
A Rebel in love Part 6

Back at the base, Ratchet and Raf were doing everything in their power to locate Emily and Miko but they still aren't able to pinpoint their exact location.

"Found anything yet?" Jack asked as he was by the computers and checking the team.

"No. What about you, Ratchet?" Raf said before asking the medic as Ratchet sighed and shook his head.

"I'm afraid I haven't had any luck yet. Something must be blocking. Their signal." Ratchet said as he was worried for the girls with the rest.

"I knew this would happen. We never should've let Miko go with the others." Jack said as he covered his face with his hands.

"We all know that Miko can be hot headed sometimes. And when she wants something she doesn't take no for an answer." Ratchet reminded him as he sighed.

"Yeah she's like that. She's always... jump in the action without thinking." Jack said.

"Miko may be reckless once in a while. But then again maybe we're judging her too quickly." Ratchet said as he turned back to the computer as Jack looked confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion as both Raf and Bolty looked at Ratchet curiously.

"Well, every time she runs off to join a mission, the first thing we think about her is that she's reckless and irresponsible. Maybe it's true. But maybe there is something. Us Cybertronians think there's more to people than meets the eyes." Ratchet said as Jack was in awe at that.

"Wow, I... never saw it that way. It's very deep." He said as Ratchet nodded.

"You should know at your age, things aren't always what they seem. I should know. I do transform into an emergency vehicle and people don't even have the slightest clue that I'm an alien in disguise." Ratchet said with a small laugh as Jack smiled.

"I even never would've thought that aliens who turned into cars even existed." Jack said. Before Ratchet could say another word Raf's laptop started beeping which alerted them,

"What is it, Rafael?" Ratchet asked as Raf didn't know as he fixed his glasses.

"I don't know. Something is bugging my computer. Wait. I think it's some sort of signal." Raf said before he realized what it was, Jack and Ratchet with Bolty looked hopeful.

"What kind of signal?" Jack asked.

"One that allows someone to send a message." Raf explained as he started to check his laptop. When he saw some mysterious dots appear, he recognized them immediately.

"Whoever it is, they're using morse code." Raf said as Ratchet knew what that was.

"Morse code. Primitive but effective." He said with a nod.

"Can you translate?" Jack asked as Raf turned to him.

"It's hard but I think I know what the message is saying." Raf said before he started to read the message.

"'We're fine. Trying to call you.'" Raf said as he was able to read it.

(AN: Here's the Morse Code for that; .-- . .----. .-. . / ..-. .. -. . .-.-.- / - .-. -.-- .. -. --. / - --- / -.-. .- .-.. .-.. / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.-)

"It has got to be Emily and Miko." Jack said as he was relieved as Raf nodded as Bolty circled the air happily.

"I'm sending them a message." He said before Raf types a message and sends it as it says 'Glad that you're okay'.

(AN: Here's another set of Morse code; --. .-.. .- -.. / - .... .- - / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / --- -.- .- -.--)

Back at the hood guys base, Emily reads the message Raf had sent in morse code as she smiled.

"They got my message. But I'm gonna need a way to call them." Emily said Silver Flame was beside her and kept an eye on her.

"Good luck with that. This computer is old. You're gonna need something to communicate like a phone or something." Silver Flame said as Emily went into thinking and had an idea.

"Or maybe something a little more sophisticated." She said as she took the comm-link from her ear.

She then broke one of the control panels and took out the wires and cables inside to connect her comm-link to the computer and to her holo-computer as she turned it on.

"I hope this works." Emily muttered.

"You better not make me regret this." Silver Flame warned her as Emily sighed.

"Still not trusting me huh?" She remarked as Silver Flame was still on edge.

"You didn't give me any good reason to trust you. You could use this computer to try and tell MECH the location of our base." Silver Flame said and Emily was getting annoyed with edginess but she had to keep her patience.

"Yeah, well, it's not like you have a choice. If you wanna stop MECH, you're gonna have to trust me here. Even if I think your methods are a bit extreme." Emily said as she typed on the console of the computer.

"Well, excuse me if I can't be a miss goody goody like you, miss goody goody." Silver Flame remarked as Emily sighed and rubbed her temple.

"Do me a favor and stop talking for just a moment. I'm trying to make this thing work. I can't let MECH hear this conversation. That way you'll know I'm not trying to betray you or anything." Emily said as she continued to type on both computer and holo-computer.

"It's a start. But it doesn't mean you'll have my full trust." She said defensively.

"I wasn't counting on it." Emily muttered.

Emily used her Holo Computer to connect her comm-link that was connected to the old computer and since the technology is old, she has a hard time doing it.

"Come on, come on." She muttered.

After trying to establish a connection, Emily succeeded and now she can contact the base via comm-link as she smiled.

"Yes." She smiled before calling the base.

Back at the base, the comm-link starts beeping like crazy.

"Think it's them?" Jack asked hopefully.

"Only one way to find out." Ratchet said as he answered the call.

"Emily. Miko. Do you read me?" Ratchet asked and received an answer.

"I read you, Ratchet." It was Emily! Ratchet heaved a sigh of relief at this as Bolty was happy to hear his caretaker.

