
Hitarashi Itsuki: The Rain of Tears

On an uneventful Sunday Night on June 5th, 1980, the Sakura Abode Country paused for 30 minutes.

The time that the last episode of the anime from the Elvish Studios, produced by Hitarashi Istuki, took to be aired on TV.

The country wanted to know how Kate's story ended and if she would be able to help the animation team to finish producing the anime.

Toddlers, teenagers, adults, and old people gathered at the nearest TV to them.

At that time, television was still too expensive, so it wasn't everyone that owned a TV. That's why everyone gathered in the houses of the people who had.

But as they watched the last episode of the anime, the more their emotions were disturbed.

When it was revealed that Kate was dying, most people broke into silent cries.

They didn't understand if they understood well.

How could such a happy and lively person like Kate be dying?

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