


Sometime later we see Antron. I signal them to land on Antron.

We soon landed back on Antron. We all reverted to normal and They began breathing heavily. Amalthea ran over to us.

"Zeus what in the world is this!" I only smiled at her.

"My brothers and sisters", I panted. 

Her hand covered her mouth.

"Oh my". She whispered after a few seconds before reverting to her old self. 

"Get up! You're all naked and smell like bile". She led them back to the cave before washing them and giving them new clothes. We sat around the fire and drank milk and ate bread.

"I'm Zeus," I finally said after a few minutes of them eating like savages. "I'm your youngest sibling and I gave Kronos the potion to help throw you guys up. This here is Amalthea, my girlfriend who's been taking care of me since birth, This Metis my other girlfriend, and our goat Gida." 

The goat looked up from her corner, "Maaaa!". 

The Olympians nodded and one of them stood up.

"Well I'm the eldest, and my name is Hestia." The red-haired olympian said. She was the shortest of us all at around 5'6. She had a round face full of freckles over her cinnamon-colored skin. She had an ample bosom, and hips that completed her hourglass figure. Her amber eyes were calming and looking into them seemed to soothe my Dick. Her voice was sweet and full of gratitude. She looked like danmachi Hestia.

In the original story she is 1 of 3 great virgin goddesses, but not on my watch. I am going to fuck her like animal.

After that Hades stood up. "I am the eldest son of Kronos and my name is Hades." He stood at around 6'11. His cheekbones were probably sharp enough to cut someone, his skin was a sickly olive color, and his silky beard dragged close to the fire. He looks like PJO Hades. He is one of the great villains of wonder woman, & he will be going to abduct my about-to-born daughter/wife. so let's see he can survive. 

Next was the green-haired one."My name is Poseiden, and I gotta say you have weird eyes." He was about 6'10 and he had a thicker build like me. His sea-green eyes had a childish look in them as if he wanted to touch everything for no apparent reason. He had his beard. Thick and curly, but his beard reached almost his belly button. He had a rounder face than me but it was still that of a man. His rosy skin glowed in the firelight. I honestly couldn't believe this was a grown man. He looked like records of Record of Ragnarok. He is one of the rapeist gods I will see how he will going to do it on my watch. I will be savings Medusa from r*p*. 

Once he sat down, the blond olympian stood. "My name is Demeter, third youngest of Kronos." She said as she bowed. She was definiickest of bowed. She was the thickest of the women, with the largest curves. She stood at 5'7 and had rosy skin like Poseiden. Her voice was wary and her brown eyes darted around the room, looking for something. She looks just like her danmachi counterpart. She will be the mother of the goddess that Hades going to abduct, like any other Goddess, she looks glorious with blond hair.

The final olympian squeezed Demeter's arm and they locked eyes for a moment. Demeter sat down and the last woman stood.

My name is Hera I am the middle child of Kronos. She said as she bowed.

She was the tallest of the three at 5'11 and had pale skin similar to Hades, but nowhere near as bad. She had purple hair that, like the rest, spooled around her ankles. She had elfish features and smaller green eyes. She had a smaller chest than her sisters, but it still existed. Lucky for her, her hips and ass made up for it. she looks like Hera from the blood of Zeus. She will be My official queen, & a bitch for my demigod children, but not in this universe I will be fuck her like slut. Just by looking 3 at them, I got Bonner. I will have a foursome with them after the war.

Hestia and Poseiden were the only ones who seemed comfortable. Hades was looking at me, prepared to react if I tried something. Try it bitch you can't even blink before I cut your head off. Demeter seemed uncomfortable and was super fidgety while Hera tried to calm her down.

I finally closed my eyes. Having them open was starting to give me a headache, but even though they were closed, I could still see like I normally should. Well because I am thunder, God. it helped with the headache. "Well, you guys should get some rest." Poseidon immediately claimed my bed for himself, little shit. But I need them for war. So I shrugged and made myself comfortable on the cave floor. They didn't trust me, and by exposing myself like this, I was hoping to convey that I trusted them and they should return the favor. They didn't relax until I fell asleep and then they decided it was safe to rest.