"Emily. You're okay. Thank the matrix you're alright. I have someone here who would like to talk to you." Ratchet said as he nodded to Jack and Raf as they nodded.

"Emily. Boy, am I glad to hear your voice." Jack said in relief.

"We got worried. How's Miko?" Raf said before asking as Bolty squeaked and made some of his native sounds and asked if she was okay.

Back at the hood guys base, Emily couldn't help but smile and almost laugh at Bolty asking if she was okay.

"She's fine. We both are." She reassured them.

"Where are you? I can't get an exact fix on your exact location." Ratchet said as Emily knew it's too risky.

"Yes, I know and I'm afraid I can't tell you for some reasons. We don't have much time. MECH could track this message and figure out our plan. I need you guys to patch me to Optimus." Emily told them and she can hear the consoles being typed in.

"Very well then. Patching you right now." Ratchet said.

Back at the highway, Team Prime, along with the US military are getting close to the city when Optimus receives a message from Ratchet who's contacting him.

"Optimus, I have good news. Emily and Miko are alright. She was able to contact us. I'm patching you through to her. Sending the encrypted code." Ratchet said and Optimus felt his worry fade slightly knowing that Emily and Miko are okay.

Optimus received the code that allowed him and the others to speak with Emily without any risk of MECH hearing this conversation.

"Optimus, do you read me?" Emily asked as Optimus almost smiled in relief.

"Loud and clear, Emily." Optimus said in relief.

"Glad to hear from you. What's your status?" Agent Fowler said before asking.

"I'm okay." Emily said with a small laugh.

"What about Miko? Is she okay?" Bulkhead asked as he was really worried about his charge.

"She's fine, Uncle Bulkhead." Emily reassured him as he was relieved to hear that his friend was okay.

"It's good hearing that. We got worried when we lost you." Arcee said.

Back at the hood guys HQ, Emily couldn't help but feel sorry for worrying them.

"I know. We don't have a lot of time. The technology I'm using to talk with you is old and can give away at any time. I need to know where you are now." Emily said as she was looking at her holo-computer.

"We're almost in the city." Agent Fowler informed her.

"Great. I need you guys to stick to the plan. Miko and I will catch up with you with some back up." Emily told them.

Back at the highway, the bots and Fowler were confused. What kind of backup is she talking about?

"What kind of backup?" Agent Fowler asked.

"I can't tell you. Not yet." Emily said.

Back at the hood guys HQ, Emily knew that they better hurry.

"We'll be right there to help. Stay safe." Emily said as she said the last part softly.

"We will do our best. Prime out." Optimus said as the communication was done.

Back at the highway, the Autobots were happy since they might have an advantage over MECH.

"You heard that, guys? Emily is bringing some back up." Smokescreen said in determination but was relieved to hear his friends were okay.

"Great, we could use some help." Cliffjumper agreed with him.

"Hey, what about me?" Hot Rod asked.

"You're trouble." Arcee remarked as Hot Rod rolled his optics playfully.

"Very funny." He said as Arcee just smirked.

"I'm just glad Miko's fine." Bulkhead said before Bumblebee interrupted the conversation to tell them that they are approaching the city.

"There it is, guys. The city of Phoenix." Smokescreen said.

Inside Bulkhead, Agent Fowler sighed. So far so good.

"Let's hope nothing bad happens. If so, it's gonna be a bad day to be a citizen of Phoenix." Agent Fowler said as the Autobots entered the city.

Meanwhile back at the hood guys HQ, Emily was leaving the control as Silver Flame was waiting for her outside.

"Was your talk with your friends productive?" She asked as Silver Flame started to walk beside her.

"Yes. They entered the city." She said as she glanced at her.

"So that's your plan? Risk a whole city? You do know that if the DINGUS has a meltdown, billions of lives will be lost." Silver Flame reminded her.

"Which is why we have to do something." Emily said with a serious tone.

"Knowing MECH the way I know them, they knew the convoy would enter the city." Silver Flame said and Emily knew what she meant.

"So they'll be preparing a trap for my friends." She said as Silver Flame nodded.

"Most likely. But that's one of their weaknesses. They never expect a change of plan. They always expect to go as planned." She replied and Emily had to smirk at this info. Maybe that could be their advantage.

"Then it's a good thing that I came out with a good plan. And if we want it to work, we're gonna have to help each other." Emily said as she stopped as Silver Flame stopped as well as Emily offered a handshake to her but Silver Flame just crossed her arms.

"I'm not one to play in a team with other people." She said curtly.

"Look, I get it. For some reason, you have trust issues. But you know as well as I do that if we want to stand a chance against MECH, we have to work together." Emily said as Silver Flame stayed quiet and despite her trust issues, she knew deep down that Emily was right.

"Very well. But no handshake." She sighed as Emily nodded her head and lowered her hand.

"Okay." She said with a nod.

"Come on. It's time to move out." Silver Flame said as she and Emily walked off to where Green Wolfpack and Miko are at.

Somewhere in the HQ, Green Wolfpack was about to show Miko something amazing.

"So what is that Mobix thingy your friend was talking about?" Miko asked curiously.

"It's called the... you know what? Let's make it a surprise. Close your eyes." Green Wolfpack started but himself as he wanted to surprise her.

