
Clash Pt.III

I activated [Devil Miasma] and [Terror] at the wyvern. Krull just calmly watched me, his eye twitching at my every movement. I started to fly around them, creating a cloud of poison gas while sprinkling my [Sap Spores] about so I could be draining life from them while fighting. I flew in front of the wyvern and shot a spider web at it. Krull cut it however and he snarled at me.

"What is this? Is this all you've got?"

'Excuse you, but that took a bit of thinking to do, especially while under all this pressure!'

"Enough of this. I'm going back."

The war ogre held his weapon tightly and it glowed with a green aura. With one thoughtless flicker, he swung it at me causing a powerful shockwave to be sent through the air. I used [King Viper Scales] with [Centipede Armor] and [Beetle Armor], while making my body absorb the shock with [Slime body]. The damage was so much that I wasn't able to go unscathed even though I attempted to dodge as well.

[You have received 100 damage]

The shockwave continued behind me, creating a huge boom behind me and causing the clouds to separate.

'W-What the hell?! Isn't that too powerful.'

There was a powerful roar. When I looked I saw the tyrant charging at me. His wyvern looked quite pissed, probably because the wyvern's don't like loud sounds and it was forced to hear that. With its beak like mouth open, I could see its sharp yellow fangs in their full glory.

'I'm in trouble! Sike… been waiting for this.'

When the wyvern came close enough, I shot a fireball into its mouth. A trick I learnt from that one cartoon about the guy training a dragon. You know? Was it "How to pilot your dragon"? Ah well, anyway, as tough as its exterior may be, its innards definitely weren't so strong.

I had been wondering about stats, but they really were just representations of what was physically possible for the people of this world. What I meant by that was that, stats basically give a numerical information about how well you trained your body or something like that. And since there is no known way to train your insides, you were definitely weak in there.

Basically, you could have the strongest of defenses, but on the inside, you were just a weak baby in a suit of armor. Did the same apply to the tyrants? Obviously yes. But the problem was actually getting to attack them on the inside. Getting close to them was probably impossible for me.

The wyvern's eyes lit up as it suddenly caught fire out of nowhere. That shouldn't have been possible unless it had a bit of dragon descent. As in its father or grandfather or great grandfather or ancestor had to be a dragon. That would allow to it to breathe out fire and stuff. Meaning, it had the necessary organs to create fire. Which meant its internal organs produced a substance that was highly flammable. It would catch fire real quick.

Its mouth started smoking and it was shaking about dangerously. The ogre tyrant kept on pulling at its reigns, trying to control it, but the wyvern kept on shaking as its body was slowly catching on fire. I saw its scales turning red and smoke literally escaping its very body. Soon, it proved too difficult for the ogre tyrant to control.

The tyrant lost the reigns and plummeted to the ground. I looked at him and he was glaring at me, not even screaming or anything. Then again, with his defenses he should probably have been able to survive that fall no problem.

Still, I noticed too late that the wyvern wasn't actually in pain. In fact, behind me, its mouth was open and I could see bright light coming from it. The way its body was on fire just scared the crap out of me and the breath of fire it produced was so much that [Fire Resistance] was weak to it. Its range was so wide that I couldn't avoid most of the damage and the force behind it was just absurd.

[You have received 400 damage]

[You have been inflicted with the status [Severe Burn]]

[You will lose 30 health points every second]

[You have received 147 damage]

[You have been inflicted with the status [Broken Bones]]

[Due to [Pain Nullification] you will not receive the penalty for this]

The pain was absurd. I started plummeting to the ground, my mind going in and out. I just wanted to zone out. Before I had realized it, I was about a few feet above the ground. I twisted my body and flapped hard so I wouldn't just hit the ground. However, the quick maneuvers weren't enough. My fall was hard and painful since I lost some of my feathers.

[You have received 100 damage]

'S-Sa sa! This hurts! This hurts really badly.'

While I was screaming, I hadn't noticed the royally pissed ogre tyrant standing over me. He had his weapon raised to the sky and his blood red eyes burned as they glared at me. Was this it?


All the creatures on the battlefield paused when they heard a loud explosion in the air. They saw a huge black flames that soon disappeared and in the air, were three creatures. There was the fat ogre riding on a black wyvern, and then the bird with four wings and golden and black feathers. What was happening?

The creatures couldn't even think about their own fights when they saw the chase. The ogres and orcs began to cheer their tyrant on and the members of the west cheered Hinotori on. The warriors that were on each other's necks soon turned into spectators when they saw their leaders fighting. Even the Wicked Witch stopped in her random acts of violence as soon as she saw the two. Her lips curled interestingly at the sight of the two fighting.

Their fights didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was which of the leaders won.

"So that's War Monger Krull, huh?"

"He looks really tough."

"Yea, but I'm sure my money senses tell me he is going down."

"Of course he is going down. The mad witch is intervening."

"Keke… if that's what you think, where has she been this entire time?"


The two hob-goblins were interrupted by the leader of the rat men.

"Hmmm… I would suggest you stop arguing amongst yourselves. We are doomed either way."

"What do you mean?"

He let out a sigh and scratched his head, thinking crazily.

"With the kind of plan she has, we are all most likely going to die! The fact the ogre tyrant is in the air was not part of her plan makes it even worse. Just say your final prayers to your gods."

"Huh? You… are you ok?"

