
[20.4] The Wrong Dish of Revenge

I sat at the table, leaning forward with a villain-like aura around me.

The Headmaster walked to the kitchen to grab his morning coffee and was surprised to see I was already awake and ready. He glanced at Zephyr who was yawning, "What happened to her?"

He shrugged, "She was defiled."

The cup in the Headmaster's hand fell to the ground and shattered. His expression turned dark, "What?"

I pointed to my cheek, "My cheek has been dirtied by the filthiest thing in the world."

The Headmaster tilted his head, "And that was?"

My eyes narrowed, "The lips of a small boy."

His expression grew darker, "...What."

Zephyr translated, "That golden hair boy kissed her cheek and she freaked out. She was scribbling on paper all night."

The Headmaster clenched his fist, "We must punish him for his insolence."

I laughed in a dark tone, "Don't worry… I was up all night coming up with the perfect plan."

He nodded, "Great. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Actually, do you think you could make up an excuse to get him to stay later after his training today?"

An evil grin broke out across the Headmaster's face, "With pleasure."

Zephyr rubbed his hands together, "Don't you just love it when an evil plan comes together?"

As soon as I made it to class, the boys already had a bad premonition in their hearts which showed clearly on their faces. Cyrus nudged Felix who caught the hint.

Felix smiled at me, "Reika… Did your nightmares return? You look a bit… Pale."

I laughed, "Pale? No, no. I've just become one with the dark side."

Felix slowly turned his face to the front, "Mmm… Okay then."

He didn't dare ask any more questions.

After class, I went to the library where I sneakily moved away from the table. I stared at my sleeping tutor's face while I tiptoed away.

My feet caught on the carpet, throwing me forward and causing me to land on my face. I picked my head up quickly to see that Marx hadn't moved a bit.

I let out a sigh of relief.

That was close.

I cautiously walked to the corner of a library where Zephyr and Hazel were waiting.

Zephyr was dressed in one of my uniforms with pigtails in his hair. His hands trembled with anger as he snapped at me, "Why am I in a dress!?"

I explained, "Because I need you to be disguised as me so I can sneak out."

He pointed at Hazel who was still playing around with his hair, "Then why not make her do it!?"

I replied calmly, "Because she's also supposed to be here. I can't have her disguised as me if she's also being watched."

He hissed, "Then why not use magic!?"

"Because Marx is surprisingly a genius at magic. He would know it's fake."

Zephyr frowned, "But I really don't think he cares!"

...Truthfully, I just wanted to see if he would put on the dress.

I didn't think it would be so easy to trick him.

…It's almost boring.

I rubbed Zephyr's head, "I will give you some tasty food after this."

Before he could complain more, I jumped out of the window, summoning snow on the ground to break my fall.

I jumped out of the large snow pile and ran towards the dorms. When I got to the building, I pulled out a paper with the information I had bought from another student. I looked up at the windows in the dorms, "Okay. It says his room is 3B… That window looks right."

I flew up to the room and took a deep breath.

Aha! Just as I thought. Even the dorms have protection spells around the windows. But I've already learned how to remove those.

After I took it off the spell, I opened the window and climbed through.

I fell to the ground with a large thud and raised my head, "Heh! MUHAHAHA- Eh?"

My mad laughter stopped as soon as I found myself in a sea of Cyrus's image.

Cyrus portraits.

Cyrus sculptures.

Cyrus pillows.

Even Cyrus dolls!

There's even an embroidered blanket with his face on it!!!

"What the f*ck is this sh*t!?!"

Did I fall into a f*cked up shrine instead!?

I noticed the door and quickly ran towards it and threw it open. When I left the room I turned back and my face stiffened.

On the door was the nameplate: 'Caldwell'

I knew he was a bit weird, but I didn't think it would be THIS bad!!!

Should I tell the police?

No, no. I have more important things to do now.

I snuck around the main room and noticed that it actually wasn't that small. Even though it wasn't a castle, the furniture and decorations were very exquisite.

How can this even be considered a dorm!? It's bigger than any apartment I've ever had!!!

I rubbed my hands together, "Oh well. It's time to go to work."

I opened the door to Cyrus's personal room and looked around. It wasn't weird like Caldwell's…

...But is this even the room of a child!?

I've never seen such a clean room! Everything is pristine and orderly! He's even organized the pencils on his desk according to size!

