
Cynthia’s day out

-Cynthia Blaine POV-

I can't believe that little twerp lost to that commoner, and i have to pay the price for it, I know I agreed to the bet but i didn't think he was so useless as to lose to a shuckle of all things….

I'm currently on my way to his manor in the capital to hash out the "details" of this bet, I know what he wants from me…..it's what all those noble geezers want from me, my body.

It's not like I'm a virgin maiden with no experience with things like this, of course I've had flings here and there and I know what this half blood is after…. Like a dog in heat.

Maybe I can use that to my advantage and string him along to get the information about magmar evolution... normally I would just say he is full of it, but he did have an evolved form of Rhydon so I can't take his words to lightly.

As we approach his manor I have to admit it's not as shabby as I thought it would be….. honestly it's beautiful if I look at it objectively….. the lawns and hedges all trimmed to perfection, and I can see some of his servants tending to some of those hedges with their scyther….. and it's shocking…..

I have always had a talent for measuring a Pokémon's strength, father said it had something to do with aura,the aura guardians are usually the first to jump on someone who had a talent like that so my father told me to never tell anyone I have this particular talent

And what was shocking wasn't the fact that they have scyther, which is usually rare outside of bug type noble family's due to their famously aggressive behaviour…..no what's shocking is those scyther are elite ranked...

Do even his servants have elite ranked Pokémon? No they must be his elite soldiers trying to make some money on a day off…. Yes that has to be it….. he must be quiet the scoundrel to pay his elite soldiers so little….

As the carriage passes them by, they turn to give a wave, even the scythers do the same... scyther is not a Pokémon that waves at people... unless it's waving it's bladed arms at their throats... but they seem oddly friendly….

As the carriage pulls up to the front of his manor, again I'll admit it's rather breathtaking, I thought sandstone would look rather drab as a colour for a manor, but the brickwork ties in perfectly with the surroundings... I'll have to find the person responsible for designing this place, they clearly have talent in architecture.

As my attendant Anna knocks on the front door to inform them of our arrival, the door opens almost instantly with what appears to be that commoners personal butler. But I freeze a second later as I notice the Persian to his side eyeing me with what looks like amusement.

That Persian is king ranked.... why does a butler have a king ranked Persian...and it's bigger than I remember Persian being…. Calm down Cynthia…. Maybe this common- no maybe young lord storms father lent it to him. He is a renown normal type trainer…. Yes that has to be it…. I'll have to warn Anna not to mouth off to the commo- young lord storm with that Persian being around….. I don't think our Pokémon combined would be a match for it.

This must be some sort of power play to throw me off my game…. That has to be it….. very cunning

Logan " good afternoon lady Blaine, my lord has been anticipating your arrival, he's waiting on the lounge room for you"

Ok…. Calm down…. The Persian doesn't seem to be annoyed at our presence, so that's a bonus, I hope it won't be present during our meeting, I don't think I could keep my calm.

Cynthia " very well servant, lead me to him…"

I said that out of reflex…. The Persian didn't like that to much as it's glaring at me, and I'm starting to panic a little as I thumb my magmars ball in my dress….

But nothing comes of it and the butler seems unaffected, I'm not normally so rude to the help, ok I have to warn Anna to relax a little and not fan the flames of young lord storm tries anything so I say to her in a whisper

Cynthia " what ever happens in there don't make it worse by speaking I'll or just generally insulting the young lord we are about to meet ok?"

She looks a little shocked but nods anyway

And as we are led through the manor I can't help but gaze in awe at how well this place is built and how nicely everything fits in together to make it seem like everything is perfect where it is, very tasteful, I really need to contact his decorator…. Our manor looks awfully drab compared to this place…. That just won't do..

And we finally arrive at what the butler called the "lounge room" and again I notice it's very tasteful.

The butler announces our presence and young lord storm stands up and approaches me with a friendly smile

Gideon " welcome Cynthia!, it's a pleasure to officially meet you, please have a seat"

Hmm just like the rest, trying to woo me with pretty words, well I'm not so easy you'll find…

Cynthia " indeed it would be for you commoner….. one must always look up to their betters"

No no no!!! Why did I say that!!, stupid brain making me say stupid things!! Hopefully we can get passed this with minimal recompense…

Gideon " well I wouldn't say that miss Blaine, in no way are you my better, my only reason for wanting to meet you was because you're drop dead gorgeous and I wanted to see if I can get a piece of that"

He said with a friendly smile…hoooo, he didn't take it to badly thank the heavens, I need to start playing this smart if I'm to get any sort of useful information out of him.