"Seriously?" Miko asked as she crossed her arms.

"If you don't do it, then I won't show it to you. Trust me it's worth it." Green Wolfpack said with a cheeky tone.

"Fine." Miko gave in and closed her eyes.

"You promise you won't peek, right?" Green Wolfpack asked her to be sure as Miko couldn't help but grin cheekily.

"What? You don't trust me?" She couldn't help but ask with a grin.

"I trust you alright. I just wanna be sure that I can trust you." He said as Miko just snickered.

"Okay, fine." She said before putting her hands in front of her eyes even if she closed them.

"How about this?" She asked as Green Wolfpack nodded.

"That's better. Come." Green Wolfpack said as he put his hand on her shoulder to guide her carefully to their destination.

"Hey, watch it." Miko said as Green Wolfpack made sure she didn't trip.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you." Green Wolfpack reassured her.

"As if I'm going to trust someone who uses a hood and a mask." Miko remarked.

"If you didn't trust me, you wouldn't have closed your eyes when I told you to." He said as he pointed that she trust him

"Good point. Whoa!" Miko said before letting out a small yelp as she slipped and almost fell but Green Wolfpack caught her before she hit the floor.

"It's okay. I got you. My fault, I forgot to tell you that there were some oil droppings on the floor." He apologized as he helped Miko back up on her feet.

"That's gonna leave a mark." She said as Green Wolfpack laughed softly.

"Hehe, good one. Okay wait here." He said as they finally arrived as he let her shoulder go.

"Can I look now?" Miko asked curiously.

"Ah ah ah. No peeking. Just give me a moment." He told her and he almost smiled at the cute pout that she gave him.

"Okay, but hurry up. The suspense is killing me." Miko said as she was getting anxious.

"Alright, alright. I just need to turn the lights on." Green Wolfpack said as he lowered the lever and turned on the lights.

"Now can I see?" Miko asked again when she sensed that the room was getting brighter.

"Wait for it. Now." He said as Miko took her hands off her eyes and blinked them open to adjust to the light.

After she does that, she sees a huge vehicle in front of her and it looks even bigger than the Autobot vehicle modes.

"Wow." Miko breathed in awe.

Just by looking at that huge vehicle took her breath away. She had never seen anything so cool in her life until meeting the Autobots and Bulkhead.

"That's so rad." Miko said as she ran towards it and ran her hand against the exterior.

"The Mobix. A vehicle made for high speed battles. It has long range weapons, all terrain wheels, an afterburner and on top of that." Green Wolfpack started to explain before he hit the Mobix as hard as he could and made a loud thud sound.

"It's completely bullet proof." He finished as Miko was really impressed.

"That's a sweet ride. Too bad it doesn't-" Miko started only to cut herself off when she almost said transform into a robot.

"Doesn't what?" Green Wolfpack asked her in confusion.

"Doesn't... nothing. I totally forgot what I was about to say. Hehe." Miko said as she laughed sheepishly. Way too close.

"Yeah right." Green Wolfpack said.

"How did you get this thing? Do you rob it or something?" Miko asked curiously to change the subject.

"Actually me and Silver Flame created this thing out of scrap. Anyway, as cool as it looks, she needs to be taken care of." Green Wolfpack said as Miko raised an eyebrow.

"She? It's a she?" Miko asked in confusion but curiosity m

"Yeah. She looks tough but deep down she's very hard. Good thing she can take a hit. The shield was severely damaged and I have to fix it." Green Wolfpack said but was interrupted when Silver Flame and Emily arrived as Emily whistled in amazement at the sight of the vehicle.

"There won't be a need for any repairs." She said as he looked at her in shock.

"What? Are you serious?" He asked as Silver Flame nodded.

"Yes, I am." She said as Miko turned to Emily.

"What's going on, Ems?" Miko asked curiously as Emily turned to her.

"I called the team. They're in the city and they need help." Emily told her as Green Wolfpack was worried.

"You cannot be serious. The shield isn't fixed yet. We won't last long with only 50%." Green Wolfpack said but there wasn't a way in changing Silver Flame's mind.

"It'll have to do. I won't let MECH destroy a whole city to get a nuclear device." Silver Flame said as Miko put a hand to her hip.

"So, what's the plan?" She asked.

"The plan is to enter the city, protect the DINGUS and stop Silas once and for all." Silver Flame said as Emily gave her a warning look.

"Don't even think about it." She warned her.

"Try and stop me." Silver Flame challenged her.

"I wanna help you save the world. But I'm not gonna let you kill anyone." Emily told her as Miko looked a little scared and confused.

"In case I need to make it clear to you, I don't need your help and you better stay out of my way." Silver Flame said stubbornly.

"I'm not backing out. In case you don't realize it yet, we're on the same boat. And if we don't wanna sink, we have to help each other." Emily said as she reasoned with her. Silver Flame doesn't say anything but she gives in.

"Very well then. We will do it your way. Now let's move out." Silver Flame said.

"I thought you would never ask." Emily said with a small smile as both of them entered the Mobix.

"Don't go without me." Miko said as she went after them.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. You can't go, it's too dangerous." Green Wolfpack said as Miko put a hand on her hip.