"No. No I am not ok… When Lady Hinotori came to my place last night, she asked me to set up some stuff to lure the Tyrant of the West to a certain point."

"Eh? But wouldn't the tyrant notice you doing this?"

"I thought so, but she told me that the Mad Witch does not usually check up on things like that. Still, not wanting to get caught, I had a bunch of rat men run about, dropping the traps in a seemingly random order so no one would even be able to notice that it was a trap."

"Huh… but why would you need to do that?"

"Well, it turns out that the Mad Witch never agreed to fight."


The rat man put his hands to his ears to avoid receiving any form of damage to his sensitive ears.

"Yes, yes. Lady Hinotori was angry when she found out so she said she was going to forcefully include the tyrant into this."

"Is that not a bit too selfish of her?"

The Zamp leader asked.

"Kukuku… nothing is ever too selfish in war! My money senses were right on the mark to trust the bird."

"Still… That's it? That was her master plan!?"

The little goblin next to them asked. He couldn't believe all their lives were riding on such an incompetent plan. He would not have noticed this were he not always learning from Gorm.

"Simple but effective, right?"

"Yea, now that you mention it. It sounds like something anyone should or could have come up with."

"Not anyone. The Mad witch would probably kill the person who got her involved."


Suddenly, the black wyvern exploded with white flames and plummeted to the ground. All those watching followed with their eyes and tried to get closer. Even the kings put a ceasefire on their combat and rushed towards the site.

The Wicked Witch who heard all of this only smiled. She wanted that bird as a pet now. And from the looks of the battle, it wouldn't be too difficult to capture it. It wasn't really strong, but it possessed potential. She was about to move towards where they landed to save the creature, but then she froze in place.

"Huh? What's a dead creature doing back in this realm?"

Slowly and hesitantly, she turned back and met stormy grey eyes. Her heart sunk as she recognized the person and she had no other option. Escape was impossible. Fighting was impossible. She could only go on her knees and bow.

"L-Lord Goliath. You have returned?""

"Yes. Not for long though. Same can be said of though goblin."


"Leave that body and let its original soul return."

Before the Wicked Witch could say a word, her body fell to the ground.


"Tsu… You were the great beast that was supposed to consume me? Ha! I really do need to teach my daughter a thing when I get back home."

The ogre tyrant said something I didn't understand then drove his weapon into my wing and I felt a whole lot of pain. I never imagined that reincarnating in another would be this painful. This was actually the first time in a while I had seen my own blood.

[You have lost 20 health points]

With [Slime Body] I managed to ignore a lot of the damage that came with me losing a wing. My [Severe Burn] status was now [Burn] and so the health points going would be less. [Slime Body] was really useful.

I put up all my defensive abilities as the ogre tyrant brought his fist down on my body, easily stealing a hundred points of life.

This was really absurd. I could tell that he wasn't even trying with that punch. Normally I should have been grateful, but for some reason, that pissed me off. It was so annoying I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny? Your army will be crushed. I will kill you soon and I will have all these resources to myself then can export them all I want. You lost. No good sides for you."

'…You see… The truth is, I've just won this battle."

[You have lost 10 health points]

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Are you blind?"

[You have lost 10 health points]

The ogre tyrant looked around him, but I could see that he didn't know what I meant. When his eyes met mine again, I wanted to laugh so bad at him, but the pain I felt just made my laugh sound forced.

[You have lost 10 health points]

"Tch… Now you're just saying things. I won't fall for any tricks you have planned for me. Even if I do, I'll just break right through them, because…"

[You have lost 10 health points]

He began another one of his annoying boasting and I wasn't really in the mood for it.

[You have lost 10 health points]

'Yes, yes, because you are the war monger, Tyrant of the East, blah, blah, blah. Dude, give it a rest. It's really annoying to hear you say that over and over again."

[You have lost 10 health points]

Krull glared at me, then he lifted me up, crushing my neck.

[Your neck is being crushed]

[Damage will be taken in response to the amount of force applied]

[You are losing 10 health points]

[You are losing 20 health points]

[You are losing 40 health points]

[You are losing 80 health points]

[You have lost 10 health points]

"Why aren't you laughing now, you stupid bird?"

'You have no idea how screwed you are.'

I spat the blood that was in my beak at his face.

[You have acquired the skill [Taunt]]

[You have acquired the skill [Shoot]]

'Are you shitting me!? Is now the time to tell me something so stupid!?'

The ogre was about to punch me, but then he froze. I could understand why he did. If I were in his shoes I would definitely have frozen. Faster than my eye could see, Krull was sent flying and he left my body to fall weakly on the ground.

[Warning: HP is low!]

[Warning: You have 3HP remaining]

[Warning: Stamina is low!]

'3HP, huh? So this is where I die. So lame.'

I closed my eyes in defeat, waiting for my death, but then it never came. Rather, I felt better. The pain I was feeling was slowly, but surely disappearing. I could hear somebody mentioning my name.




I opened my eyes and standing over me with her hand clasped was the tree sprite from Diane's tree. I began to ask questions. Like for instance, how the hell did I understand everybody when the [Agent] was M.I.A. Was the strawberry milkshake at Ma's better than the Banana slurry? Did I actually make it out of this or did I die?

When I looked up, I saw a various messages from the system.

[You have unlocked the title: Sturdy body]

[You have unlocked the title: Lucky one]

'I unlocked titles? So I'm not dead?'

Then I passed out from low stamina.

Chapitre suivant