of asking. Now will you come eat with us?" Johnny eyed me then dropped his arm and gestured toward the door.

"Sure why not..." Martin nodded as I walked in front of Johnny followed by Martin.

On the way to the "Reck room, or Reck hall" they called it Johnny tried to engage me in conversation, while Martin dropped a comment every now and then when his nose wasn't pressed to the book in his hands.

"Is he always like that?" I ask Johnny as we walked behind Martin. Wiggling my finger up and down motioning to all of Martin, while Johnny laughed.

"You mean with his nosed pressed into a book? Yes."

"I heard that." Martin said while turning a corn in the hall, as we followed him laughing.

"You were meant to."

"You know," I began to speak but stopped myself before I could get ahead.

"I know what?" Martin asked, stopping in his tracks, closing the book with a slight thud. Turning around he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. If I had to be honest with myself Martin was good looking. His glasses framed his face just perfectly out lining his bright crystal blue eyes. His complexion was flawless, and his hair a light brown was slightly tossled, from the looks of it by him running his fingers threw it.

"Nothing," I lowered my head feeling just the slightest tingle of intimidation that rolled off him.

"No go head, tell me." He nodded his head taking a couple steps toward me.

I felt Johnny beside me step back as he looked between me and Martin.

Feeling the courage build back up in me I looked him in the eyes. "I was thinking how your not like most Alpha born. Your not an arrogant, ego driven raging lunatic prick, who gets off on women wearing skin tight short clothing." My words were so rushed out I didn't know if he understood me at all.

A light chuckle left his lips as he's sighed and came to stand in front of me. "Is that what you want? No I'm not that type of guy. But let me show you something." He handed Johnny his book, and carefully took off his glasses, and in the same motion ruffled his own hair. And with in seconds he looked like a totally different person. His blue eyes stood out more now they weren't contained by his glasses, and he had that sexy bed head look. I couldn't believe that the person in front of me was the same shy guy. The presence he had suddenly changed from calm and quiet to powerful. You could practically feed the air around him vibrate with power.

"Great Dallas, you've done it now."

Johnny whispered shaking his head.

With out a second glace Martin pushed open the door, and we entered the cafeteria. Walking in everyone went silent as they looked at our little group. At first I thought everyone was looking at me, then I noticed they weren't looking at me but at Martin. His small change had ever girl in the large room looking at him like he was a piece of meat. Then my eyes locked on the brown two headed snake of a bitch.

My sister was watching Martin like a starving animal looks at steak. Licking her lips she puffed out her chest, making me sick. Turning my head I walked over to the line up, I couldn't stand it. He googling Martin made my stomach turn, only because I knew her tricks.

Martin was behind me once again with his glasses back on and book in hand. He no longer had that all powerful presence. He watched me carefully as I looked back at him shaking my head.

"If they look at you like that without glasses. Then why wear the glasses and stay quiet...don't you-"

"Like the attention?....no" he shook his head "Cuz then I wouldn't know who my real friends were." He whispered those last words in my ear as he walked behind me taking a tray and grabbing food. He had a point, if he looked like he did with out his glasses everyone would be all over him. I mean sure being alpha is fine and all, but you never know who your real friends are. With Martin keeping to himself, and his nose in a book everyone would leave him alone regardless if he was an alpha.

At least that's what it looked like.

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