And just as I was about to apologise for my earlier remark a door to the side opened and that's when I saw it..... my whole body froze and i started to sweat uncontrollably.

A houndoom…..the biggest one I've ever seen, at least twice the size of my fathers, our family mainly raising fire type Pokémon we had a few of the houndoom line around and they were all the same... hateful creatures that resentfully took orders from their masters but would turn on them if they found them unworthy…

But it being a houndoom wasn't what caused me such horror…..no it was the fact it was champion ranked.... arceus above protect us.

And that monster zeroed in on young lord storm and made his way over to him with emotionless eyes….. it was going to attack I've seen that look before and just as it arrived it.... Plopped down on the ground and put its head into young lord storms lap... like a common house pet…..

I couldn't even hear what young lord said next, I could only feel my brain going to explode….

I was brought out of my stupor but the sound of the doors opening again, to which his shuckle that defeated my brother came in….looking very tired, followed by a maid that was carrying a snorlax teddy bear….

Shuckle and the maid made their way to young lord storms side quickly, the made took out a pillow for the shuckle to sleep on and left promptly after….

As all this is happening to fast I start to get my bearings back even with that monster somehow sleeping peacefully in young lord storms lap... no one would believe this even if I told them back home…

Again as I was about to apologise with a bit more urgency this time due to that monster i his lap, those cursed doors opened again…..but this time it was his butler and a maid carrying two large bowls of…..something...what ever it was it smelled heavenly, like nothing I've ever smelt before…

He starts eating those little….things what ever they are, all I know is I must have them…. My body is fighting me to just reach over and take a handful, it's taking most of my will power to stop myself, as my internal battle struggles on he starts to speak

Gideon " sorry about the interruption miss Blaine, I was rather hungry and had placed my order before you arrived so sorry about that….. where were we?"

We were at the part where I was going to apologise for my stupid remark at the start of the conversation…. Is what I wanted to say but what came out was different.

Cynthia " we were ahh..about to discuss the uhmm…. bet you made with my little brother about the uhhh….details of you "spending time" with me..."

I can't focus, I need what ever is in those bowls….. my eyes are drawn to them….

And as we were about to start speaking again a bowl of red...goo? Floats out of what I'm now aware is the kitchen….. and I stop thinking about the food for a second…. That was psychic…. And a Pokémon with enough precision and focus to levitate something so small without looking at or even being in the same room is more than impressive….. any noble worth their salt would pay a stray trainer his weight in gold if they would work for them if they had a Pokémon like that…

Is that trainer working in the kitchen? There's no way right? They would be classed as more of a strategic resource, there's no way they would work in the kitchen, psychic Pokémon are far to rare….. even noble family's that specialise in psychic types would struggle to have many Pokémon of that class….

I'm brought out of my all to common stupor since I've walked into this manor by young lord storm starting the conversation again

Gideon " so my plan was to get you over here, and basically get you to agree to be my fuck buddy, but not for free mind you. I heard you had a Magmar as your strongest Pokémon, I'll evolve it for you, all you need to do is be my fuck buddy for two years.... I'll even evolve it first on good faith."

Oh my how forward….I'm not sure what a fuck buddy is but I can guess, seems he doesn't like to use flowery words which is a relief honestly, two years of a physical relations with young lord storm to evolve my magmar... he's quiet young…..but it doesn't hurt that he's quiet handsome as well, and judging by his current height I can see him being the biggest man I've ever met in 2 years… and to evolve my magmar before we even start is a show of trust I didn't think he would show…

I should check to see if a "fuck buddy" is what I think it is before I agree to anything.

Cynthia " oh? And pray tell what being your "fuck buddy" as you call it might include, and my responsibilities in the relationship"

Gideon " well it's more or less what it sounds like, we'll be sex friends, you drop any side action you have going on at the moment and dedicate 2 years to my dick and you get your magmortar, and I doubt your family would complain, just tell them that you have me wrapped around your finger and you're just biding your time to get me to spill my secrets….. and with an evolved magmar I'm sure they would even support you"

Doesn't sound like a bad deal to me….. and it's true, if I came back with my magmar evolved into this "magmortar" and tell them I'm worming my way in they might just support me on it…. I must admit I feel like I'm coming out this deal ahead…. I know I'm quiet attractive but would he really evolve my magmar into a Pokémon that no one else has heard of just for a taste of me? No marriage?

Cynthia " very well you have a deal, two years being your "fuck buddy" as you call it and you evolve my magmar…..when would we be able to start the evolution process?"

