
108. Back in time XXXiv: A bribe...

"Rosie, stop it. It's just your shoulders, and you're in a gown. A long grey flowing gown that touches the ground. So it's just your shoulders that is bare. Stop saying nonsense" He put a hand over his face. 

"are you sure? Can I trust you?" She teases him further. 

"of course you can trust me. I could take a picture of it and send it to you" 

"No need, I trust you." She declares, making him breathe a sigh of relief. "so now, my hair is falling on my shoulders, and I'm in a long flowing grey colored gown. What else? 

" Next, at the front of the gown, there's a slight opening. Not too much, just enough to let your shoes show." 

" and what type of shoe do I have on? 

"A pair of wine sandal heels."

"that sounds beautiful. What else?" 

" a little wine purse to go with the shoes, and on your wrist a wine and grey colored corsage."

"Oh, I see. There's a corsage. So let me guess, that's me on prom night?" She blushes. 

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