
Chapter 13: Momo Yaoyorozu.

Momo POV:

My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, fourteen years old and home-schooled ever since, forever. From the day I can manage to remember I had always been stuck with Yuki, my younger twin brother by a whole minute. We learned together, played together, and even sneaked out of the mansion to play in the forest, well…. That was kinda him dragging me along with him because he wanted a change in scenery.

Even though we were always regarded as geniuses, I have always known that Yuki was of a different breed. Just the word 'genius' was not enough to describe his talents, no matter what he was taught, he would remember it perfectly.

The teachers had described it as 'eidetic memory' but I knew it was something more and after relentless persuasion, I made him teach me the trick behind it and it was really cool and super hard as well. He called it 'occulomency' and said that he learned it after being inspired by the old detective novels of 'Sherlock Holmes'.

Well, that gave the teachers a really hard time teaching him. Whatever they managed to accomplish in decades if not more of their hard work, he would do it better in just days. This had two outcomes, one was him getting estranged from me and mummy as daddy started bringing him along to work and the second was him boxing himself up in his room and making God knows how many plans and sketches of only he knows what and whatnot.

On our eighth birthday, daddy asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. I have not known any better than an eight-year-old who wanted to be a hero, while Yuki just smiled at my answer and said that I might need to change career plans in the next ten years.

None of us knew back then that he would really strike heroism off the chart of professions and now I have to rethink what I want to do in the coming days of my life. Well, back to the topic, Yuki, he wanted to be a businessman and asked for three companies.

From basically nothing, he built up his very own business empire. Slowly, but surely over six years, he was changing the world itself. He became one of the richest men across the globe and the richest youngster, a self-made billionaire, they call him.

They envy his fame and fortune, they simply slap all his credit on our Yaoyorozu name. None of them know how many sleepless nights he spent to make the ends meet, the countless number of plans he made before he took a single step. How many days did I have to force him to eat because he was drowned under a pile of papers that stacked his desk.

They know nothing of the hardships he bore, the pain he suffered and how he held on, he never gave up, no matter how bad it was, no matter how many times people tried to sabotage him, even after the many times he survived assassinations just because of his luck, he never gave up.

Even after countless times, we tried to make him give up so that he can be safe so that we can be together so that we don't… don't lose him. *sobs*

He smiled, *tears falling* he smiled as he looked at me and said, "I'm fine, I will always be fine until I am done with what I want to achieve."

It was the only time he refused to listen to us, saying that he will change the world and he will do it within a decade. His beautiful eyes shone with determination as he said that he will never give up.

Despite managing so much by himself, he always made sure that he spent time with us. No matter what, there would not be a single Sunday that he did not come home to spend time with us. Like that, Sunday became my favorite day of the week, we would spend time chatting, playing games, and sometimes he would offer me advice on my quirk.

Oh, and speaking of quirks, he was an angel, no, not just like a person, he is an angel, as a person, kind and gentle, even though I was the big sister I quite enjoyed having my head patted by him, it was a beautiful experience. Oh, quirk, right he has a quirk quite contrary to popular belief because he never used it in public and all of his personal-data is protected.

His quirk is called 'Gabriel', maned it myself because he had an angel quirk. The full package of it, with the wings and halo, the light manipulation and healing.

He would always make small butterflies and animals like cats and rabbits to play with us when we were small. Even though he could fly using his wings, he was banned from doing so after we were discovered by daddy when he was flying around with me in his arms.

He later found that he could also use telekinesis and yes, it was then when he finally turned lazy, or in his own words, 'efficient'.

He would float around rather than walk, make the pens write on their own, and even arrange the papers. It really helped him with the workload and when I expected him to spend more time with us, he managed to start two new projects, he called them KINGDOM and THE GUARD.

It was then that the world started changing faster, so fast that it was apparent to the naked eye. The Guard or the security company he started by hiring and training people to make his own personal army. The crime rates dropped and nobody dares to even try to make any untoward actions against us.

The heroes slowly became jobless because, with the protection from his company, the crimes really stopped. THE GUARD became a symbol to the people and the villains, their presence alone made sure that no one would try any of their 'funny business' and even if they did they would be stopped, and by any chance, they managed to succeed, they would be hunted down, no matter where they ran.

Recently, he bought the I-ISLAND and was presented with an honorary membership in the diet meetings because of his standing and his works of philanthropism. I was eagerly waiting for him to come up for the deliberation before the TV in the drawing-room with mum.

He looked really handsome when he stepped up to present his words, and then BAAAAM! He was all over the internet, people started calling him the symbol of change, and we finally knew, what he had really wanted, what his dream was. I looked at mum to see her wiping her tears, smiling as she said, "the boy finally did it, he is one step closer to his dream, just like he would say it himself, right Momo?"

"Yes, Yuki is really going to change the world, towards a better future." I chirped.

"I am really going to imprison him if I have to, tomorrow when he comes home, I am definitely locking him inside my room until he agrees with my demands. You have to be on my side on this mum, it's been too long since we had a family outing." I said with no intentions of backing off, while mum just smiled and nodded, being much agreeable with my plan.

And then he finally went ahead and did it.

He managed to break the biased opinions of people living on-screen, the press conference was raging through the internet while countless likes, shares, and comments were made every passing second. Then came another explosion, the Prime Minister came with another big announcement, the hero courses would now train cadets who would join the Special Forces.

Well, Special Forces were the new name for the heroes these days. The Special forces brought together all heroes under one banner of unity, uniformity, and discipline. I really need to change my career plans for now, well Special Forces and The Guard are the best options right now, and what's better?

My brother was the person who owned THE GUARD, am I acting like those characters from wuxia novels? It's really hard to reign it down when your brother practically owns more than 30% of the nation.

Control Momo, you can't be like those pompous young mistresses who gets bitch-slapped in the first arc.

Just because people were going about it was too easy since I did not make it apparent...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Bast me some POWERSTONES !!!!

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