
[85.11] Protect the Protector

A paintbrush was gently dragged across a white canvas, making precise strokes. A low voice spoke, "Do you understand, Felix? It's the rule of thirds. It's the most important aspect of a painting that can determine the worth of the artwork. So that's why you- Felix. Are you paying attention?"

The child who was dozing off suddenly sat up, "Huh? Oh! Yeah."

"...You're not paying attention are you?"

"I am! It's just… Well, I'd rather watch you do it."

Moni let out a sigh and lowered his hand, "Does anyone appreciate art in this Kingdom?"

*knock knock*

The door opened slowly and the Duchess stepped through with a sour look on her face, "Yo."

Felix/Moni turned to face her, "Yes?" 

"That brat descendent of Alora was in the trafficking camps."


"Apparently, he almost died… He would have too if it wasn't for the girl."

"Darn." Moni turned back to his easel with a plain look, "His death would have been preferred."

Rose frowned, "What is your deal? I've never seen you hate a person so much before, especially a child! If it's really the curse that's bugging you, just remove it-"


The paintbrush in his hand snapped in half, falling to the ground in splinters. Moni/Felix stood up abruptly and shoved Rose to the side as he stomped out.

Rose scrunched up her face in irritation and stomped after him, "Seriously! I don't understand you! You're playing house with a little girl while possessing her brother, you're saving children who were sold into trafficking, yet you want the descendent of Alora to die. OH! And let's not forget you are using OUR TROOPS to attack Vira and ruin her plans while allowing her to cast you as the villain-"

Moni/Felix stopped in his tracks, "I. Am. The. Villain."

He turned around, revealing his vibrant, orange eyes. Darkness burst out from around him, completely devoiding the room of light. Rose gasped and tried to take a step back, but she found herself pressed against an invisible wall. She could only stare straight in horror as those vibrant orange eyes slowly grew taller and more primitive. In the complete darkness, her brother, or whatever he was, glared down at her and snarled.

"I can hear your heart pounding. I can hear every little thing you've ever thought. I can enter your mind, I can alter your mind. I can end your life without even blinking. You seem to think I'm a benevolent brother… But do you care to actually put your trust in that?"

Rose gulped, trying to maintain a calm composure. She croaked out, "I'm your sister-"

"-And? If you're my sister then you should understand just how unreasonable I can be."

Seeing Rose barely managing to hide her trembles, Moni pulled himself back, returning the room back to its pre-lightened state. His dull orange eyes stared up at her through the body of a child, "I don't care if you are my sister. If you go against my wishes, then you're my enemy. If you question me, I can only assume that means you're against me. Since that's the case, then take our siblings and live elsewhere without me."

Rose took a deep breath and faced him bravely, "I'm not your enemy and I'm not leaving you. I just want to know why."

Moni's eyes fell to the ground as he muttered, "...You already know why."

She watched him walk away, shadows trailing after him. She let out a sigh, "No. I don't…"

Moni/Felix walked up the stairs and entered into his room. Shutting the door behind him, he sat on the bed. He took a deep breath and traveled out of Felix's body. Felix shuddered then opened his eyes to stare at Moni with a pained look, "Why… Why did you say that to her?"

Moni stared at his reflection, his eyes drawn to his abdomen where a liquid began to spread. "Say what?"

"That you're the villain…"

Moni started unbuttoning his shirt, "Because I am. I truly want that boy to die."

"But… Why?"

Moni's hands paused, "...It's a long story."

"I'm not going anywhere."

Moni glanced at the small, tearful boy from the corner of his eyes, "It's something I can't control."

Felix pursed his lips, "Whenever you see that boy, your wound starts to bleed and I can feel how painful it is. Does the wound really hurt that badly that you want him to die?"

Moni let out a sigh of relief, "You can't hear him."

"Hear who?"

He shook his head, "It's nothing you need to be concerned about."

Felix submissively stared at Moni, "Are you going to threaten me too? If I ask too many questions, would you kill me too?"

Moni quickly turned around and held Felix's hands, "I would never do anything to hurt you. I made a promise."

Felix's eyes were drawn to Moni's now-revealed abdomen. His eyes widened in horror, "What's that-"

Moni quickly covered Felix's eyes and whispered, "Don't stare into it. It will draw you in and never give you back."

Felix felt the cold, and chilly hands of Moni pressed against his eyes. If he hadn't known it was a living person, he would think it was the hands of a corpse. He whispered, "Moni… I'm worried."

"I told you I will protect you."

"No… I'm worried for you."



He let out a sigh, "Really… You are the only one who has ever made me speechless."

There is more to this chapter that I will release next week (sorry, I'm still editing it) but I just wanted to explain Moni's confusing behavior.

He's constantly exhausted (thanks to Orphelio), still processing his grief, traumatized from childhood, and it has turned him into a short-tempered man with a self-destructive personality.

So author wants to give you her philosophy:

Sometimes good people do bad things... And bad people do good things.

Nekorucreators' thoughts
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