

She didn't want to wake up because she was having such a wonderful dream. Someone had her in their arms, the flesh beneath her cheek warm and solid. And as she came through the clouds of sleep, she realized who was holding her. 'Raphael.' She leaned in close to him.

'At least you got the name right,' he grumbled huffily.

With his harshness came the recollection of the night before, Sophia pulling out of his arms to move away from him, her eyes wide with fear. His chest was bare, tanned, and covered in dark hair, and she knew from her proximity to him seconds before that the rest of him was as naked, their bare legs entwined until she moved away from him, her only night attire the ripped blouse that still showed signs of his savagery, too tired to take it off before falling asleep the night before.

His lips twisted as he drew her back into his arms. 'Is that any way to greet your lover in the morning?' he mocked.

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