
DEAR ADAM : Baper Makes You Hungry!

"Sat, when is the food coming?"

"Patience," Ify already felt that the worms in her stomach were starting to rebel.




The loud voice came from Ify's stomach because she was already feeling very hungry. She even felt very bored in the living room watching several television channels. "Gosh! Why aren't there any quality shows?" Ify muttered. "Just gossip, just exploring or following the track record of the artist's life. Uh, isn't there anything better! Music shows and feelings that sing are all that's it. Have you run out of singers?" Ify complained, whose mouth kept muttering endlessly. "Indeed, now television is running out of content and less creative!" Her nagging.

"Fy, your mouth isn't tired of babbling all the time?"


"Geez, you know when my ears start to hurt when I hear you grunt like a bee!"

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