
42. How to punish my assistant...

On her way to work inside the taxi, she kept on looking out the window, looking for any sign of inspiration for her designs just as Jerry had told her to. But it didn't seem like any inspiration was coming from the road.

She got to the office on time, but definitely not before Ben. The man was just too devoted to his work. Today it wasn't only Ben who was super early though, a lot of other department 25 workers were up and running. DAZZLE was like a market place of fabrics and styles.

"The deadline for the submission of designs is drawing near, so everyone is going crazy" Ben said from behind her. Good morning Isla.

"Good morning Ben. But it's not until next week friday, and today's just Tuesday. Why are they all so hyper.?

You should've asked yourself that question too this early morning when you were sketching and sketching with an injured wrist.

" Well yes it's Friday, but from what I've heard he might sometimes change the date of the deadline.Ben explained, making Isla go back to being hyper.

" What? He does that? That means I don't have much time too, I have to think of something nice. I have to present something nice to him. What am I going to do, I don't even have an inspiration yet. She panicked

" Isla are you joining in the competition? Ben asked

" Yes, and I need to win it. She said determined.

In a few minutes , the whole department was filled, and everyone who could design were busy sketching or cutting fabric, and she just sat there lost. Without no inspiration. Even the three witches seemed to be working on something and yet she had nothing.

"Good morning Mr King" the words echoed round the department, and she immediately looked up expecting her boss, but it was the other handsome Mr King.

"Good morning people" he responded back to there greeting. The three witches were so busy that they didn't stand up from there seats to go greet him. That was their usual routine.

"Good morning sir" Isla and Ben greeted as he walked up to them.

"Good morning guys, is he in? He asked

" No sir, he hasn't come in this morning.

"that's weird his not at home. He muttered to himself. Okay thank you. He walks to his own office.

It wasn't until past ten that they got the alerts that the Demon King had arrived and that a lady from women's clothing just lost her job. Typical Damon.

Soon he waltzed into the department, not answering a single greeting from anyone, and with a way worse angry expression on his face, he silently walked into his office.

"is it just me or does the boss seem a little bit angrier today, like something or someone really pissed him off. Ben asked the question that was on everyone's mind. And Isla couldn't help but think she is the reason for his angry mood this early in the morning.

Now all she could do was wait and dreadfully anticipate her punishment, he'd promised her he'd make her both hands go into the tank the next time she sent him a text, and she defied his words and went ahead and sent him not just one but like almost ten texts messages. This was definitely the reason why he was angry she thought to herself.

Damon in his office was busy typing something on his laptop, seriously devoted to his work, you'd fall in love with this sight of a busy business man working so diligently, being so responsible.

This was until you find out what he was so diligent and busy with.

"How to punish a useless assistant" was what he was busy searching the whole web for.

"Ignore them., this one says ignore them, but I can't ignore her. Dee told me not to, so this one doesn't work for me. He read out to himself.

" Abuse and make fun of them in front of the other workers, this one sounds right. Come to think of it, I always scold her in my office, why do I always do that? He thought to himself. I mostly scold others in public. I'll have to mend that from now on, I'll make fun of her and insult her in public. Just like I did yesterday before that dimwitted fellow came along.

He scrolls down to the next one.

"Expose his or her mistakes to the public., I don't think this one will work. That witch doesn't make any mistakes at work. But what if I make her make mistakes, and then I can shame her in public. That will work, he said with a creepy grin on his face. He was so enjoying this.

"Call them in the middle of the night., nah this one's not for me. She's the one who keeps on pestering me with texts at midnight. I don't want to call her. This one is out of the question. Next.

" Set up meetings and don't show up, I've done this one already.

" if you give everyone a task, and everyone is submitting theirs, put your assistants own on hold. Always leave it for later or maybe never. This sounds nice and hurtful, what if I tell her I'm expecting her designs for the global group project, and when she's done I say I don't need to see it because I know it will be horrible, haha hahaha.. God I'm too good.. He did that evil laugh as he thought of this, he was really loving this.

"Give them a seat at the worst part of the office. Maybe a seat near the toilet will do just fine. He grinned, you would think he was going crazy.

" Make them work overtime, overnight even. I have made her work overtime before but she hasn't done overnight before, and that sounds pretty wicked and nice, and I like it.

She had the guts to have herself dragged out of my presence by her boyfriend, and she'll pay for that. Since she doesn't know how to separate work from personal life, I'll make her suffer for that. Next time even if a knight in golden armor comes to save her, she'll rather suffer in my hands than be saved just to suffer more.

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