
Encounter with A Silver-Haired Maiden


Hearing a sensual moan I opened my eyes.

Only to see Angelica riding my 12 inch dick with a blissful expression on her face.

I looked at her with a neutral expression and just let her continue.

She does this all the time after all.

Ever since we started having sex a year ago.

We do it practically every day at least three times a day. The same with Roygun. If we were normal fifteen year old's this would be impossible, but since we're devils its the norm.

Oh yeah, two years have passed and I an now fifteen years old.

In that time I've done many things.

First of all I've become friends with all of the future Maou.

Right after attending my first gathering I took up Ajuka on his offer and I went to the Astaroth territory to spar with him.

In doing so I discovered that my [Worthless] could ineed negate his Kankara Formula, but only if I struck first. If Ajuka had enough time to set up his Formula, then my power was the one that got manipulate.

Between the two of us it's basically first come first serve in battle. When I saw this I decided to go at Ajuka with hand-to-hand combat and my archery skills using Conquest, which has given me the edge in our spars.

At the moment I am in the lead being five wins ahead of him. But that's not really saying much since most of our spars end in a draw.

However that's not the case with Sirzechs. I beat him regularly, and in the lead in our sparring matches. Even so that guy improves with every fight.

It's something I admire about him.

Anyway, the three of us are now very good friends. I regularly go to their clans' territory to hang out with them, and they are vice versa with me. People have actually started calling us the Golden Trio.

I just hope a manipulative old man with a long-white beard doesn't show up.

If he does I will kill him without hesitation.

Anyway, as to how I met Serafall and Falbium it was during last years Young devils gathering. Everyone was making a fuss about this ice-wielding loli and this lazy baldie who couldn't be hurt no matter what attack was used against him.

I knew who they were talking about instantly.

So I brought Sirzechs, Ajuka, and the others along to chat them up and all of us became friends.

Serafall and Falbium are exactly like they are during canon. She is bubbly and energetic, and he is so lazy he could even give Dino from Tensei Slime a run for his money. However they are both good people.

And if you are wondering who the others I mentioned are it's my lovely fiancée Roygun, Ruval, and finally Camio and Elysa. The latter three of which I have become good friends with over these last couple of years.

I even found out why Camio was sitting alone in the corner the first time we met. Apparently the children of the main branch of the Beleth family regularly bullied him.

Hearing that I got extremely angry. Like angry enough to kill.

But thankfully because of my training I was able to reign in that anger. Once I did I realized that my sin of Wrath was starting to become more prominent. Which told me I had to take care. Devils with the sin of Wrath are known to throw tantrums and go off the rails because of the slightest thing.

It could be someone pumping into their shoulders, or making a joke against their person. Bottom line is, shit hits the fan when a devil with the sin of wrath gets pissed off.

That's why I started doing breathing exercises and gave myself a happy so as not to rip a motherfuckers head off their shoulders every time they made a jab at me.

It's been working like a charm.

Other than that the crop production in the Belial territory is going smoothly. The crops the Dryads decided to plant and raise were carrots, radishes, potatoes, and finally corn. All crops that do well in mountainous regions like the Belial territory.

Last years harvest produced quite the pretty penny. So much so that multiple pillar houses wanted to sign contracts with us and make deals to get in on the action.

Seeing this my parents and I all put evil smirks on our faces.

Since we were now the ones with the power. And it felt good.

We looked through the deals the other clans sent, but in the end we only made a contact with our neighbors the Phenex clan.

At least for now.

Ruval and I are also sparring partners. He is one of the strongest of our generation and by training with me he has only gotten stronger. The guy has also become my best male friend.

He shared something with me that only a few people know.

That and Caren are sleeping together. Also he is a masochist.

I took it in stride. It was his thing and I didn't judge him for it.

But the moment I heard that Ruval had been sleeping with Caren since he turned thirteen I got a bit depressed.

Here I was with two beauties on my arm and I hadn't done anything to them yet. Meanwhile my best friend had already climbed the stairs to adulthood with a beauty that satisfied his needs.

