
281 The Pink Heart (Part 1) _3

"No, Dr. Mamet, I don't blame you, and I should thank you for everything. I just want to know how much longer can this child stay in my wife's womb?"

"It's not about how long the child can hold on, but rather how long Young Mrs. Atkinson can endure. Come here, I'll show you something."

Dr. Mamet pointed at the computer screen, saying, "This is the ultrasound image; you see, this little white dot is your child."

Gem's heart skipped a beat as he stared intently at the small white dot pulsating on the screen. The child, their child, was alive and filled with vitality.

"Let me show you the ultrasound of another normal child at the same stage." Dr. Mamet pulled up another image on the computer for comparison and asked, "Mr. Atkinson, do you see any differences?"

"My child has more shadows on their body."



"Because those shadows are the virus."

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