"Try and stop me." Miko repeats what Silver Flame said and enters the Mobix as Green Wolfpack just watches.

"She's good." He said with a small smile and followed them inside and closed the door.

After they all got inside, Miko could not believe that the Mobix was just as cool on the inside as it was on the outside.

"Sweet." Miko said as she looked around even Emily was impressed.

"Not bad. Not bad at all." She said in impressed.

"Sit down and put on your seatbelt." Silver Flame said as she went to the driver area as the two girls did as they were told.

"Should I ask the group to come with us?" Green Wolfpack asked as he sat down on the second seat as she sat down and buckled her seatbelt as well as him.

"Let them stay. If MECH has found a way to locate our base, we're gonna need someone to defend it." Silver Flame said as she started flipping some switches.

"Very well then. I guess there's no point asking you to let me drive." Green Wolfpack said as she sent him a smirk through her eyes.

"You guessed right." She said as he sighed.

"Sometimes I hate being right." Green Wolfpack said.

Silver Flame then turns on the Mobix while Green Wolfpack checks the vehicle's systems.

"Everything good?" She asked.

"All systems are okay. I'm more concerned about the shield." Green Wolfpack said as she just shrugged.

"Think of it this way. Even with the shield, we might fail today." She said as Miko gave a surprised look.

"Really?" She asked unsure as Silver Flame almost laughed.

"Relax. I just say that to give us some motivation." She said as she turned on the power while Miko gave Green Wolfpack a look as he laughed nervously.

"She does that." He said with a shrug.

"Alright, everybody. Hold on tight. This thing is about to roar." Silver Flame said and just before Miko could ask, Silver Flame stepped on the accelerator and sped through the driveway.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" Miko let out a surprise scream as Emily cringed with a small smile.

The speed is making Miko scream like crazy as Silver Flame drove the Mobix out of their HQ and started driving down the forest.

"This thing is fast!" Emily yelled over the roar of the engine.

"I know!" Silver Flame yelled back as she drove straight but Miko noticed something up ahead.

"Uh, guys, there's a hill up ahead!" Miko informed them as Silver Flame didn't take her eyes off the way.

"I know I'm seeing it! It's a shortcut to the city!" Silver Flame said as she saw it too.

"Are you going to make the jump?!" Miko asked curiously.

"Scared of a little jump?" Silver Flame asked but was taken back by Miko who sent a big and excited grin.

"Bring it!" She exclaimed as she was excited.

"Here we go." She muttered and activated the afterburner to give the Mobix an extra boost to make the jump.

When the Mobix has reached the hill and makes the jump, Miko starts screaming like crazy as she raises her hands in the air like it was some sort of roller coaster ride.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Miko hollered in glee and delight.

The Mobix lands on the highway that leads to the city with a few small jumps before it settles down but Miko was still feeling the adrenaline.

"AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!" Miko still hollered as Emily laughed as she let go of the arm rests of her chair as Green Wolfpack watched Miko as he looked at Emily.

"Is she always like that?" He asked curiously as Emily nodded with a grin.

"All the time. It's a miracle I got used to it." Emily answered before Silver Flame spoke.

"Get ready, guys. We're about to enter the city." Silver Flame told them as they became serious as Silver Flame took the road that leads straight in Phoenix City.

Meanwhile Team Prime and the military were driving around downtown. Phoenix had many streets but what caught their attention was that there was no one around and the whole city was like a ghost town.

"It's quiet. Too quiet if you ask me." Smokescreen said with unease.

"That kind of silence could mean that trouble is just around the corner." Hot Rod said.

"Where are all the humans?" Arcee asked curiously.

Inside Bulkhead, Agent Fowler answered her.

"They're inside. We told the city council to put on an energy curfew. An emergency exercise." Agent Fowler said as Bumblebee whirred that they won't have to worry about any humans getting hurt and avoid any casualty.

"Indeed, Bumblebee. With the humans indoors, we have reduced the probability." Optimus agreed with him but it looks like trouble was about to arise.

"Agent Fowler, sir. We have a problem." A soldier said as Agent Fowler used his walkie talkie.

"What is it, lieutenant?" He asked.

"We detected a massive traffic jam on the road that leads to the base. We're gonna have to take a different route." He informed him.

"Understood, lieutenant. Keep your eyes open." Agent Fowler said as the soldier nodded.

"Yes, sir." The soldier then stopped as they continued down the road.

Outside the road, the Autobots were on their guard to keep an eye on MECH.

"Is anybody wondering where MECH is right now?" Smokescreen questioned.

"Who knows. They're probably preparing their next attack." Arcee told him as she was those goons a taste of her blades for trying to hurt their friends.

"Let them come. I'll show them what I'm made of." Bulkhead said as he still won't forgive Silas for what he almost did.

"Same old Bulkhead. You haven't changed a bit." Hot Rod said with a small smile.

"Remember, Autobots. Our mission is to protect the cargo. There's no need for unnecessary risk." Optimus reminded them.

"I hear you, boss." Bulkhead said.

"Let's hurry. The silence is making me worry." Arcee said as she could have sworn she felt like they were being watched as Team Prime along with the militaries kept driving.

