
Chapter 18

Good news, Laura had finally fully forgiven me after I gave her some cookies!

Not so good news, she had eaten all of my cookies until she fully forgave me.

"You feel better now?" I asked with a strained smile as Laura kept munching on the last of the cookies.

"Yes." She said after gulping the cookie down. "But don't do something like that ever again." She continued with a glared as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Ok, you win. I won't let people stab me, as long as there are better solutions." I whispered out the last part but, going by the darkening of her glare, I believe that she heard me.

"Come on, we gotta get to the class." I immediately changed the subject with absolutely no shame as I got up and walked towards the door with Laura walking behind me.

"By the way, where is Bob?"


"So, are you two still not gonna join the team?" Kitty asked as she placed her chin on her hands and her elbows on the table while staring at Damian and Laura, and the demonic horse with batwings behind them.

"No, why would we?" Damian asked as he threw a cookie in his mouth, looking at Kitty with a confused frown.

"I mean, you did just come back from fighting an actual super bad guy didn't you? Didn't that awaken your desire to be a hero and help me slack off, I mean help use create a future where humans and mutants can coexist together." Kitty said, desperately hoping that they wouldn't pay much attention to the first part of her reasons for wanting them in the team.

"Meh, that sounds like far too much work. You guys can keep working on that whole coexistence thing by yourselves." He said as he took an apple from the plate before him and threw it at the demonic horse, who swallowed the whole apple with only one bite.

"You don't see to care about it much." Jean said with a frown as she took a sip from her tea.

"Yeah, isn't the whole reason you guys are here because you believe in Professor's dream?" Bobby asked, a frown on his face as well.

"Nah, we're here because the other guy with the offer wrecked my house." Damian admitted with a shrug, absolutely no shame about his reasons.

"So… you don't believe in Professor's dream?" Jean asked, her frown becoming even deeper.

"I mean, it's a nice dream." Damian shrugged again. "I wouldn't really mind humanity and mutants just dancing lambada with smiles on their faces, but it's pretty damn hard you know." He said with a melancholic smile as he took another cookie and threw it into his mouth.

"I mean, humans can't even coexist with themselves. Isn't it too much to expect them to coexist with us, who are far more powerful and dangerous than them."

That… Kitty did not want to admit but she knew that he was right. There had been people who had less than pleasant views of her, even before her powers as a mutant had surfaced, for being a Jew. She had also seen the discrimination against the African Americans and Native Americans. Damian was right, humans couldn't even coexist with themselves.

"So… it's impossible?" Bobby asked, looking sullen, only to perk up when Damian shook his head.

"Something is impossible only when you have accepted it as impossible. I think a future where humans and mutants coexist can be possible, I just don't think the road will be an easy or peaceful one. Or something that can be done with just words."

"The how would you do it?" Kitty asked with a tilt of her head, curious about his thoughts.

"That's… a secret." Damian said with a smile as he placed a finger over his mouth and winked.


How would I do it? Now wasn't that a question.

A part of me just wanted to say 'fuck it' and leave all the problems on such matters to others. But more logical parts of me knew that the people of this world were terrible at that sort of thing and the tension between mutants and humans had the chance to inconvenience me. Not to mention all the atrocities it could cause.

I might not exactly be the most morally righteous person in the world, but even I could not accept something like what happened to Genosha in the comics. Over sixteen million dead over the stupidity of the people, that was unacceptable.

Which all brought me back to the first question. How would I do it?

"Man, all this thinking is hard." I groaned as I laid back on the bed.

"I think that's more of a you thing." Laura commented with a deadpan as she kept petting Bob's mane.

"You were supposed to say something to keep me from my worries, why are you so cruel to me these days."

"It's so that you don't let yourself get stabbed like a moron again." That was rich coming from her considering the kind of shit her comic book version did. Not that I would call her out on it since that would cause her to ask some uncomfortable questions. Still, that left me at the very question that started it all.

I... actually did have an idea. And it was actually a pretty damn good idea but the process would be pretty damn hard and might even start a genuine war. Not to mention if I just told the Captain Baldy about it, he and his magnetic ex boyfriend might end up ruining it with their personalities. Baldy was far too passive and Bucket Head was too aggressive.

No, that plan would be on the shelf for now. I wouldn't move on it until I had a pretty damn good support behind me.

But thinking of future plans gave me another idea, so I stretched my arm and shook Laura's shoulder; getting the small murder machine's attention.

"Laura, how about we deal with the Facility?" I had made a promise about it after all.


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