
Chapter 25 | Meeting Dr. Von Dolores

Inside the tightly Convented building, their are multiple people walking around doing their daily tasks. Their are telephones lined up in neat order. The red telephone is related to code red.

A young woman walks inside Howard's lab and begins to remind him that, he has to pick up Lex in a few hours from now. Hearing Lex's name, Howard's hands starts to shake.

That PTSD is real, especially someone who is mentally weak like Howard. Howard sighs and turns around, he begins to give her directions and ask her to bring him a coffee.

Inside a large futuristic lab, Lex is inside the room with a bunch of Scientist and Tech Geeks. He is standing there with his hands behind his back working with some Scientists.

Lex is currently working on one of his projects for the Axis and Allies. He is trying to make some energy absorbed weaponry and tanks. This is a big opportunity for Lex, once these weapons are done, he would become invaluable to both sides.

One of my goals are to get the Mind Stone from Red Skull. I have a lot of ideas for the Mind Stone. One of them is to implant some of it's power inside my suit that I am creating. I need Vibranium and other special materials for my suit. Thought Lex.

"I am almost finish with these weapons. In a few more days, I will sell these to the highest bidder. Thanks to Blue Beetle many abilities. I now Technological Manipulation. I also have Hacking Energy Manipulation." Mutters Lex.

Lex picks up the weapon for a test-run and immediately starts to use the scope. A red beam points at an object. "Boom!" A blue bullet directly disintegrates the object. Not even leaving an atom behind.

The Scientists were shocked and a little afraid. Lex never told them what kind of weapons they would be working on. These weapons are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. These kinds of abomination will directly change the course of the War entirely.

Lex smiles, he knows what they all were thinking. He puts the weapon down gently and begins to speak. "I know we all are surprised about these weapons. That they could change the War. No though, LexCorp is all about making profit and expanding it's reach. Do you all understand?" Mutters Lex.

One of the Scientists with the fascination of a Scientist look at the weapons with a mysterious look in his eyes. His breathing and hasty action arouses Lex's attention.

"Mr. Luthor, what if we distributed all the weapons overseas. You can build your own army. You can hire your own hitmen and soldiers from all over the world. Us Scientists can help you develop more weapons, while training the soldiers in the use of the weapons."

Lex arcs an eyebrow with a genuine smile displayed on his face. He walks toward the Scientist and look him up and down. Making the fellow Scientists very uncomfortable.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Dr. Von Dolores. I was former chief scientist of one of the departments of the Allies. The reason why I am here is because they cut my fundings. The things that I were researching on were immoral and demonic to the human ways. Besides, the success rate was low.

After that, I spent my times wandering around the world trying to get people to invest in my work. I was almost on the verge of giving up, but looking at your weapons. That lost luster for science is back. Now, I'm more motivated than ever to continue my work."

Lex was impressed with this man's hard work and dedication. He never heard of this man in the original timeline, so seeing this man, who is basically just like Dr. Abraham Erskine, minus the morals part.

"What kind of research did you do? That it was immoral and illegal." Mutters Lex with an interested tone.

Dr. Von Dolores just smiles and says. "Well, I was working on how the X-Gene works inside humans. It is fascinating that humans can awaken powerful abilities. One day, I saw some Mutant use Telekinesis on some robber by accident. The people who saw this were afraid, the Mutant who committed that treacherous atrocity is now probably dead in a solitary cell or being experimented on right now."

Lex then puts his hands behind his back while saying. "So you must have been studying Mutants for a long time. Your information would be invaluable to me and my team. I could set you up with a department of your own. Where you exclusively work for me, I will give you a life-time supply of Mutants. All you have to do is tell me all the major Scientists that are on the Allies side." Spoke Lex.

Dr. Von Dolores looks at Lex and said. "I know of some people who would rather have an opportunity like the one you gave me, than rather helping the Allies with little to no benefits."

While he was thinking, the same mysterious interface shows out of nowhere surprising Lex. Reading the information Lex smiles with utter confidence on his face.

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