Meanwhile, someone was indeed watching them from the shadows through a pair of binoculars.

"Sir, I have the cargo in sight. It's on it's way." A MECH soldier informed Silas through the walkie talkie.

"Very well. Meet us back here. We will soon begin our attack on them." Silas said.

"Yes, sir." The mech soldier said before leaving to join his comrades.

Meanwhile, Emily and Miko along with their newly found mysterious allies and friends were entering the city but Miko found it weird since no one was outside.

"That's weird. There's no one outside. It's like they all disappeared." Miko said as she saw that some stores were closed.

"You could say that again." Green Wolfpack said as he saw that some malls and buildings were closed.

"Maybe Agent Fowler had the city evacuated or something." Emily said but the name almost made Silver Flame to slam the brakes. Did Emily say Agent Fowler?!

"Wait. Did you say Agent Fowler?" Silver Flame asked her as Emily looked at her in confusion. Did Silver Flame know him?

"Yeah, why?" She asked curiously but Silver Flame just shook her head.

"Nothing. G-pack, did you find anything?" Silver Flame asked.

"Nothing yet, S.F." He said before the scanner on the Mobix started acting up.

"Wait. The scanners picked something up." Green Wolfpack said as the scanners revealed that it had detected nuclear radiation on the move throughout the city.

"It's some sort of radiation. Must be the DINGUS. Weird." Green Wolfpack said with a confused tone.

"Something wrong?" Miko asked in concern.

"The scanners must be acting up again. It's detecting two DINGUS." Green Wolfpack said but Emily knew what he meant.

"It must be the E.S.S." She said as Silver Flame glanced at her.

"What does E.S.S stand for?" She asked curiously.

"Energy Scrambler Source. My friend gave it to me." Emily explained.

"What for?" Silver Flame question.

"You'll see." Emily said before Green Wolfpack picked something up.

"Hey, check this. I've picked up a message. But I can't listen to it. It's coded." Green Wolfpack said as he tried to decode it.

"Let me try." Emily volunteers and connects her holo-computer to it and starts to try and decode the encrypted message that MECH sent to their members.

She soon succeeded at cracking the code so that they can now listen to the encrypted message that MECH used.

"There. Give it a try now." Emily said as she nodded to Green Wolfpack who nodded back.

"Okay. Let's see what we have here. Must be important if it was encrypted." Green Wolfpack said before activating the speaker so that everyone can hear what the message contains.

"All MECH team, return to the rendezvous. Our attack against the Autobots will begin soon. The enemy has taken the bait and is heading toward our ambush. The road will likely reduce their mobility, giving us a significant advantage. Now it's time to take what is rightfully ours. The rise of a new order is upon us. Today shall be the day the world will never forget." It was Silas and the message ends there as Emily and Miko grow worried for their friends while Silver Flame and Green Wolfpack look confused on who the Autobots that Silas is referring to.

"That guy loves big speeches. It's kind of creepy." Miko said with a frown.

"They plan on ambushing the convoy." Emily said in worry.

"If their attack succeeds, they'll have a terrible weapon at their disposal." Silver Flame said with equal worry.

"Not if we stop them first." Emily said as she clenched her hands.

"G-Pack, where is the DINGUS?" Silver Flame questions as Green Wolfpack saluted.

"Let me see." He muttered and checked the scanners and was able to locate where it was.

"East side of the city." Green Wolfpack said before Silver Flame hit the gas and accelerated and started driving to the East side of the city to reach the convoy on time as Miko and Emily held on to their seats.

Meanwhile on the streets, Team Prime and the militaries were about to enter the highway but just up ahead something was going on. There was a huge wreckage as a bunch of burned cars and stuff.

"Goodness. What is that?" A soldier asked in concern.

"I don't know." Another soldier replied as he grabbed the walkie talkie.

"Obstruction ahead. Obstruction ahead. All units take the subterranean tunnel. Exit down." The soldier warned the others.

Outside on the road, the Autobots were getting uneasy by the feeling as they knew that something was wrong.

"Exit down now." The soldier said in the comm-links.

"A tunnel huh?" Cliffjumper said.

"Something is not right." Arcee said as she was getting a little tense.

"Autobots, be careful. This could be a trap." Optimus said as they kept their formation.

The Autobots take down the subterranean tunnel while passing through the burning cars as Bumblebee beeps to say that the scenario was kind of worrying him.

"Totally with you on that one, Bee." Hot Rod couldn't help but agree.

They got down the tunnel and just as they got in, they realized that they had minimal space for manoeuvring. With all the cars around them, it was hard for them to keep their formation.

"Optimus, this road reduces our mobility and the humans around us make things harder." Arcee said with concern and worry.

"Stay focused on the task at hand, Autobots." Optimus told them while he was getting worried as well.

"No need to worry about me, Prime. I'm always focused." Hot Rod said as he was driving beside Bulkhead.

"This place is giving me the creeps." Smokescreen said warily.

"Don't lose your cool, rookie. That might get you killed." Cliffjumper said.

"I agree with you, Smokes. This place is creepy. Perfect for an ambush." Bulkhead said in agreement as The Autobots and the militaries are keeping their eyes and optics open for any sign of MECH.

