
Chapter 20 | Meeting Senator Craig

It's evening, the Sun is about to go down and the sky is turning darker, the day is getting older and night is getting younger.

Their you see Lex has just walked out of his expensive and extravagant Porsche 356 going to knock on Susan's door.

With a calm and authoritative aura around him, Lex confidently knocks on the door and sees a beautiful Susan there in all her glory, wearing a beautiful red dress, showing her hips and cleavage.

"Dress to impress!"

"I know just like you!"

Susan fires back and takes Lex's hand, Lex gently guides her to his car and open the door for her.

"Thank you!"

Lex smiles and get inside his Porsche 356, he began to drive to Senator Craig's house with a beautiful girl in his car.

Inside Senator Craig's house, lots of famous Celebrities, Politicians, and CEOs, their was one CEO that stands out from the rest, and he is the great Howard Stark.

Already semi-drunk and have two beautiful girls on each arm, Howard begun walking towards the Politicians with alcoholic smell surrounding him.

"Hello, Greg glad to see you here, you're wife finally let you off the lease."

"Well, Howard, I can't say, I'm glad to see you here because no one is just stay out of my way."

"Politicians and their Shenanigans, always acting professional in public, but are like freaks in the sheets trying to overcome scandals and law suits."

"Hey look over there!"

The crowd heard the words and saw Lex and Susan, the both of them were stunning and drawing away all the attention.

They walk in with confident smiles on their faces, the people look on with surprised looks on their faces because they never seen this couple before.

LexCorp is a private company right now, Lex hasn't made the decision to take the company public yet.

While Lex and Susan just entered the party, Senator Craig is in his office with a mysterious person, this person's face is hidden in the shadows.

The room is dark, so you can't really see who your interacting with.

"Senator Craig, have you done the things we told you to do?"

"Yes, I have but please you must get the job done fast, I am risking a lot to do what you ask of me, I am putting my reputation on the line."

"Don't worry nothing will happen, and this mess won't come back to you but don't you forget who put in this seat."

After that threatening message, the mysterious man leaves the room.

That man is very dangerous, I never knew this Organization is this powerful, I can't even make a move without their permission, it's like I'm a dog with a collar tightly wrapped around my neck.

Thought Senator Craig, meanwhile, the ongoing party is still going with little to no hick-ups.

Howard sees Lex sitting there with his date, he walks over confidently and says.

"Hello there, I go by many names, but I prefer Howard Stark, the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on you when I saw you walk in with this beautiful girl on your arms."

Said Howard, his eyes roaming on the beautiful, curvy body of Susan.

Lex sees this and smiles.

"I have heard about you Stark Industries infamous CEO and founder, they said you are a notorious party-animal and lover-boy."

"Well you can't always believe what the Media says, but you can believe them when it comes to me."


"Anyway, my name is Lex Luthor, I came here because, I received an invitation from the host Senator Craig.

They say, he has a decent chance at getting a promotion, he is also a major contributor to the secret Super Soldier Project."

Whispered Lex, Howard eyes narrowed slightly, no one know that besides him and Senator Craig, but he quickly hides his surprise face and speaks.

"Well that is some mighty dangerous information you got their, but I won't worry too much about it, I'm here to relax and to let off some steam.

How about this, let's meet at my office tomorrow and we can talk more about you and this information."

Lex smiles, he expected this, he has been trying to get in bed with Howard for awhile, he will use him as his introduction into the main plot and the war.

"I would love to meet you tomorrow."


This is good, the initial phase of my plan is completed now, I just need wait patiently until, I'm inside the main plot line, one of my goals is to meet Johann Schmidt and discuss about being potential allies.

Lex thought, as he continued to enjoy the party with a smile on his face.

"Look over there!"

Spoke Susan, Lex follows Susan's directions and saw Senator Craig walking down the stairs with a happy smile on his face.

Lex sees Senator Craig shaking everyone's hands and telling jokes.

So, this is how politics work, being charismatic and charming is just a piece of what you have to have, having lying through your teeth and making fake promises is also something you have to have.

Lex thought, as he sees Senator Craig coming to him with a smile on his face, Lex knows where this about to go, so he puts his drink down and decides to meet Senator Craig head on.

"Good evening, Mr. Craig!"

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