
Chapter 208 : We’re going home

Gareth and Elric took a step forward, both scared the strange man would hurt Melissa, but with the wave of the mage's hand the two men froze in place. He then lowered his hand to Melissa's bandaged side, after which a warm white light engulfed her wound, healing it completely.

Melissa touched her side and blinked rapidly in confusion, "my wound.." she looked up at the mage in utter shock, "it's gone." The only part of the man's face she could see was his lips, the rest of it was covered by the hood of his cloak.

Kaiser Stefan on the other hand seemed to have some sort of idea on who the man was, given the skepticism on his face. "You're one of the mages of the rocks are you not?"

The man's lips curved into a smile, "what a fine memory you have Kaiser, indeed I am. The very first, and the oldest to be precise."

"The mages of the rocks?" Maria mumbled before looking up at the mage, "you're the ones you initiated the reincarnation cycle are you not?"

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