
Chapter 71

|3rd POV|

"ARGH! Dammit! Why they are doing something stupid?!"

Jon Arryn walks around in the Tower of Hand. Standing next to him are Maester Pycelle and Varys, who are delivering some bad news to him.

Bad and stupid news.

"Why did they decide to attack the Healer out of all people?! They are the people who heal them and they decide to attack them?!"

"They are a zealot, my lord," Varys says. "They did not think that these people are the reason why they are still alive today."

Pycelle nods his head, agreeing with Varys. When a Maester, the people who only believe in science and think magic is almost as rare as a dragon, disagree with you, you know that you are too zealot for them.

Especially after Pycelle sees the magic with his own eyes, he knows that he cannot ignore the possibility of magic still being alive any longer. So he already tells his fellow Maester in the Citadel to do research about magic.

And that decision is the right thing as now Citadel can move forward in their knowledge.

"And they will cause a war against the people that we depend on! If war breaks out, we not only need to watch for them to attack us! We also need to watch out for the people they healed! I know their tactics. They want to lure our people to see Viserys as their savior and support in case something like this happens! We will fight a two-front war! And one of those fronts is our own people!"

Jon already knows the reason why Viserys wants to help the Smallfolk in Westeros. He knows that Viserys wants to get the support of the smallfolk, who will stand with him if something like this happens. So he wanted to gather an ally from the inner place of Westeros, and it was working.

The only reason why the Faith Militant cannot get near the healer in Oldtown is that the smallfolk block their way and even give their lives for the goal of saving the healer who is saving their life and their family life.

"And now Lunaria will declare war against us if a single healer died in our land! What makes matters worse, Braavos and Pentos agree with them! We cannot go to war against three opponents at the same time!"

Viserys's effort in helping all the city-states in Essos granted him a friend who was willing to go to war for him. But unfortunately, Jon did not know that Braavos and Pentos were not the only ones willing to go to war for Lunaria.

Lorath is also willing to go to war for Lunaria if Viserys asks him for it.

Even with their low number, the people of Stormfist are also willing to take arms and go to war. This is not about the Seven Kingdoms fighting against Lunaria, but it is about the Seven Kingdoms against half of the City-States.

"Go and send a letter to Lord Tyrell saying that if a single healer died in his territory, I will take back his title as High Lord of Reach and give them to House Hightower."

"Of course, my lord."

"Gather a thousand men. I need them to escort me to Oldtown."

"I will gather them at once."

Jon then looks at Varys before saying,

"Varys. I need you to go to Lunaria and delay them as much as you can. Gathering an army takes time and we need that time to fix this mess."

"Of course, my lord. I will go there at once."

Varys walks away from the Tower of Hand, leaving Jon Arryn rubbing his head in frustration.


|Varys - The Spider and Master of Whisper|

Tch. It looks like I need to use another way to kill those healers. It looks like I'm underestimating the people who get healed by them. I know that they have been brainwashed by the magic they use, but I never thought it would be this fast.

I need to act fast. Maybe sending some whisper to the Old Lion? With his current problem caused by the Viper, he will do something stupid with the right amount of chaos put on his doorstep.

Hmmm, should I let him put his men among the Militants and let them try stealing all the cures? And maybe kill some of the healers on the way.

However, I need to plant some fake evidence and other preparation, unlike how I convinced the Faith Militant with a lone letter.

I have a few ideas I can use to lure the Old Lion to do something stupid. However, for now, I need to make sure I place my little bird in Lunaria without getting noticed. I have been trying to put some of my little birds inside the city, but all of them have gone missing.

I need some excuse to place them manually, and the Old Falcon gives me the opportunity to place my little bird inside the city of Sol-Luna.

I have time to eradicate all magic in the world, and Lunaria will be the first one to fall.


|Arvin Perle - High Septon of Faith of the Seven|

I smile a little at the sight of the army marching around me. When I reach Oldtown, the operation will begin, and I will be known as the High Septon who kicks the witch out of our land. I will be the one who takes the cure the Gods give to humans away from the witch and distributes it to the people for a small fee.

I will be known as the savior of the Smallfolk, and my name will be remembered throughout history.

Too many people have gone astray because of this so-called Black Death. People start to abandon their faith and think that the Faith of the Seven is a false religion, especially when they see that most of the victims are Septon.

Many Septon dies from the Black Death after they are preaching to the people in the Seven Kingdoms. They start to think of it as the sign from the Gods that Septon is not the holy man they thought they were.

Then I receive a letter saying there is a cult worshiping Viserys Targaryen, a mortal man. Now I know this is because of the witch Viserys sent here. Those witches take control of their minds and twist them to do their bidding.

I need to save them! I need them to see the right path! I will be their savior! They will see me as their savior and declare that I'm the saint! Yes! That is a worthy title for me. The High Septon Saint Arvin!

I will save them from the Witch and do it with force!

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