"Well, I guess we're home free." Agent Fowler said with a shrug.

Just as the Autobots thought that there were no obstacles ahead of them, a missile was shot and it hit one of the military vehicles making it crash as they realized what was happening.

"It's an ambush!" Agent Fowler exclaimed as MECH vehicles started coming out from behind and sides as Bumblebee notified and told them all that they are blocked in every direction.

"They got us." Smokescreen said.

"There's no way out." Bulkhead replied.

"Autobots, protect the cargo." Optimus ordered.

Inside Bulkhead, Agent Fowler turns on his walkie talkie to give his orders.

"D company, we need immediate assistance." He said.

Inside one of the military vehicles, they got the order and got ready.

"Get ready, guys. Time to lock and load." A soldier said.

The military all got ready to give the Autobots immediate help but suddenly out of nowhere, they all got hit by a whole bunch of missiles that made them crash as it revealed that they got attacked by what looked like a huge black bus that had guns.

"What is that?" Smokescreen asked in panic.

"Trouble." Cliffjumper said.

"Big trouble. Those guns have enough ammo to send us to the scrapyard." Hot Rod said as he noticed that the guns were gatling types of guns.

"Any ideas?" Smokescreen asked.

Meanwhile, Emily, Miko, Green Wolfpack and Silver Flame were trying to find the DINGUS.

"How far before we get there?" Silver Flame asked as she was getting worried.

"Not too far. The DINGUS is coming right ahead of us. Just keep going further to get to the highway." Green Wolfpack said but Silver Flame has another idea.

"No time for this. Everybody, hold on." Silver Flame said and turned the wheel to make a turn and made the Mobix to get off the road and landed at the entrance of the tunnel.

"A little warning next time." Miko said as she was feeling queasy all of a sudden.

"How far now?" Silver Flame asked as she maneuvered out of the way of some cars.

"Right in front of us. And it looks like they're in trouble. Scanners have detected some bogus around the DINGUS." Green Wolfpack said as Emily and Miko became alarmed.

"Oh no. The convoy is in trouble. Drive faster." Emily said as Silver Flame was already pressing the gas pedal.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She asked as Miko gave her a look.

"Driving slow." She said sarcastically.

"Well, if I were you, I would hold on to my seat. Because I'm about to make this thing go fast." Silver Flame said.

"Just remember. The shield is damaged so if we get hit hard, that'll be it for us." Green Wolfpack reminded her.

"Don't worry. I don't plan on failing." She said before accelerating and driving the Mobix to reach the DINGUS before it's too late.

Meanwhile, the Autobots were doing what they could to protect the cargo as MECH vehicles were hitting them from all directions.

"Optimus, what do we do?" Arcee asked as she swerved out of the way of the MECH vehicle.

"Keep up the formation. Hot Rod, we need your help." Optimus said as Hot Rod nodded and knew what he had to do.

"You got it, Prime." He said.

Inside the black bus, Silas smirked at what was happening.

"We've got them right where we wanted them. Prepare the grappling hooks." Silas smirked before ordering one of his men who nodded.

The mech soldier activated the grappling hooks that will allow them to get on top of the trailer and grab the DINGUS.

"Guys, MECH is about to use grappling to get their man on top of the trailer." Agent Fowler notified them as Hot Rod was getting ready.

"Relax, buddy. I got this. Hot Rod said as he started to drive backwards.

Inside the black bus, the lock on screen was able to lock on to their target and get ready.

"Target on sight. Preparing to fire." A MECH soldier said.

Inside Bulkhead, Agent Fowler was getting worried.

"Whatever you're planning to do, you better do it fast." Agent Fowler said.

Inside the black bus, Silas nodded to his men to open fire.

"Fire now." He said.

The MECH soldier shoots the grappling hooks straight at the trailer. But as soon as they got shot, Hot Rod had activated his plasma shield that surrounded Team Prime from the danger which surprised MECH and Agent Fowler who was glad that it was handy.

"Well I'll be." Agent Fowler said in surprise.

Outside on the highway, Bulkhead let out a laugh at this.

"Well done, Hot Rod. Glad to see you still got it." Bulkhead said as he was happy to see that his friend still got it.

"This ought to give us an advantage." Arcee said.

Inside the black bus, Silas was taken back by this. How the heck did the Autobots get that kind of tech?

"A shield huh? The Autobots are really that desperate. They may be able to protect their previous cargo. But it won't last forever. Fire all weapons at the shield." Silas said with his eyes narrowed.

"Activating all weapons." A MECH soldier said.

The MECH soldiers started to activate the vehicle's gun and aimed it at the shield surrounding the Autobots as Bumblebee beeps in worry and whirred that MECH was starting to aim their guns at them.

"Guys, look. They're aiming at us." Smokescreen said in worry.

"Well then, sit tight." Hot Rod gave them all a heads up.

Inside Bulkhead, Agent Fowler held on to his seat.

"No need to tell me twice." He replied.

Inside the black bus, the weapons all lock on to their target.

"Weapons charged." The MECH soldier said.

"Open fire." Silas ordered.

The MECH soldiers all start to shoot at the shield but not even a single bullet breaks the shield which means that their guns have no effect on it.

