
CH. 26: !!!!!!!

Akira was surrounded from both sides by the two horny Outer Gods. He may share the same likes as Shub-Niggurath considering she's the lustful Outer Goddess, but he still had principles, putting his dick inside that endless pit that is her vagina would probably end up in his dick never coming back. Nyarlathotep wasn't easy neither, she felt like the type of girl to suck a dick after ripping it off.

"I'm sorry but I'll pass on this now. You could ask some other day but i don't feel like doing it with you right now." Said Akira with a confident tone. Nyarlathotep and Shub-Niggurath started laughing loudly because Akira thought he had a choice.

"MY LOVE YOU KNOW WE WON'T LEAVE YOU FROM HERE!!!!~" Shouted Nyarlathotep.

"Maaa~ You may be one of the strongest but you're no match to two Outer Gods~ Just submit and we'll go easy on you~" She said.

Akira gulped after facing the attrocity of reality. Fighting one Outer God will last for all eternity as well as end up in a draw, but two at once was out of the question.

He looked around to see that there was no escape. No opening, nothing. The two bastards had clearly planned all this and it was perfectly done.

"I may not be strong enough to beat two ancient Outer Gods at the same time, but i did prepare some things in case this scenario were to happen." Said Akira to the two girls, he then thought 'Good thing i had read the horror stories of Lovecraft.. The same happened in one of the short stories..'

Shub-Niggurath and Nyarlathotep looked at Akira with an amused expression as if they believed he had no hope of survival for even a nanosecond. They pitied him but their over confidence was betraying them.

It's then where Akira pulled out from nowhere, a parchemin with an unknown symbol on it's brown teared up surface. The two female Outer Gods looked at the parchment with an analyzing look, trying to figure out what it was.

"This is the fully omnipotent type of [Imaginary Blow], the ability of transforming reality into illusion and vice versa. A one time use with a 100% functioning chance." Said Akira while holding the parchment.

This parchement contained an extremely powerful version of [Imaginary Blow], being able to rival the logic defying Outer Gods and their omnipotence. It was also endued with the strongest form of stealth to prevent anyone apart from the user, of determinating what spell was on the parchment, thus the unknown symbol.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT LOVE??!~" Shouted Nyarlathotep with a confused tone.

"Maaa?~ How naughty of you to keep such dirty tricks for yourself.

The parchment burnt into nothingness and Akira started glowing with a eye piercing white light. The almighty version of [Imaginary Blow] was taking place and Shub-Niggurath was smiling at this.

Shub-Niggurath lifted her hand and simply shrugged this spectacular sight by using her own questionable omnipotence. It was her only ability to fight back against an Outer God class creature. Akira was not yet an official Outer God so he still did not possess the Outer God Authority.

"Maaa~ I'd love to see your expression in the endless void of sexual torture i created just for you love~" She said.

Using her authority, Shub-Niggurath snapped her fingers, and so, the authority engulfed the glowing.


She was surprised to see that it did not work. How was that possible? You can't cast anything on an Outer God? Her arrogance had cost her to lose the interaction because Akira had taken several precautions before coming to this whole realm.

[Self-Made Artificial Plane Cancel] was another one of the artificial series Akira had created on top of the immortality. He could momentarily or irreversibly cancel the power of anyone in existence with nothing but a snap. But against an Outer God, it would only last a few seconds, enough to complete the casting of [Imaginary Blow].


Akira found himself standing before Azathoth who was checking on a piece of paper of all Akira's requirements to become an Outer God ; Including kill count, lifespan and power.

"Well let's see.. I see that you're extremely powerful Akira. You have lived for..." Azathoth's eyes widened at the amount of time Akira had passed in the Void. He shook those thoughts by letting out a small giggle before continuing "Let's say, ALOT.. Hehe.."

The piece of paper Azathoth was holding burnt into nothingness before he looked at Akira with a satisfied expression, as he was preparing on telling him the good news.

"Everything's set. You are now officially an Outer God Akira, i approve it." Said Azathoth.

