
Ch 9. Marge’s First Day of Work and A Memorable Sight

"And in conclusion, I only spent around five thousand on the photo equipment, props, and setup crew," Leo said, laughing and scratching his head nonchalantly.


Leo pulled the phone away from his ear as the voice on the other side continued yelling, cursing him out in every way possible. He decided it was best to let Wade, his company's financial officer, blow off steam. It would do them both good. After a while, he brought the phone back to his ear.


"Hey, hey, relax, Wade," Leo cut him off. "Can't you trust me a little more? Wasn't it me who had the vision and took the risk that built this business in the first place? You've gotta have more faith in my ideas."

There was a moment of silence on the other end before Wade gave a resigned sigh. "Fine, I guess you're right about that. But what really makes you think this woman you mentioned will make it? I'm not an expert on modeling, but it's not exactly easy."

Leo smirked, his voice confident. "I know it sounds crazy, but Marge has something special." A quick flash of her two large cannons appeared in his mind. "She's got that natural beauty people love, a housewife aesthetic—and more importantly, she's got potential."

Wade's skepticism was clear. "Don't play with me, Leo. You'd say that about almost any woman you meet."

Leo chuckled, raising his hand in mock surrender.

"Come on, man, it's not like that. This one's different. Besides, it's too late to stop me now. The equipment's bought, and the setup crew is already here."

As he looked around his garage he was standing in, Leo called out to one of the workers.

"Hey, be careful with that light!"

The once empty garage was now turning into a full-blown professional studio. Leo had decided it was the perfect spot, conveniently located super close to his sleeping space and large enough that it was ideal for hosting Marge's shoots.

Wade sighed heavily on the other end.

"Well, I guess there's no turning back now. But this better work, Leo. You're putting a lot of money on the line for some woman."

Leo rolled his eyes. "It's not going to remain one woman," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "You worry too much. It's going to work. This is just the beginning. I think it can grow into something even bigger and better than it is now."

Leo stood in the center of his transformed garage. Soft rugs now covered the floor, and lighting equipment surrounded the room. A variety of backdrops hung neatly on one side, ranging from classic white to more artistic setups. In one corner, a clothing rack stood, filled with outfits—nothing too daring, not yet at least, just casual looks to help ease Marge into the world of modeling.

He stepped back, admiring his work… well technically, the workers' work. But either way, everything was perfect and it looked good. Now all he needed was his model.

As he finished adjusting the lights, his phone buzzed. It was the timer he had set, and it meant Marge would soon be arriving.

Leo grinned. He could almost picture her standing at the door, a little unsure but determined to try something new for herself. She'd agreed to this, but he knew Marge—she'd still be carrying some nerves. Today's session would be all about breaking down those walls, one step at a time. He would get her to step into this unfamiliar territory and slowly lead her down a path he envisioned.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. Leo hurried to the front door, swinging it open to find Marge standing there, just as he imagined—nervous but with a smile on her face.

She wore the same green dress that she had worn when he first met her. He couldn't help but wonder if she didn't have many outfits, but he couldn't bring himself to mind too much. Again, he couldn't tear his eyes away from her form, the tight fabric hugging her curves, emphasizing her ample cleavage and slender legs. He was never tired of admiring her, the way the dress clung to the outline of her body was such a perfect sight.

"Hi, Leo," she greeted him. "Or... since technically you're my boss now, should I be calling you something different? I'm not really familiar with situations like this."

Leo chuckled, shaking his head. "No need for formalities, Marge. Just call me Leo still. I want you to see me the exact same as how you did when you ate with me."

Marge smiled, looking a little more at ease. "Alright then, Leo."

"Come on in. Are you ready for your big debut?"

Marge gave a soft chuckle, shaking her head slightly. "I don't know about 'debut,' but I'm ready to at least give it a try."

"That's the spirit," Leo said, leading her toward the garage. "Just have fun with it. No pressure."

"I'll try," she said, her voice uncertain but determined. "I'm glad you're the photographer, though. I think that'll help me feel more comfortable."

Her words made Leo smile.

When Marge entered the garage, her eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, was it always like this? I didn't expect it to look so... professional."

Leo shrugged casually. "Well, it's a bit of a long story, but it wasn't always like this. I had a little help from a setup crew, but yeah, it turned out well. I wanted to make sure you had the best experience. And it also helps that my company completely supported the idea so funds were not that much of a problem."

An invisible Wade appeared above his head and cursed him out. Man, did it look like he would stab Leo.