Gideon " cool beans, nice to have you aboard. We will have to go to little town to actually evolve it, we can do that tomorrow, so pop around tomorrow morning and we can get this thing done"

So we would have to do it in his territory? Must be quite the specialised process to make it happen, I feel like I've made quiet the profit from this deal….hehehe

Gideon " I'm assuming you won't be staying the night? You would want the goods first I guess…."

No I'll play your game little lord….

Cynthia" no, I will be staying the night since you have made this deal on good faith so shall I, I'll need a bath to prepare myself first though"

He probably thinks he can just have his way with me an expect me to fall like the rest of those maidens at the noble academy….huhu… I'll show you experience trumps all my little lord, maybe I will still be able to rap you around my little finger.

And as I'm thinking of my futures victories

Gideon " how rude of me….. I have been snacking all this while and haven't offered you any, well Cynthia since we are now lovers, would you like some of my popcorn chicken?"

Oh lord that heavenly food…..how did I forget….. I must have it, but I can't let him know how much I want it or he could use it against me

Cynthia " I think I would, thank you "

And I take a piece of what ever this was and as I take my first bite….. years of impulse control do nothing to stop my body from betraying me….


Ugggh my dignity….. but that doesn't matter right now….this popcorn chicken as he calls it... there has never been a food so perfect….. it has been blessed by arceus himself, I have eaten at the royal palace before, and it's not even close….. there couldn't possibly be better tasting food than this…..

Over the next 5 hours I was proven wrong as my "dignity" took several more hits, Anna's as well when she tasted the food cooked in this place.

I honestly had a good time just hanging out with young lord storm….well Gideon as he insists I call him, it was pleasant with no overhanging conversations or anything, we even both laughed at how much brother took it after losing to a shuckle, not well might I add.

And as night descend upon the world, I knew it was time to start up out deal, still thinking I could get him under my thumb with my body I took a "shower" as he called it and I must say it was quiet pleasant.

And when I finally made it to his room…. He was already naked with his right leg on the bed and his right arm on his knee looking at me suggestively...and that's when I notice his...tool..... would that even fit inside a human being? It's twice the size as any I've seen before….well I guess it's time to put my plan into action..

-next morning-

My plan failed miserably….. I thought him a young and inexperienced flaffy and me the stalking mightyena….. but it turns out our roles were reversed….

He almost killed me with orgasms…..

By the time I woke up Gideon was already out of bed, showered and started his day…. Me? I required Anna to help me to the bath due to my legs not responding to my commands….

I almost called Anna in last night for reinforcements after 3 hours, but he told me since it was my first night he would take it easy and let me rest...this does not bode well for me….

But eventually I got some form of control back into my legs and made my way downstairs after a bath to another heavenly meal cooked by the chefs that are blessed by arceus.

And I assumed we would be starting our journey to the storm lands today… it normally takes about 2 weeks according my to what I know, but instead we just waited in the back yard for some reason, and when I asked Gideon just said we were waiting for our ride…. Are we flying?

And suddenly a hulking pile of silver blotted out the sun as it teleported in and Anna screamed and fainted, it took all my will power to only perform the first…..

It was a metagross….. a colour variant metagross...and it was champion ranked…..I hold myself in high regard for not fainting on the spot…

And Gideon picked Anna up and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes…..does this man have no sense decency? That's not how you treat a lady!

But all those thoughts were put on hold as the scenery changes around us….and we are staring at a beautiful little town...it's truely picturesque…. And I do t notice any of the normal stenches you would get from a small town like this…. Only flowers with hints of freshly baked bread.

As me make our way into the town I start to see some anomalies…..and it's peoples Pokémon... the weakest I've seen since I've gotten here is advanced….And the majority are elite rank….even the bakers mr.mime is elite rank….. what is this place!?

And don't even get me started on all the muuna floating around…..psychic Pokémon are meant to be extremely rare and I've seen a dozen of them since I walked in…look there's a couple of people putting up a latter to get a sleeping muuna off the roof before it could hurt itself…..what is going on…..

As I look around in….. I don't even know what I'm feeling….. I notice we are coming up to a big manor….looking almost the same as the one in the capital next to a lake where I notice people feeding...ARE THOSE LAPRAS!?, second only to dragons in rarity…..

As Gideon noticed my eyes nearly fall out of my skull as I see some lapras he pulls me over to them to pet them…..I've always wanted to see a lapras up close...

So we spend the next 10 minutes petting lapras, even some baby ones come up to say hello, and I must admit I'm having a lot of fun.

That was until what sounded like a waterfall gushing behind me and the sun seemed to disappear…. All I can feel is dread as I slowly turn around and see a....

*passes out*

Chapitre suivant