I awoke the next morning to see Hestia looking at me. "Um, good morning?" She jumped up. "Oh! You're awake. Why are your eyes closed." I shrugged.

"Don't worry about it. It's just a power that I have and keeping my eyes closed doesn't hinder my sight at all and places less stress on me."

"That's neat!"

I stood up and patted her head. Poseidon was still sprawled on my bed. We all wore a white Himation and nothing on our feet. His got undone and was barely covering him up. Metis was teaching Demeter and Hera to read and write like how she had done for me. Amalthea was grooming Gida's fur. Hades was nowhere to be seen.

"So what is life like in this place?" Hestia asked. 

"Well it's calm, I can train like a mad man without anyone disturbing me. But I only spent 25 years on this island. 3 years on Jupiter. Sadly, we'll have to leave."

"Why?" She asked as she helped herself to a cup of milk.

"Well, now that the Titans will be actively searching for us, a small island like this will be impossible to defend from Oceanus." She offered me the rest of her cup and I accepted.

"You know, I've never had this kind of feeling before. Feeling completely safe near you. I like it a lot. Demeter hasn't been in Father for long enough to be completely used to it, but just enough to remember it vividly. Living there was probably the worst feeling. I don't know how much longer I would have lasted before he sapped all my strength."

I honestly couldn't imagine what it was like to live in someone's stomach for decades, but my sympathy was at an all-time high, & I wanted to feel those juicy boobs, so I opened my arms and hugged her.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that." Hestia blushed and quickly shook her head.

"Meh, it's fine. You came along when you did, and now we can get some sweet revenge. You think Kronos would fit in my stomach?" I chuckled.

"Grow a few feet and then maybe." She pouted and punched my arm.

"Ahem." Someone loudly cleared their throat behind me. Hades stood at the entrance to the cave.

"We should talk." I walked over and onto the beach. He had set up a large circle of stones from the cave.

"Uh, what is this?" I asked. Hades just rolled his eyes.

"Amalthea told me the stones were enchanted to suppress our auras. Surprised you didn't know for someone who's lived here their whole life." This little Shit I was training, like a madman to free you little Shit, but I don't want to debate with a kid. So I shrugged.  I was careful enough for my safety to not be a problem, and honestly, I wasn't too experienced with how our auras worked so I had never decided to ask.

"Anyway, what do you want to talk about?"

"I hope you have a plan. While I do thank you for saving me from a slow and stinking death, I'm sure you didn't bring us to live as goat tenders on this island. I can tell you want us to fight our Father, no?" 

I nodded. I need him to find a way towards the underworld, of course, that was the plan.

"Well yeah, there are thes-"

Fuck, ...

"Let me stop you right there." Hades cut me off. This little Shit I swerve I will kill this shit after the war. I thought.

"Kronos himself would most likely step on us the instant we got near, not to mention the other ELEVEN titans. We're outnumbered and most definitely, outclassed. You're trying to get us killed." Little shit you're right they have numbers, but I will not die, & I will be able to save my wife. 

"No no. You got it all wrong. I have a plan. There are these people trapped in Tartarus, and if we can free them then they can help us defeat the titans."

"People with that kind of power, trapped in the worst prison in the world, are going to help us rule over them?" Fuck it. he is making me angrier.

"It sounds a little sketchy, but trust me. I know it will work." Ugh. I sounded like some lame anime character but I honestly have a plan so they can come to my side, but I have no way to prove to him that the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires would be helpful, or if they could even be trusted. Hades shook his head and massaged his temples. 

after that. Fuck. fuck

Everyone whispering to each other. they don't know how they talking 

Fuck him what did he say. I am angry enough it's now he is indirectly calling me stupid.

fuck fuck. then a thunderstorm appears on the island my eyes turn white I stare at hades. 


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