Marge nodded thinking his words made complete sense. She glanced around the room before her gaze settled on the clothing rack.

"So, what do I do first? I know I said yes, but I really have no idea what to expect. I've never tried modeling before," she explained with a hint of anxiety.

Noticing where she looked, Leo walked over to the rack, gesturing toward the simple outfits.

"We'll start simple. No need to change yet. Let's just get you in front of the camera as you are, and we'll take a few shots. I want you to get a feel for things before we do anything else."

Marge nodded, visibly relieved. "Okay. That sounds good."

Leo guided her to a spot in front of a plain white backdrop.

"Stand here," he instructed her, and she listened.

As he picked up the camera, he could see the tension in her shoulders.

"Alright, Marge, don't think about it too much. Just relax. Pretend you're at home with your kids, doing something casual. You don't even need to pose—just be yourself."

Marge nodded, taking a deep breath as she tried to settle her nerves. She shifted slightly, crossing her arms before letting them fall naturally to her sides, her boobs bouncing as she dropped them.

"Like this?"

He grinned. "Yes, that's exactly like that. Hold still," Leo said, bringing the camera to his eye.

The shutter clicked, and Marge blinked in surprise at the sound.

"How'd I do?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and nervousness.

Leo glanced at the screen, a grin spreading across his face. "You're a natural. I wasn't lying when I said you'd be good at this."

Marge's cheeks flushed, and she gave a modest Marge-like laugh.

"I don't know about that... but thanks."

They continued with a few more shots, Leo keeping things light and easy. With every click, Marge seemed to relax a little more. Her smile grew more natural, her posture more confident. Leo made sure to compliment her often. 

"You're looking incredible!"

"Mmm, you're glowing!"

"So elegant!"

She smiled wider after each compliment, occasionally blushing at Leo's kind words. Compliments weren't something she received often, and it showed in the way she became more comfortable under the camera with each passing moment.

"Okay," Leo said after a while, lowering the camera. "I think you're ready for the next step. How about we try one of these outfits? Something still casual, but a little more in line with today's younger people's fashion."

Marge hesitated, glancing at the clothing rack with uncertainty. "I guess it couldn't hurt to try," she said, her nervousness creeping back.

Leo stepped forward with a reassuring smile. "No rush. If you're not ready, we can stick with what we've been doing. But honestly, I think you'll look amazing in any of these. It's just clothes—there's no pressure."

Marge smiled, appreciating his patience. "No, I'll try it. Just... give me a second."

"Take your time. Just grab that first outfit when you're ready," Leo said, gesturing toward the rack.

Marge picked up a simple outfit: an orange shirt with short, light blue jean shorts that had fashionable rips in them. The outfit was casual but youthful.

"Is this the one you meant?" she asked, holding it up for him to see.

Leo nodded approvingly. "That's the one. You'll look great in it."

Marge glanced toward the door that led back to the house.

"Should I go inside to change?"

"No need," Leo said, pointing to the far corner of the garage. "You see that corner box with the door? That's a changing room the crew installed earlier today. It saves time during shoots so you don't have to go back and forth."

Marge nodded, a bit relieved by the convenience. "Oh, that's handy. I'll use that, then."

She headed toward the changing booth, and Leo watched her go for a moment before turning his attention to the other side of the garage. He busied himself by preparing a few props that might work for the next set of shots, making sure everything was in place for when she emerged.

When she emerged from the changing area, Leo couldn't help but stare and marvel at the sight of her. The orange shirt clung to her curves tightly around her waist, its soft fabric looking like a second skin against her tanned flesh. Her blue denim shorts sat high on her slender hips, the tight waist accentuating her hourglass figure and the distressed edges giving her a youthful, playful vibe. The shorts were cut high, and showed off her legs, and Leo couldn't help but imagine them wrapped around his waist. Overall, the outfit was a blend of youthful energy and mature beauty.

"Wow, Marge," Leo said. "You look beautiful, really."

Marge blushed, patting down the front of her shorts.

"You really think so? It's been a while since I've worn anything like this. I must have been a teenager the last time I did."

"I'm telling you—you were made for this," Leo said, his voice smooth. "Let's take a few more shots."

Marge stepped back in front of the camera, this time with more confidence. As Leo clicked away, she began to move more naturally, experimenting with different poses. Nothing too dramatic—just subtle shifts in her stance, the way she placed her hands on her hips, or the way she tilted her head. Leo encouraged her every step of the way, guiding her gently but letting her find her own rhythm.