But I wonder…

I flopped down on the ground to look under his bed. My eyes strained to see until I noticed a book.

Aha! I knew it!

There's only one reason why someone would hide a book under their bed when they have a perfectly good bookcase!

A red book!

An x-rated novel!

I grabbed the book and pulled it out with malicious laughter.

Finally! Something I can use as blackmail!

I read the cover, "A cognitive theory of Magic and the quantum mechanics behind its thermodynamics-"

Wait… That title sounds…


"Is this an educational book?!?" I thought for a moment and snapped my fingers, "Aha! It's possible that the cover is a fake so no one finds it suspicious."

I threw it open and flipped the pages.

I cried out, "IT'S EDUCATIONAL!"

I slammed the book shut.

I'm a bit disappointed.

I let out a scream and shook the book angrily.

A few papers slowly fell through the air, landing on the floor.

I stopped shaking the book, "Eh? He hid some papers in it?"

I picked them up and inspected them carefully. Terrible images were drawn on the pages.

Is this supposed to be a cat?

Well… It's bad… But you can tell he worked hard to draw these.

I chuckled, "Is it because of the time he painted with us?"

How cute.

Ah… That almost makes me not want to prank him.



Cyrus had finished his evening training when a teacher beckoned him over and gave him a large envelope. The teacher explained, "Can you go give this to the botany teacher?"

Cyrus didn't find it strange and took it, "Alright."

He walked across the campus and entered the botany room to hand over the envelope. The teacher took it, "Ah, thanks… Could you perhaps run this over to the stables?"

Cyrus took the large bundle of specialty grass, "Oh… Sure."

With Caldwell's help, he walked across to the other side of the Academy to deliver the grass. The stable owner scratched his head awkwardly, "Ah… I know it's late, but the Headmaster wanted to see you."

Cyrus let out a groan, "But that's on the other side of the Academy!"

Caldwell smiled at him, "Young Master. We could just do what Little Miss Reika does and summon an ice chunk to fly on."

His face stiffened, "I'm not that lazy, Caldwell."

With that, they walked the long distance to the other side of the Academy.

When they entered the office, they suddenly shivered.

It was abnormally cold.

The Headmaster sat behind the desk death staring at the two who had come in. He motioned to the chair in front of him, "Go on. Sit."

Cyrus gulped and sat down. He tried not to tremble under the terrifying gaze of the Headmaster, "W-What would you like to see me about, Sir?"

The Headmaster narrowed his eyes but didn't say a word.

Cyrus could only sit in silence as he was tortured for an entire hour by the Headmaster's demonic gaze.

At the same time, I was putting on the finishing touches for my prank. I was using one of Cyrus's chairs to reach the top of his bedroom door.

However, thanks to my small size, I had to balance haphazardly on the chair with several books stacked together. I strained to reach until I finally succeeded in balancing the pail of water on the top of the door.


Great! Now, when he goes to open his bedroom door, the bucket of water will fall on his head.

Then, he will stumble forward instinctively, slipping on the marbles I laid out.

This will cause him to slide forward into the foam I prepared and be covered head to toe.

Then, he will reach out for a towel to wash himself off.


The towel is attached to a string and pulling it will cause it to snap. Above the towel is a bucket of glitter and confetti which will dump down on the unsuspecting Cyrus.

"Kekeke!" I rubbed my hands together with my invention, "It's perfect!"

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, catching me off guard. I swayed on the makeshift ladder and swung my arms to catch my balance.

I fell against the door to catch myself.

The bucket of water swayed back and forth not knowing where to go.

I pressed against the door firmly, but the person on the other side gave it a shove.


But it was already too late.

I fell backward off the stool and landed with a thud on my back. The bucket came with me, drenching me with water. I rolled over with a groan and reached out to pick myself up, but my hand caught the marbles which were scattered on the ground.

I tumbled forward into the foam which exploded, covering the entire room.

I groaned in pain as I lay on my back covered in foam and water.

Cyrus raised an eyebrow, "...What are you doing in my room?"

The string holding the bucket of confetti and glitter suddenly snapped and the contents came dumping down on top of me.

I spat out a mouthful of glitter, "Why is it always me?"

That's all folks!

I've been considering publishing the complete novel on Amazon to get more money to fund the webtoon... But would anyone want this as an actual novel?

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