
The dark lord


The sun rises on Middle-earth, the freshness of the night slowly gives way to the first rays of sunlight that bring warmth and awaken the insects and the animals of this magnificent land.

At Nurn, the first bird chirps can be heard, the sheep gallop on the green and wooded lands around the lake, while the lake receives its first rays of light and shines with a thousand lights.

In front of this beautiful fauna and this flora and this dazzling display of life that takes its course, slowly several boats are moving on this interior sea of Nurn and heading towards an inhabited place.

As this armada approaches, ready to spill death and blood and shatter this beautiful environment, the men and orcs of Nurn with the sunrise are getting on with their duties.

Dura's orcs take their boats and sail the coastline to catch fresh fish to feed the population, they are skilled fishermen and know perfectly well the most attractive areas to fish.

On their side, under this soft morning breeze, Gwendoline and Ilbar work hand in hand to create and improve the city, and prepare it for the battle that will occur in the next few days.

While the morning has just begun, a small group of soldiers is already training hard on the training ground.

Led by Haleth, they are not slacking in their training, well aware of the dangers that lies ahead, and determined to preserve the peace they hold so dear.

Men as well as Orcs, works hard in these times threatened by the wrath of a single man, a single entity, who, not content with his immense power, wishes above all to impose his will on all.

These valiant citizens will have to face the wrath of Sauron, for in his great anger, he is unpredictable and his great intelligence and tactical mind are more than formidable weapons.

All over Middle-earth, the inhabitants wake up with the sun and set out for their days, unaware of the war that rages in the most guarded land in the world at the moment.

In Gorgoroth, on this immense plateau resides the most elaborate and numerous war infrastructure of the world, day and night, supplied with resources mined in the shadow mountains, they are in constant activity.

The orcs works like slaves in order to create more and more weapons and armors, and to finalize the creation of the biggest army that this age has ever known.

The orcs are multiplying at an insane rate and their numbers are growing steadily.

The war machine of Mordor is set in motion and thousands of weapons are manufactured every hour, trebuchets, ballistas and assault towers are produced in large quantities, heralding a most terrible assault to come.

Sauron, from the top of his tower, calmly observes the situation, he has ordered his most faithful servants, the Nazgûls, to accelerate his war machine in order to attack his main enemy as soon as possible, Talion, whom he considers a nuisance and who challenges his most perfidious plans.

His anger grows with each passing second, and from the top of his tower, remaining in his spirit form, his fury exceeds that which he feels towards men and elves.

Seeing his army grow and prepare, he can't help but think of his upcoming victory, although his plans for middle earth will be delayed, knowing that he will trample on this pesky ranger, who because of a little elf that he raised, allows Talion to threaten his hold on middle earth, can only make him smile in advance.

Observing farther than these lands, he looks carefully at the situation near Seregost, he kept an eye on the battle, and seeing the mediocrity of the tacticians of khand, he can't help but reconsider their places within his allies.

Although he had observed the torture of one of Talion's men, he was quite worried about the skills that Talion's generals had shown so far.

Then, the defeat of Khand's soldiers until the arrival of reinforcements fills him with mad rage.

This anger, even greater than all the ones he has known until then, manifests itself in the physical realm, black clouds form at the top of Barad-dûr.

Red lightning bolts are seen in these clouds, illuminating the sky with their intensity and brightness.

On Mount Doom, this volcano rumbles and explodes, large lava flows escape from the volcano and pour on its sides while large quantities of smoke escape and come to inflate the sky with ashes and carbons.

Seeing this atmospheric phenomenon, most of the orcs take it as a sign and kneel in front of it, which for them is a phenomenon caused by their master.

Sauron's anger grows and grows, not being able to control it anymore, he lets it explode, and with a great bang, his magic, which until then was under control, explodes and spreads in the surroundings, taking physical form and thanks to the emotions of this most powerful being, absorbs the magic particles around them.

After a few minutes, all this magic returns to its origin and concentrates in a point, then after a few moments, this point grows and takes the form of a humanoid of 3 meters high in black armor.

Sauron is back in the world of the living, his emotions and his magic allowed him to regain a physical form while he did not think this was possible.