"This shield can hold up against their firepower right?" Smokescreen questioned as he was still worried.

"They're gonna need something a lot bigger to get through this." Hot Rod said but Smokescreen couldn't help but feel like he just jinxed them.

Inside the black bus, that was a shocker and Silas was getting annoyed.

"Sir, our weapons can't penetrate the shield." A soldier said as Silas gritted his teeth.

"So it would seem. Send in our rocket launchers." Silas said before letting out another order.

On top of the bus, two MECH soldiers started walking on the roof and carrying some sort of high tech rocket launcher as this worried the team.

"What is that thing?" Smokescreen asked in worry.

"I don't know. But it sure doesn't mean anything good." Cliffjumper said as he was getting a bad feeling about it.

The Mech soldiers put a rocket inside the rocket launcher and started aiming at the shield as Smokescreen realized what they were about to do.

"Oh no." He muttered.

The MECH soldiers shoot the rocket at the shield as it hits on impact which is starting to get weak from the hit. It's still holding up but the rocket had a huge effect on it as there was a small crack forming.

"What's wrong with the shield?" Agent Fowler asked.

Outside on the highway, Hot Rod gritted his dentas with strain to hold the shield up.

"My shield... It's getting weak. That rocket launcher has affected its power. I don't know how long it can take." Hot Rod said with strain in his voice.

"We need help." Arcee said and wished that Emily was with them.

Seeing as how one of Mech weapons can make Hot Rod's shield get weaker, the Autobots are in dire need of help when suddenly the black bus radars start detecting something heading their way.

"Sir, incoming vehicle." A MECH soldier said.

"Fowler must have called for some back up. How many are there?" Silas said before he questioned.

"It's... just one vehicle, sir." The soldier said with confusion.

"One vehicle only?" Silas repeated with confusion as MECH was confused.

Outside on the highway, Bee saw something coming from behind and started beeping to tell the others.

"Guys, look behind us." Arcee said.

They then all saw that it was the same green battle vehicle from before.

"It's that same vehicle." Smokescreen said before they were taken by surprise by a familiar voice.

"Hey, guys, need a hand?" It was Emily! The Autobots were glad and overjoyed to hear from her again and the second voice made them smile more.

"Calvary is here to help you guys." It was Miko! Bulkhead could have sworn that he felt like crying.

"Miko, is that you?" Bulkhead asked through the comm link.

Inside the Mobix, Miko couldn't help but smile at Bulkhead's voice.

"Hey, buddy, did you miss me?" Miko asked as Emily shook her head before turning serious.

"What's the situation?" She asked.

"We're under heavy fire. Our shield is holding but not for long. You're gonna have to do something about their rocket launchers." Agent Fowler informed her.

"We're on it." Emily said before Silver Flame recognized one of the vehicles.

"What is Contact H doing with a military convoy?" She asked in confusion.

"Hard to tell." Green Wolfpack noticed their help helping the convoy and military.

"Who's Contact H?" Miko asked curiously.

"That guy in the red muscle car." He pointed as both Miko and Emily looked over and saw the car but the insignia caught their attention and couldn't believe their eyes. Is that what they think is...?

"I don't believe it. It's a… new..." Miko felt like screaming in excitement. Why didn't Bulkhead or the Autobots tell them that there were gonna be more Autobots?!

"A new what?" Silver Flame asked in confusion. Do Miko and Emily recognize or know the car?

"A new..." Miko said as she tried to come up with a word.

"Ally. That's what she wanted to say. She sometimes forgets the words." Emily said as Miko nodded her thanks.

"Let's try not to lose focus." Silver Flame eyed the two before focusing back on the road.

"Do we use our guns?" Green Wolfpack asked but Silver Flame shook her head.

"No, we can't risk hurting any civilians. I got a better idea." She said before she accelerated and hit the black bus hard from behind and caused them to lurch forward slightly at that.

"Sir, we're being hit from behind." A MECH soldier said as Silas narrowed his eyes.

"They never learn, do they? Point our guns at them and keep shooting at that shield. I want it down now. " Silas ordered as the MECH soldier aimed at the Mobix.

"Guys, that thing is no longer aiming at us." Arcee said.

"It's aiming at that huge truck." Smokescreen said worriedly.

"Miko and Emily's in trouble." Bulkhead said as Miko and Emily were riding on the large vehicle.

The second MECH soldier shoots another rocket at Hot Rod's shield and causes it to crack more.

"And so are we." Cliffjumper said.

Inside the black bus, they lock on the target.

"Target on sight. Firing now." A MECH soldier said before pressing the trigger switch.

The black bus starts shooting at the Mobix but thanks to it's bulletproof chassis, the Mobix is able to sustain the damage to a minimal rate.

"Looks like we got their attention. Our shield is at 47% and going down." Green Wolfpack said.

"Didn't you say that this was bulletproof?" Miko asked as she knew that something was about to happen.

"Yes but it didn't mean that the shield could take all this hit." He explained as Emily saw something.

"Uh oh. They have a rocket launcher." Emily pointed out as a MECH soldier started aiming at the Autobots for a third shot which worried them.

