
13 Damge

Middle of Winter

Andor was trying to learn how to make clothes from lia but his fingers just weren't doing what they were told resulting in lmar laughing at him and Andor deciding to just let lia do it , because it appears to be her gift even the village women call her talented for her age and lmar has turned out to be a good sailor and fighter reveling boys 5 years older then him. Andor decides to go outside saying " I'm going outside for a bit so make sure you keep the fire going " with them just saying yes, as Andor steps outside in to the biting cold and barely feeling it thanks to his gift? or curse he hasn't figured it out yet but it is helpful at times, after his train of thought he walks towards the forest but as he leaves through the front gates he sees a shadow standing in the tree line watching him feeling really creeped out he changes his mind a goes to the long house to tell the chief about this strange person.

As Andor walks into the long house the noises quieten down and everyone looks at him with him just nodding his head and making his way to the chief. The chief is talking with his advisor who is named Dag and he is the most paranoid person you'd very meet as well as the biggest boot licker , looking like a half staved corpse covered in oil and wrapped in furs. Uteguard body looks like a young man's but pack more muscle and scars his face is like leather sporting a greying beard he wears leather armour casually while a bear pelt draps his shoulders and if he were to stand he would be 6'3 . As Andor arrives in front of Chief Uteguard he hears the last of dags sentence " be careful " as the oil rag leaves Andor thinking that dag is just looking out for Uteguard says" Uteguard i saw a very suspicious person standing in the forest about 200 meters away , just looking at the village what do you want me to do". Uteguard puts his chin in his hands and says " I would best if you go and find out what they are doing" with a quick glance at Dag, Andor nods his head and asks " Would I be able to bring two men with me " Uteguard says " No you are plenty capable what with your hunting technique and strength, you should have problem with one person but " as he says now in a serious tone "if you find more then one you cone back here so you can alert us " Andor replys " I will go check out who they are then come back" while turning and leaving.

Andor now stands in front of a giant shadowed forest armed with his trusty hammer that he got from the boat trip he walks into the forest looking for the person he saw, after searching for a bit he feels eyes looking at him causing him to snap around and see a wolf with deep red eyes that is bigger then any wolf has the right to be being as big as a horse. Andor grabs his hammer while keeping his eyes on the wolf listening out for more sounds, when a growl comes from behind revealing a smaller wolf that's creeping out from behind some trees. As Andor is having to swap targets he lets loss a roar from his gut hoping it would startle the wolf at least but that just causes the smaller one to pounce at him. Andor dodges sideways as the wolf rushes past him and trys to front kick it in it's side, he connects feeling ribs break and hearing the wolf whine while limping away which sets off the other wolf's he couldn't see resulting in him being bitten on his shoulder while the other trys to grabs his leg only the receive a stomp on its snout breaking some teeth killing it in the process. Andor wincing grabs the wolf's jaw which are trying to rip a chunk of flesh off his shoulder and starts to pry them apart and as he gets it off the giant wolf grabs his abdomen, losing his grip on his hammer and the jaws he lets out a yell of pain while trying to pull the jaws apart, but with the damage he had taken his arms aren't responding properly. As the smaller wolf sees the leader has grabed their prey it goes to bite it's neck but as it gets close it feels a massive pressure coming from it panicking it leaps at the prey and bites it's neck only for it's teeth to break causing the wolf to yelp and run away. The leader noticing looks towards the food in it's jaws and for the first time feels fear as it sees a demon stare back as it starts to grow in size as fangs and claws grow the eyes turn bloodshot a red glow filled with hate and rage easily ripping it's jaws apart, Andors mind was going hazy after his middle got bitten, when he felt a snap in his mind and he blacked out.

3 hours later

Andor wakes up covered in red snow and feeling frezzing for the first time since he came here, he looks around and nearly throws up from the sight that was seen the wolf was ripped apart with bits hanging from tree branches and covering the ground and it's organs were everywhere. Andor was panicking looking around he see his hammer grabbing he quickly leaves the area while dragging his haggered body to the sea to wash.

As Andor washes the blood from his hair and body he looks down at his hands wondering why he is like this and he thinks back to his parent like when his dad thought him to fish or use a sling or his mother making food or combing his hair, he smiles at first but it always goes back to the figures of his dead parents and that monster who took them just because they were in the area, growing angry he smashes his fists into the water causing big splash while tears fall down his face as he starts to cry asking" why did they have to be taken from me they were good people they didn't deserve any of what happened to them" as he clench his fist he after all this time remembers his drive to kill that one eyed monster.

1 Hour later back home

Andor walks in a sees lmar and lia sleeping he then falls I to bed with plans to tell Uteguard what happened tomorow.


I'll try to add more names but I've never been good at making and i might add some magic soon I was thinking ruinic and druid for now then proper magic later but if you guys have ideas just comment them.

Thanks for reading.

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