
5. Make her pay...


"No., no more.. Damon said now gasping for breath..

" why what happened ., what's wrong.. MY God man are you alright.. Marcel turned Damon to face him.. His face had turned completely pale, thick balls of sweat rolling down his head., the veins in his head completely visible... He was having difficulty breathing..

Oh God, his phobia was acting up

Marcel searched through his bag frantically.. He knew he kept it somewhere.. He never removed it.. Where was it??.. He flips the bag inside-out., and searches through the pile of documents and files.. Then he found it..

"Here breathe into this.. He handed him a paper bag.. Slowly now take it easy.. It's alright. You're okay now.. He said patting his back..

The door to the office was slowly opening, Marcel ran towards the door before the person could come in..

" No more interviews today.. It's canceled.

" But sir..

"I SAID NO MORE INTERVIEWS... He yelled at the lady and slammed the door close.. Then ran back to Damon..he had calmed down a bit..

" stop looking at me like that.. I'm fine now.. Damon said trying to assure Marcel of his sound health..

"well a minute ago you were not.. I mean what even triggered it you were sitting down here the whole time, you didn't come in contact with any woman, all the people we interviewed were sitting way over there.. He points at the center of the office were the seat for the interviewee was set..

So what in the world triggered it.. It's been a long time since I last saw you like this..

"yeah, it's been a real long time, and even I don't carry around a paper bag anymore, but you still do..

" this kinda situation is exactly why I still do.. What if I didn't have one on me huh.. You would have been halfway to the hospital by now, and possibly halfway to hell cause there's no way you're making heaven if you die..

There was seriousness in his words, but Damon couldn't help but find it funny..

"I changed my mind., I don't really think I can live with you for the rest of my life., you'll definitely nag me to death.. He said laughing out loud..

" Now you can laugh right??.. Stop trying to change the topic and answer me honestly.. Why did your phobia suddenly kick in.. Was it something one of the interviewees said.?? Has this been happening a lot??

Thoughts ran through his head., he also wanted to know why.. Why she was here, after all these years why she had to appear in front of him now.. She didn't even get close to him but she still stirred up his phobia.. He knew he hated her, but he hadn't realized his hate and fear were still so strong for her till he saw her again.. She had him gasping for breath..

Come on man., if you have any clue as to why, you have to tell me so I'll make sure you avoid it as much as possible.. Marcel pressed on.. He was really concerned for his cousin..

But yet how could he not be., a few years back, when they were both still in college, a lady had gotten too close to him, and Marcel had watched how he struggled for breath.. It wasn't a sight he wished to see ever again.. He had since then never left his side, always sticking around Damon so he could be there anytime any day if he needed him..

"I'm not sure.. He lied he didn't want to talk about her, for it would only give him more headaches.. Maybe it just acted up because it's been a while since it happened.. He said with a shrug..

" you're not taking this thing seriously man., why will it just act up huh.. I'm calling Doctor Dee.. You should go see him and have him check you, run a few sessions with him.. He looked around for his phone..

" Marcel, don't worry, it's not going to happen again.. I assure you .. He was certain it won't, because he had no plans of giving her the job.. Let the old man be..

" how are you certain it won't huh.. How..??even you don't know how your body works...

"I promise you, it won't.. And if it does happen again, I'll personally give Dee a call..

Marcel looks at the no longer pale face.. It's color had returned..

" okay., alright.. But if it happens again, you're surely going to spend some boys nights with Dee..

" Agreed.. Damon draws a fist forward and Marcel bumps it with his own.. It was a deal, signed and sealed.

"so now what do we do with the interview.. We only interviewed emm.. Twenty-seven people.., what should we do about the rest..

" Non of them would fit my taste anyway, so let's just end it as it is.. I'll try and pick one stupid person out of the twenty-seven..

" okay then, the rest is in your hands.. He said packing all the stuff he had poured out on the table back into his bag..

And oh I know you will probably pick one of the male interviewees, but if you change your mind, and want to pick one of the females, then I think you should go for number twenty-seven.. She looked really promising.. Okay then, I gotta go now I've got things to do.. I'll see you later..

And with that he was out the door..

Number twenty-seven.. He muttered.. He took a deep breath, and opened her file.. Her eyes as blue as ever looked straight at him from her photo.. He could feel his blood boiling, his hate and anger taking over him.. With a strong force, he shut the laptop close.. "That witch.. He muttered..

He left work early that day, all he wanted to do now was sleep., sleep on his king-sized bed and forget everything.. And as soon as he got into his house, that was exactly what he did.. Headed straight for his bedroom., and crashed on it..

He slept for hours, but his sleep was haunted by her name.. It kept on replaying over and over again.. Till he woke up.. He looked at the time and it was past midnight.. He slept that long thankfully.. He had thought he wouldn't be able to sleep, but as it seems nothing can take away his sleep..

But why was she in all his dreams, why did her annoying name keep repeating itself in his head..

She looked perfectly fine.. He thought..

She was looking perfectly okay.. She could even smile.. After what she did to him she had the audacity to laugh , right in his face.. So he was the only one still suffering.. He suddenly had the urge to make her suffer.., make her feel pain., make her beg and cry in front of him.. Show her what shame and humiliation felt like.. He had this strong desire to tear that smile off her face by any means possible..

But then he thought.. What about his phobia.. He would be affected too...

"No.. He suddenly said out loud... He would enjoy watching her suffer more than he cared about his health..

He picked up his phone...

" Dude my house is literally next to yours.., you could just come and ring my doorbell instead.. Do you know how much I hate hearing my ringtone at night huh..

" But the phone is easier and faster.., and besides your doorbell doesn't work..

"my point exactly.. Since it doesn't work, I don't have to hear it ring like the annoying sound of this phone, and then my sleep won't be interrupted .. Enough talk why did you call me..

" you told me if I wanted to pick one of the females I should go for twenty-seven right.? Well I'm going for twenty-seven.. If Marcel wasn't half asleep, he would have heard the sinister tone in his voice...

" Dude the next time you call me for such things, I swear before your phobia kills you., I'll do the honors myself.. He says then hangs up..

" hello.. Hello.. Stupid Marcel.

He walks over to the table were his laptop rested.., sat down and logged onto his business email..

He was going to send her the letter of employment personally..

" you wanted someone to guide you and show you the ropes of the business right.. He reminisced on her words during the interview as he typed her appointment letter..

" well I'll be sure to guide you.. I'll guide you straight into hell.. The same hell that you put me in.. I'll be sure to show you the way there..

He finished typing., and then after going through it over again.. He hit the send button.. It was done..

He just employed the Demoness.. But now, he was no longer the gullible boy he was., thanks to her he had also learned how to be a Demon.. And he was going to show her all he had learned throughout the past eight years..

He was going to pour out his long years of frustration, hatred and rage upon her.. She would wish she never stepped foot in his territory..

Years ago he had wished the same.. Wished he had never talked to her.., wished he had never listened to his mother's advice and stepped into her territory..

But now, he was going to make her pay for her sins, make her beg for mercy.. He was going to be the judge over her fate..

For in this place, Damon was King..

Let's all keep up the good work., we're currently ranked seventh..

Let's try our bests to get to top five..

So keep pouring in your powerstones and keep recommending..

Thanks y'all

Queen _A is ever grateful..

_Queen_Acreators' thoughts
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