"And they're about to shoot at the convoy." Emily said.

"Not if I can help it." Silver Flame said and accelerated to stop the MECH soldier from shooting the convoy and hitting the black bus multiple times by the Mobix

"Shoot them down now." Silas ordered.

"Shoot them down." The MECH soldier repeated the order.

The MECH soldiers on top of the black bus started aiming their rocket launchers at the Mobix as the four felt their eyes widened.

"Brace for impact!" Silver Flame warned before the MECH soldiers shot a rocket at the Mobix and made it go off-road as Bulkhead felt his spark break with worry.

"Miko, Emily!" Bulkhead exclaimed as he was about to make a turn to the Mobix to see if they were okay.

"They're fine, Bulkhead. Focus on the battle." Arcee stopped him as she knew that the two girls were tough.

"And on the fact that we're deep in the scrapheap." Smokescreen said.

Somewhere far behind in the tunnel, the Mobix was smoking from the hit as Emily sat back up as she held her head. She could tell there was a bump there.

"Oh man. We took a huge hit there." Emily groaned from the dizziness.

"My head is turning around like crazy." Miko said dizzily as she shook her head.

"No, no, no, no, no!" The sound of Green Wolfpack panicking caught their attention as they looked towards him.

"What is it?" Miko asked in concern.

"Our shield is already down at 10%. One more hit..." Green Wolfpack said but trailed off as he didn't want to finish.

"And we're done for. It's better than letting MECH win." Silver Flame said with a small groan as she held her head.

"Are you crazy? If we hit again, it's game over for us." Miko said.

"Well if we don't do something, it will be game over for the whole world." Silver Flame said sternly.

"So what are you waiting for? Drive!" Emily said, which confused G-pack and Miko.

"Drive?" The two asked in confusion as their answer was Silver Flame starts driving down the road to the rest of the chase.

"What was I thinking about coming to this mission?!" Miko asked herself.

"I don't think you were thinking." Emily shot back with sarcasm.

"Gee, thanks!" Miko huffed.

Back at the far reaches of the tunnel, the Autobots were in trouble as MECH had shot a third rocket at Hot Rod's shield.

"This isn't going well." Agent Fowler said.

"Really? Whatever gave you that idea?" Bulkhead retorted.

Outside on the highway, Optimus was getting worried about their situation.

"Hot Rod, how long before the shield comes down?" Optimus asked him.

"Not long." Hot Rod said with strain in his voice.

"I'd say we hit them back when the shield goes down." Cliffjumper said.

"No. We cannot risk hurting someone." Optimus told him.

"Well, we got to do something. We can't just stand there and do nothing." Arcee told them just as MECH shot another rocket at the shield as the crack was getting bigger.

"That's it, you guys. One more hit and we're done for." Hot Rod said as this worried the bots.

Inside the black bus, Silas smirked as he could almost achieve the victory of finally getting what he wanted.

"Their shield is weak. One more hit and the DINGUS will be ours." A MECH soldier said.

"Excellent." Silas said.

Outside on the highway, Silver Flame was driving as fast as she could to save the convoy on time as Miko saw something wasn't right from the looks of it.

"Guys, look!" Miko exclaimed as they all looked at what she was pointing at and saw that the convoy had a huge shield problem as it looked like the shield was about to give away.

"They're in trouble." Miko said just as Silver Flame had an idea. It's risky but it's the only way.

"I got an idea." She said as Green Wolfpack sent her a warning look.

"Don't you dare." He started.

"Unless you have a better idea. This is where we're headed." Silver Flame said as she stepped on the gas.

The MECH soldiers on the top of the black bus start aiming at the Autobots again and they're about to shoot when suddenly the bus hits a car that was passing by and it makes the soldiers lose their balance and fall down. The Mobix was getting closer to the convoy.

"Go faster! Come on!" Emily exclaimed.

"I'm doing what I can. We'll have to use the afterburner." Silver Flame said.

"It should give us the speed we need to catch the convoy. But if you're planning what I think you're about to do, must I tell you that..." Green Wolfpack started as Silver Flame sighed.

"I know, I know. But we don't have any choices, G-Pack. This is the only way." Silver Flame said as Green Wolfpack nodded.

The black bus regained it's control after it hit the car that passed by.

"Be careful." Silas said with a glare

On the roof of the black bus, the MECH soldiers that fell down started to get back up and aimed their rocket launcher at the shield for a final shot but Silver Flame knew what she had to do.

"Oh no, you don't." She said before activating the afterburner and making the Mobix go fast as the trio held on to their seats.

When the Mech soldier shoots the rocket, the Mobix takes the hit for the Autobots as Silver Flame drives in front of the shield as the Autobots were in shock.

"No!" Bulkhead yelled.

The Mobix's back engine started to burn in flames and Silver Flame lost all control.

"I lost control!" Silver Flame exclaimed.

The Mobix started crashing against the wall and hitting multiple cars on the way. It stopped for a moment as the close explosion from the hit between the Mobix and the rocket launcher had also affected the black bus and made it hit the wall as the Autobots couldn't do anything but watch in dread and shock as questions ran through their processors.

What happened...? What happened to Miko and Emily? Did they survive the crash?

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