I felt a bit pathetic. I also got super jealous of him.

That's why I changed my mind about waiting until I was sixteen to have sex again.

The following year after my first young devils gathering the night of the party I did it with Angelica and Roygun at the same time.

It was heavenly.

And since then we have been doing it non-stop.

Which made me realize I had the lust sin as well.

Moving on, there is much more to say. Execpt the fact that my family has started the construction of our own castle and that Camio and Ajuka are helping me build and design various products that I want to release.

The moment Ajuka saw my lab I'm pretty sure he creamed his pants. The same with Camio. He is incredibly book smart and has outside of the box ideas.

He also told me that he and Elysa started doing at soon after they were engaged.

It's just like my mother used to say, watch our for the quiet ones.

Angelica continued to move up and down on my cock, her cheeks turning rosy and her lust built up more and more.

Seeing this I used my hands to smack her ass cheeks.

"Kyah!" Angelica screamed, making an ahegao face. She then came.

Which in turn made me cum as well.

Afterwards Angelica fell on my chest, her boobs pressing into me.

She's gotten taller by the way. She's now 184 centimeters (6 feet) tall. And with that cold-expression she usually always wears on her face, a lot of people want her to step on them or dominate them.

Too bad they have no idea that their fantasy dom is actually a perverted masochist who likes it when I am rough with her.

Roygun has also gotten taller. She is now 172 centimeters (5 feet 6 inches) tall.

Putting my hand under Angelica's chin I lifted her face up and looked her in the eyes. "Good morning." I said to her. "So, what was with your aggressive wake-up call, not that I minded? Didn't we already do it for hours with Roygun last night?"

"Yes, but I wanted you to myself for just a short time." Angelica admitted.

"Yes, yes, I got it." I said, running my fingers through her long flowing golden hair. Her hair is so long it reached her knees. "So, want to go again?"

Angelica nodded.

So with that we started doing it once more.

And before we even realized it the entire morning had passed.

Not that either of us had any complaints though.


A drink in my hand I leaned against the wall, and watched as the usual mingling and fake compliments took place amongst the crowd.

I am Lucifaad for my third young devils gathering.

But honestly this years' gathering is boring.

None of the young devils that made their debut this year were interesting in the slightest. All of them wore fake smiles and didn't dare to show their true faces. They all also sucked up to the Maou children without any hesitation.

Also a lot of them were looking at me with envious eyes.

But I brushed them off.

Even so its incredibly annoying.

Finishing off my glass of wine I went to place it on a tray.

I then went to find Ruval, and caught him near a food table, Angelica with him making small talk. I walked up to the two of them and then whispered. "Let's get out of here."

"Sure." Angelica said.

"No problem." Ruval added.

Once I heard that I smiled.

The two of them then put down their plates and slowly but surely we slipped out of the amphitheater.

After we did we got passed the guards and started to explore Lucifer castle. However since it was the night of the gathering it was pretty deserted.

Even so it was interesting looking at the designs of the place.

The castle is designed like those of the middle-ages back on Earth. As I walked the halls with Ruval and Angelica by my side I made a note of this.

The three of us continued to wander for some time, until eventually we found ourselves in a garden.

However the moment we did I sensed a gaze on us. Along with some intense power belonging to the one behind it.

I turned in the gazes direction, as did the others.

A moment after we did we heard footsteps and the owner of the gazes revealed themselves.

It is a woman in her 20's. And one I could never forget even if I tried.

Long silver hair.

Deep red eyes the color of rubies.

A glorious body, with a well endowed chest.

An ice-cold and stoic expression on her face.

Yes, the woman standing in front of us is none other than Grayfia Lucifuge herself. Also known as the Silver-Haired Queen of Annihilation during canon. But at the moment she is just the Silver-Haired Maiden of Annihilation. That is her nickname.

And it will stay the same since I am going to make her mine.

