
Chapter 17 Effects

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



Ding!! Dong! ding!! dong!!

Harry woke up with the chime of the magical clock booming in his ears, aside from the infernal sound ringing in his head everything else is still a blur to him.

As his vision slowly clears he found himself on the floor of the Ritual room covered in dust. Bloody hell! What time is it? Harry quickly looked at the clock that showed it is 5 in the morning. Thank Merlin! There is still time for him to get back in the house before anyone wakes up.

After the rituals were done harry remembers being so spent both mentally and physically that he blacked out on the floor. He slowly got up from the floor and used a cleaning spell on himself, the ritual circle made from all kinds of rare and priceless magical components had been turned to dust which got swept away by the cleaning spell.

"Harry I see you are awake. Good! that means the clock strategy worked, you wouldn't have appreciated the other methods I had planned to wake you if the clock didn't work. If it was up to me I would have let you rest, but you are the one who insisted that you had to return home before sunrise." The portrait started speaking as soon as it came inside the room. It sounded like it was happy that the clock worked, but harry knows from the past month that the portrait would have relished the opportunity to toy with him.

The portrait always tries to punish Harry for not acknowledging the great lord "Slytherin's" standing and authority in "his" own Chamber of Secrets.

"So how was it?" The portrait asked with visible excitement. This is completely different from that calm and composed manner the portrait usually exudes.

Harry sighed before answering." let's just say that I can finally understand why seven-year-olds shouldn't perform enhancement rituals, even if they can somehow perform such complicated magic. The toll of the ritual is so massive that even most adult wizards won't able to handle it. Even now my head still feels like it was trampled by a herd of wild hippogriffs."

"I suspected that much, but what about your magic? Can you feel any difference from before?" The portrait questioned him.

Now that he thinks about it harry's magic does feel different from how it used to before the ritual. Before his magic felt like a stream of cold water when it flowed through him but now it feels warm. That's not all, the scar that was on his left hand is gone, in just two hours a big scar like that completely disappeared.

He is even a few inches taller than before.

This means the rituals worked and Harry has taken some properties of all three magical parts he sacrificed in the rituals. This doesn't mean harry can just regenerate entire limbs instantly but due to the phoenix tears, his healing abilities are multiple times stronger than an average wizard's.

Every wizard or witch naturally has powerful healing abilities due to their magic. If a wizard's hand has been cut off by anything other than dark magic then the wizard's body will simply regrow an entirely new hand in just a few months by itself. If powerful healing spells and potions are used then the hand will regenerate in days instead of months.

Dark curses are called dark because they don't just harm the wizard's body they also leave a tiny amount of dark magic in the body, which prevents the body from healing itself. Damage done by dark curses can only be healed by using the right counter curse.

This is why wizards have such a large lifespan when compared to muggles. An average can easily live up to 200 years old due to their magic constantly healing the damage done to their body.

Aside from gaining a healing ability that is multiple times stronger than normal Harry's magic has also taken the properties of Pheonix tears, his body can now heal the damage from most of the weaker dark magic on its own. A phoenix's magic is naturally in complete opposition to dark magic.

He can also feel a stronger connection to magic due to the dragon's heart and his immunity has also been strengthened to an insane degree.

Wizards are completely immune to muggle diseases and ailments due to their magic but the same can't be said for magical diseases and poisons. But due to the basilisk's venom now harry is immune to most of the magical diseases and poison as well. It would take a large enough amount of basilisk venom in his blood to kill him now.

The rituals could provide harry with such powerful effects only because of the immense amount of sacrifices made for it. Harry sacrificed three Phoenix tears, with just one tear a wizard can be brought back from the brink of death and when not used to treat injures drinking the tear can increase the lifespan of a wizard by decades. A Phoenix can't just produce healing tears out of thin air, they have to use their magic to make them.

After producing three tears Hedwig won't be able to produce any at least for the next three years. A dragon had to be killed in its prime to get that heart and it literally took centuries to gather that much basilisk venom.

Aside from these three effects, the rituals have also enhanced all aspects of his mind, magic and body to superhuman levels.

Harry was able to take some properties from other magical creatures only because he hadn't had his first magical maturity yet. That's why unless Death itself sends another powerful wizard back with his memories while Time itself reverts back, such results can't be achieved ever again.

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