
Buy some smokes

I made it back to my capital mansion and while I was making my way back I sent a tug towards metagross letting him know that I needed him but it wasn't "super" urgent but to come when he could…. I still had a few days after all, and I'm keeping azumarill with me on top of gengar as well just in case…

But he was back before I even got home popping into existence and scaring the shit out of everyone in the vicinity, pretty sure that guy over there literally shit himself…..but with another quick pop it's no longer my problem and we were both back home lickety split….well our home in the capital anyway.

I let metagross know that a group of noble kids were after my head and planned on coming after me in the next few days with a covert army of people and mons….and…..he didn't take that well….he sent out some sort of psychic pulse shock wave in all directions like an expanding bubble….and you could also hear a metal on metal grinding noise…..was he grinding his teeth?…. And through the bond?…..powerful waves of anger and promises of vengeance....Nothing has actually happened so preemptive vengeance I guess…. That little shock wave probably broke a lot of my shit though….I heard glass crashes throughout the house…

While my psychic crab was in his little world of rage and revenge I started thinking about how far I want to take this and how I'm going to deal with my brothers…..I have no love or even respect for em….But I do for pops…..but I'm not just going to let this go…..I guess it's time for a conference with pops when Rick comes over later to strategise how to best move in this mini shit storm…

Just as I'm done with that thought, Cynthia and Anna mozzie their way into the lounge room where Me and metagross are talking and the first thing I notice is Cynthia's knuckles seemed to be a little bruised, like she has been punching something….

And while I was checking out her knuckles she waltzes over to me to plop herself on my lap as I'm currently sitting on one of the lounges and speaks before I can ask about her knuckles " phewwwww...what a day…." As she dramatically falls back into my chest.

" what happened to you?….And why are your knuckles all scuffed up?" I asked with a bit of amusement in my voice…. I can say without any hesitation that I like this girl, I also like Anna but she came as more of a bonus subscription, but I don't plan on settling down any time soon….like in this era…..maybe when things a little more modern… 5000 years huh…..that's a long ass time… settling down seems kind of pointless….. maybe I'll knock up some rando woman and step out to "buy some smokes" and see if the kid goes on some grand adventure to find their piece of shit father…..that could be fun….or maybe….

"Oh I just had a meeting with father and my uncle about family business…..nothing to serious, just father was having grand delusions of making you spill your secrets by joining the group of nobles who are plotting against you, and my uncle trying to stop him…. But I managed to sway him off the idea eventually....so you know...the usual…. And as for my bruised hands...wellllll...I had to go and visit my little brother and "convince" him to drop out of the "noble youth gathering" that's plotting against you as well…. Now that I think about it, there sure are a lot of people plotting your downfall….."

I'm glad she started speaking again when she did...my mind was drifting to some weird places….am I a villain?...it seems a little early for the villain phase of my long life to start….I reckon I'll have a villain phase eventually, even just for fun….not like a psycho murdery villain…..just mildly inconvenience people in overly flashy, geniusly elaborate and infuriating ways while in disguise….I'll fuck with the people in charge more though….but not yet….I'll wait for a more modern era….oh right I'm in a conversation…..what did she say again?…. Something about her family and plotting….oh right her brother was part of the "noble youth gathering" so I guess I should let her in on what's happening…

"So there been some development on that front…." As I fill her in as she slowly turns pale at the thought of her brother being part of what I described and what I would do to him….I have let her know that if her family turns against me I'll have no problem laying them out, which she accepted fairly easily at the time but I guess it's a little to real now.

It's not like I plan on killing any of them….well maybe my brothers but not the other kids….soul crushing and public humiliation is in their forecast though, some would say it's worse than death…..I'm not against killing em….it's just I don't have my territory yet and no power base to fight the nobles properly….. killing their guys, burning their castle and stealing their gold is one thing…..but outright killing nobles? Well it's a bundle of trouble I wasn't really ready for just yet…..…I practically live in my parents basement…but a medieval noble version of that…

If I started killing them off, they would know it was me and it would set pretty much the whole kingdom against me…..nobles fight and bicker and back stab…. But if one of them die to someone like me in circumstances like this they would show their pack mentality and give their all to kill me off....I'm strong but not fight an entire kingdom off strong…..maybe I could win…..maybe…..but It would be a pretty shitty life from there on out.....

".....I just had a ...." She looks at her knuckles " conversation….with my little brother and he has seen the folly of his ways, he won't be part of that little scheme so I hope you leave him out of it..."

" yeah no problem, I was about to have metagross pop over and pick up dad to let him know what his adorable little skid marks are planing on doing and how I'm going to handle it…. So stick around…..oh….." I turn to Logan who is still stoically standing in the corner waiting for instruction, but I can feel some intense anger coming through his vibes….." Logan buddy, can you pop over to wherever sells that viagra stuff and pick up a bottle…"

Logan just stoically nods with a half bow and takes off to accomplish this masculinity wounding task as Cynthia and Anna turn to me with almost horrified looks…..I wreck their shit without the stuff I would probably kill them if I ever took it….

"Don't look at me like that…..it's for a dramatic effect when I talk to my old man…..there's a good chance he's going to need some more kids to be his heir because my brothers have a noose around their neck and the little cunts just keep shortening the rope…."

They seemed relieved at that…. My aura god body probably wouldn't even register the stuff so it's not big deal….not to mention I'm still a teenager technically, so even a slight breeze could give me a raging boner…dam sexy wind…but before all that I could use a blunt….

Oh shit my little green fairy isn't here….ima have to roll my own like some peasant….wow…..my mentality sure has changed a bit since I got my second run at life, never found rolling my own blunts to be a chore before…..I could have the staff do it but they suck at it….well Logan is pretty good but he's busy being openly but somehow also secretly judged by people at the medieval…. pharmacy?...apothecary?…..whatever it is….for my dramatic prop to help the old man to give me some non shitty siblings….

Should get him a nice farm girl for a mistress as well…. noble women are…..to high maintenance…. But I'll have to look into that….he told me once when he was drunk that my mother sort of put him onto a fetish he was never able to shake….I never looked into because frankly I was grossed out when he tried to mention it and I tried to put it out of my mind while also not listening further….. but now for the good of the family I'll have to suck it up and hear it….

So with another 20 minutes of me fiddling around rolling a few blunts while ordering some tacos from the kitchen I finally finished and was ready to blaze it up when Logan walked back in a small porcelain container in hand looking totally normal…..but I could see it in his eyes…..his soul has been wounded…stay strong buddy…..also...better you than me….

So I spark up a blunt while waiting for my tacos to roll in and the girls popped upstairs to shower and get changed I start thinking about how I'm going to break it to my old man I'm about to murder his two least favourite sons….

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