Akira's heartbeat accelerated for a few seconds. He fell on his knees but still supported his bodyweight with bis hands. His insides felt like burning, his eyes were shaking and he was sweating profusely.

Akira's eyes transformed from the golden yellow color into a red crimson color. He let out a scream of pain as the flesh on his back ripped apart from both shoulder blades where rose up two devilish wings, they radiated an aura capable of destroying reality just with a single flap. Akira's nails became bigger and sharper with pointy black tips, having the power to cut down space-time like butter. A dark black halo crown formed itself on Akira's head. The back halo was dripping with an unknown dark substance.

Seeing this, Azathoth spoke up mostly to see if Akira was still conscious or if his mind was corrupted by the absurd power..

Akira grasped for air as he was trying to calm down the pain in his body. Using a third person focalisation, he was able to see all the chances done to his body, which had become so devilish he seemed like the Devil himself.. No, his body was undescribably hot, so evil the devil himself was just a goblin in front of the Outer God of Destruction, Havoc and Lust.

After what seemed like an eternal adaptation, Akira finally reclaimed the desire to speak and he pronounced his very first words as the the newborn Outer God.

"I.. Have become even more powerful.. Closer to the boundless tier.." He said feeling as if his already nigh-omnipotence had doubled.

Azathoth himself was suprised to see how powerful Akira had become. His main duty is to make of stronger cosmologies part of the Outer Gods. But Akira had reached a power level that rivalled Azathoth's new humanoid body.

"Ahahaha! You have now become an official Outer God! Quite impressive!" Said Azathoth while giving Akira a thumbs up, he continued "As an Outer God, you have to give yourself a new name, something that will carve into your soul for all eternity as proof of your power and legitimity as one of the beings that stand at the pinacle of everything."

Akira listened to Azathoth until the end before admiring the changes on his body once again. Akira opened his status panel to see the changes on his strength.


• [ Name: {{{{{{{{{Akira Nava}}}}}}}}}} ]

• [ Outer Name: ???????????? ]

• [ Occupation: Destruction, Havoc and Lust ]


• [ Vitality: 0 HP ]

• [ Energy: 0 MP ]


• [ {{{{{{{{Akira's Authority}}}}}}}}} ]: You are omnipotent.

• [ Outer Form ]: Let there be carnage on your path.

――Useless Abilities――

[Bo###less Cre##ion] / [Bou####ss Mani#la###n] / [Infin####cc#ulation] / [Mer####ess Re####ge] [Absolu#####ure] / [The#####in] / [Mas#####All] [Th##$ne #ang] / [Mul####ve### #dat#on] / [ALL R####ds] / [Nirva####nisc###nce] / [Ni###na Omnip###nce] / [Log#### ak###g] / [Im####ation Br##ki##g] / [Bo###ary ##ea###g] / [Imag####ry B##w] / [Tr###ful Wo#s] / [Multiv###l Bar###er] / [M#ltiv#### Re#is###ce] / [Se###ade Artificial### mmor###lity] / [Infin###Mind] / [Voidi####sults] / [Perfe####hy#ic]


Akira had throughfuly read the entirety of his new status and learned an instant mastery over everything he had gained. He was surprised to see that he had gained only two abilities while everything else was deemed useless, he could still use his old abilities but they were just unnecessary next to his own authority or Outerish Omnipotence.

"How does it feel? Great isn't it??" Asked Azathoth with a smile full of expectations.

Akira smirked as he was feeling pride and ego drowning his mind. Overwhelming power could corrupt his mind and he would end up as Azathoth in his former body. He had to avoid letting these emotions control his consciousness. But for the time being, he could still celebrate this new powers.

"Alas, i have already decided on a new name." Said Akira with a deep voice in a seductive devilish tone.

Azathoth was surprised to see that Akira had already decided on a name, he was dying from suspense.

"And what might that name be?" He asked him.

And so, the simulation continues.


Thanks for Your Precious Lecture! Pa--treon.com/skyfall12 (Read ahead of everyone with the advanced chapters!)

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