Happy to have regained a physical form, he leaves his throne room and positions himself on the top of his tower overlooking his vast army that is kneeling in front of the tower, as well as all the war infrastructures present in the vicinity.

Seeing their master, the orcs all shout to his glory.

The trolls play war drums while the orcs shout and make noise by hitting the ground with their shields or their weapons.

Seeing this spectacle welcoming his arrival and his greatness, Sauron raises an arm and silences his entire army.

Then in a dark voice he announces "I am back, my servants, we are going to take back what belongs to us, death to men, death to elves, the age of men is over, the age of orcs has come!"

Listening to their master, the army is furious and screams to his glory before getting back to work with even more fervor.

Sauron, on top of his tower, looks south, where Nurn is, then turns his gaze to the west.

He feels the presence of the ring in the distance, and he aspires to recover his strength as soon as possible because, with his ring, no one will be able to stand up to him.

Following his gaze, five Nazgûls set off south towards Nurn, riding their winged creatures.

The return of Sauron is felt by the wizards and magic sensors of this world, and his arrival is the harbinger of the fiercest war this age has seen

Despite the wills that transpire from the great music, and the destinies that intertwine, this fiercest war finds its roots in events that do not come from any design, transforming the destinies of all and leading to uncertainty about the outcome of this great war.


Shortly before these disturbing events, in Nurn, at sunrise, in the town's forge, the sound of a hammer resounds.

The frequency at which the metal is struck is regular and very fast, each blow of the hammer leaving only one second for the metal to assimilate the properties that are imbued in it.

Then, after a last hammer blow, nothing more, silence sets in.

The last of the 100 was forged, and with it, Talion could finally leave his forge.

Carrying the rings in his inventory, he moves towards Haleth's position, which he senses.

Only ten seconds later, he reaches Haleth.

Haleth, seeing his lord, interrupts his training and kneels down with the words, "My king, are the rings finished?"

Talion, looking at one of his best warriors with an approving look, speaks " Yes, they are finally finished, I'll give them to you, you have to pass them on, I don't need to explain their effects, you'll find out when you wear yours "

"Very well, I am delighted at the idea of using one of your creations " Haleth answers, still on his knees.

Talion then beckons him to get up, which he does, then he gives him a bag containing the 100 rings.

But as Talion was about to tell Haleth to take a ring for himself, he is interrupted by Idril who teleports next to him, holding Baranor in her arms, exhausted and dying.

Seeing his friend in the arms of his love, seeing him dying, at death's door, he lets out his anger and his magic for a moment.

This moment is enough to cool the atmosphere of the surroundings by about twenty degrees, and the power released is incalculable.

Haleth and Idril both understood at that moment the gap that exists between Talion and themselves.

Coming to his senses, Talion looks at Baranor and takes him in his arms before putting his hand on his head.

Feeling the connection with his friend, Talion breathes his magic into Baranor's body.

His magic resonates with the magic already present in his body, then, thanks to his magic, the latter manages to restore Baranor's reserves and heal him.

Only a few minutes after the beginning of the process, Baranor is completely healed, and therefore is simply asleep, just enough time to recover his strength.

Talion then asks Idril "What happened, why is my friend in this state?"

It is then that Idril tells him the scene, the fight of Baranor and the situation in which she found him, although she does not know the reason why Baranor was in this state.

Understanding the situation, Talion realizes something he had previously overlooked, even though he is immortal, his friends, family, and people are mortal, and it is his responsibility to preserve their lives.

In anger, as he was about to announce new measures to Idril but especially to Haleth, the latter felt a great force to the north.

Turning in this direction, Idril and Haleth do the same, also feeling this presence.

Then, he sees in the distance large black clouds and red lightning, followed by smoke and the earth rumbling.

Understanding the situation, he can only be worried, but, as he was thinking a great magical source starts to move, of a size bigger than his, this last one undulates and absorbs everything around it.

Then, releasing a great power, this last one gathers in a single point, there, after some time, the dark lord is reborn

Talion immediately senses this evil and extremely powerful presence, and then, as he observes this source of energy carefully, he feels a pair of eyes fixed on him.

That cold, evil, destructive gaze heralds death and the end of time.

Realizing that Sauron has returned, Talion keeps his cool, and knows that the war will escalate and that only one of them will remain.


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