I was acutally wondering how I would meet her before Sirzechs. She wasn't at any of the young devils gatherings I previously attended. In fact, none of the Lucifuge clan was.

I can only assume they decided to opt out since their current leader Rizevim decided not to show his face.

After all, Lucifuge is the closest house to the Lucifer clan after all. One does nothing without the other most of the time.

So it's really a surprise to her here.

But not an unwelcome one.

Grafiya stepped closer to us. As for her attire she is not wearing her maid uniform but rather regal-clothing. Also her hair is free-flowing and she isn't wearing lipstick.

I actually prefer her appearance this way than the one she has in the future.

"Who are you?" Grayfia asked us.

I stepped forward. "Greeting to you, my name is Asterius Belial. My companions are the heir to the Phenex clan Ruval Phenex and my personal attendant Angelica Ainsworth." I explained. "And if you don't mind me asking, who might you be madam?"

"I am Grayfia Lucifuge." She said.

"A pleasure to make your acquittance then lady Grayfia." I said, giving her a small smile.

But her facial expression did not change.

That's fine. I like a challenge.

"The same." Grayfia mused. "Now then, what are you three doing here?"

"We just went out for a stroll and ended up in this garden." I explained. "We are sorry if we had caused any trouble, and if you tell us to we will leave immediately."

"No need." Grayifa said. "You just startled me a bit is all. I sensed three unknown energy signatures so I came to investigate."

"As you should." I said. "This is the castle of your patron clan Lucifer after all."

"Yes." Grayfia said. "It is."

"So lady Grayfia, there is no problem if we stay here for a bit is there?" Ruval asked.

Grayfia shook her head. "Not at all." She said.

So with that the three of us sat down and enjoyed the gardens ambience. Grayfia doing the same thing.

She wasn't watching us, but she wasn't leaving either. She simply sat with her back to us and didn't say a word.

But it wasn't awkward.

Rather it is extremely peaceful.

We stayed like that for several minutes. Until finally I decided to go and chat up the new ice-queen I just met.

I moved to Grayfia's side and she looked at me. "Is this seat taken?"

"No." She said.

"Then do you mind if I join you?" I asked her.

"Not at all." Grayifa said.

"Thank you lady Grayfia." I told her. I then sat down next to her and looked out at the city in front of me. "It's really beautiful."

"Yes." Grayifa agreed. "Actually this view is why I come to this garden within the castle the most." She put a hand over her mouth, and turned away from me. "Forgive me, you probably do not wish to know about my hobbies sir Belial."

"It's fine." I said. "I don't judge people." I told her. "In fact I think that's a nice little hobby you have there. Everyone needs one."

"Thank you." Grayfia told me.

The two of us then sat in silence for a bit before I decided it was time to take my leave.

I stood up. "Well it's about time we take our leave. Thank you for sharing your view with me lady Grayfia." I told her.

"You are most welcome." Grayfia said to me. "Goodbye and have a pleasant night."

"I surely will." I said. Especially since I am going to have another three-some with Roygun and Angelica.

I walked away from Grayfia and rejoined the others.

And that night as I laid in bed with a naked Roygun and Angelica on either side of me with blissful smiles on their faces I thought about my very first encounter with that silver-haired beauty.

I think it went well.

But only time will tell.


(3rd Person: POV)

While Asterius was laying in his bed thinking about his encounter with Grayfia, he had no idea Grayfia was lying in her bed thinking about the same thing.

She had never met a devil like Asterius before. Most of the male devils she worked around were from the Maou family, and saw her as nothing more than a walking-talking hole for their pleasure.

However Grayfia was not so weak as to ever let one of them touch her. Her strength was the real-deal, and since she was a Lucifuge she was practically untouchable.

Grayfia doesn't hate men, however all the ones she had ever met were basically the same until tonight.

She found Asterius Belial different in some way, but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

That is why she wanted to see him again.

Asterius had no idea that he had already planted a small seed within Grafiya's heart.

One that would come into bloom beautifully over time.

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