
Will Go With You

"Your hold on the sword has improved. Your reflexes are better now. I must say, you are a fast learner." Hazel beamed with the complement. She was practicing hard even after leaving from here in her room, since she had to leave tomorrow.

She had still not decided if she should betray humans or not. Though her family has never been good to her, supporting vampires over humans!

Uhh!' Just when she came out of her thoughts, she saw him attacking straight to her arms and before she could move and defend, her sword fell off her hands.

"You are the one who distracted me by giving a compliment." Or else she was paying good attention. She mumbled as she bent to pick it up though she knew that she had lost already.

In the past week she had only won once and lost every other time. But this time he had cheated to defeat her.

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