
Ultimate Adventure Board Game! III

"You were so amazing, Shizu-chan!" Ayia exclaimed with admiring eyes, giving her sister a high-five. "That was intense!"

Shizuka smiled, her heart still racing from the adrenaline of the challenge. "Thanks, everyone. That was nerve-wracking, but so much fun!"

The game continued, each turn revealing new and exciting challenges. The now-crowded seats were filled with festival-goers having fun watching Theo and his friends playing the board game.

June found themselves standing on the "Dance Battle" square, their faces a mix of determination and exhilaration. The square was marked by a colorful dance floor with flashing lights and a large screen that would display the dance moves they needed to follow.

"It seems we'll have a DANCE BATTLE!" The game master exclaimed to the crowd as the public answered with shouts of excitement.


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