

Eloise, Roxanne and Haswell sat down to eat. After the on-call staff had cleared away the first course, Roxanne struck up a conversation. "I'm curious to see what my little girl looks like. I had no idea who she would grow up to look like. Would it be Bernard or me?" She said to her mother.

"Right. You cannot possibly know, because when you left she was barely an infant." Eloise said.

"Mother? I apologised for that." Roxanne said.

"And that suddenly erases the fact that you did what you did?"

"I know I was selfish for leaving like that. Saying sorry is not enough." Roxanne's face dropped.

Eloise shrugged. "Anyway, I'm glad my granddaughter doesn't look like Bernard. That man is more despicable than words can describe."

"Come now, Mother. Bernard is such an angel. It'll be nice if Adelaide takes some of him."

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