As the session continued, Marge's nerves melted away. She was smiling more, laughing even, as Leo cracked jokes and kept the mood light. It reminded her of the time she had with him at dinner. She was comfortable. The worries that had once filled her mind had begun to slip away.

"See?" Leo said after a while, lowering the camera again. "Told you you'd be great at this."

Marge laughed softly, shaking her head. "I still don't know if I believe you, but I have to admit... this was kind of fun."

Leo stepped closer, his eyes meeting hers. "You should believe it. You're amazing, Marge. I knew you would be."

"Thank you. I am a bit curious, though. Where do these photos even get used? Would anyone even want them?" she asked.

Leo smiled. "Well, right now, I'm building a portfolio for our new studio. But in the future? These photos could be in a lot of places—online ads, catalogs, restaurant ads. And trust me, people will definitely want them." 

Marge's smile softened, a hint of warmth in her eyes. "Thank you, Leo. For everything."

"It's my pleasure," Leo replied, his voice sincere. "It's like how we talked about last time. You deserve to do something for yourself. I'm just glad I could help you see that."

They stood there for a moment, the space between them comfortable and warm. If it was another woman, Leo might have taken the opportunity to push it further. But Leo didn't—it was early and one small misstep could end things with the married woman. Instead, he stepped back, flashing her a charming smile.

"Let's call it a wrap for today. You did an incredible thing, Marge."

Marge let out a small sigh. "Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks for being patient with me, Leo."

Leo nodded. "Of course. Whenever you're free for the next shoot, just let me know. No rush."

"Okay," Marge agreed. "I'll let you know what day works best."

"Please do," Leo said warmly.

Marge began gathering her things. "I'm going to get dressed now."

"Take your time," Leo replied, watching her head toward the changing room.

As Marge stepped inside, Leo took the opportunity to start cleaning up. He turned off the lighting and began rearranging some props. While moving a piece of equipment near the changing room corner, something caught his eye—a small gap between the panel and the wall corner that had a prop dresser connected to it.

"That's weird," he murmured.

He bent down, inspecting it more closely. The workers must have been in a hurry because they hadn't screwed in one of the panels tightly, leaving a tiny crack between the wall paneling and the prop booth that was attached to it. From his position, Leo realized that the angle of the crack allowed a partial view inside the changing room.

His eyes flicked toward the crack, seeing Marge inside. She had taken off the orange shirt already, but still had on a white bra. From his angle, she was partially turned sideways so he saw her from a side angle. Her body was absolutely perfect. It was curvy, but not in a fat way. She was still skinny enough that her ribs were visible, but her tummy was soft yet still close to flat. Her firm round breasts were so large her white bra was straining against her skin with the cups completely filled up. His gaze moved lower. She was taking off her shorts and had them at her ankles. She was wearing a matching white thong. It was stretched over her wide hips, and her ass cheeks hung over the edges of the material. Beneath that, her thick thighs and long legs with flawless skin shone perfectly. It was all so unexpected. Leo made sure to take in every detail as the goddess slowly put back on her original clothes.

When she had finished and started to prepare to leave, he hurriedly moved away from his spot. He didn't want her to catch him near the crack. 

Marge, who was unaware of what he had seen, came out and called out to him.

"All done, Leo!"

Leo cleared his throat, still thinking about what he saw. "Welcome back."

"Oh, Leo!" she cheerfully smiled. "I was so nervous I forgot to bring this up, but luckily I remembered while I was getting changed. The community is having a meeting soon, and I wanted to ask if you wanted to go. It would be a great place to get to know the neighborhood better and meet some more of the people who live here."

Leo raised an eyebrow. "A community meeting? Sounds like it could be interesting."

"It's a great way to get to know everyone. I think you'd enjoy it, Marge said with a smile.

Leo nodded. "Alright, I'll go."

"Great! I'll send you all the information."

They wrapped up their business and as he walked her to the door, Leo felt a sense of satisfaction. The first shoot had gone perfectly, and Marge was warming up to the idea of modeling. And as she left his house, he knew it was only a matter of time before she'd be fully on board with whatever came next. The sight he saw through that crack would soon become nothing to what the future would provide.

Today was just the beginning


[A/N]: 19c0assnl123c&a129sacbkaw%

[A/N] (2): Should I make Marge talk more about her kids and Homer more or is fine as is? I guess soon, Leo will meet them for himself anyway. 

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