
Fated person

As Alyssia was busy freeing the captured people on board all three ships, she was met with many others who had a large variation of different skillsets.

Some of them seemed to be incredibly useful or talented while others only had some basic life skills.

Among the many people she found was a young man who was a little

older than herself.

He had an attractive looking and cute face, light brown hair and green eyes but the two fresh scars on his face ruined his beauty quite a lot even if the wound had not gone too deep or was made so that the scar lines were not too thick.

She was able to notice that he had very high knife/dagger, throwing/juggling, animal taming, deception, acrobatic, etiquette, acting, storytelling, poem/riddle/joke mastery along with his own unique skill to suit his style of combat but he also had two things that also interested her.

He had a basic mastery of his Observation Haki and he had eaten a devil fruit.

Alyssia looked at the devil fruit part in his status and saw the information that was provided by the system.

[Snatch Snatch Devil Fruit: The user can snatch any item or creature from an environment or person. There is a weight and size limit placed on what can be snatched to what the user is capable of holding with one or two hands and the user must have wiitnessed the item and know its general location if it has been hidden inside a room, pocket or vault. User can also snatch moving or flyiing objects and when they arrive in the users hands they will stop all movement.]

Alyssia looked at the skiill descriptiion and frowned upon reading it as she had confirmed that this was what had been used against her and Niica previously.

However it seemed that the person who used it either chose to conceal it for a while or did not have it for that long so they did not have that great of a mastery over it.

They were able to snatch a gun and bag from far away and a weapon that they had seen be wielded by Alyssia at a fast speed and was able to steal it away after just witnessing the items from afar or in a vague and blurry form as Alyssia flickered around the ship.

After confirming the abilities and seeing the young mans skillset, she wondered if perhaps it was the devil fruit that had chosen him.

A Devil Fruits respawn point could be anywhere but there is also the theory that carrrying lots of fruits in a bag near a newly dead Devil Fruit user may allow a higher chance of it being formed within that bag.

There must of been a suitable fruit nearby that matched its shape and it just so happened to roll towards the young man as soon as it had formed once more, this could hardly be considered as a mere coincidence.

Taking all of the things that she could and after double checking each ship for valuables, she got her crew to remove the harpoons and chans from the ships and then set sail again,

Hoowever she was still unsure if the theory was correct since she did not have Blackbeard's knowledge of Devil Fruits so she kept looking around her own ships supplies just in case the other one happened to have formed nearby like the other.

While wandering around and checking everyones status and various places where there may be some fruits stored, she came across the kitchen area of the ship.

She quickly found a weird looking and small fruit that had rolled into the corner between the lower cupboards and the wall, she leaned over and stretched her arm into the small gap to pick it up but she quickly found that it was not whole.

She thought back to the people that she had checked and they could not possibly of taken a bite from it since they did not possess its powers.

She checked that bite mark on the fruit and then confirmed who had taken the powers or at least had some kind of theory. 'Is this a devil fruit bargain sale or what? First a new person arrives on the ship after consuming a fruit and now there is a new unexpected Zoan among those on my ship..'

She went to look around the ship and eventually found the one who had ate it hiding away as if it had suffered from a great shock or a traumatic experience.

Little Li was shaking as the room around it seemed so much smaller and the blanket that usually wrapped its body had grown much larger than before.

Each of its movements were more agile and nimble but also possessed much more power than before that it was unfamiliar with.

As soon as Li saw Alyssia, seeking comfort and protection from its master, it pounced towards her but was met with a foot to the face blocking her leap.

Alyssia looked down at the kitten who had become larger suddenly and sighed.. "Just typical… we have another one that just so happened to end up with the most suitable user.."

It had happened again and among the two confirmed Devil Fruits that had been displayed during the battle and newly formed, both did so nearby and were eaten right away.

Although it was just a theory that perhaps the Devil Fruits are fated to a person or have a will of their own to be able to end up with the right owner, it has been shown in various ways how people have eaten their fruit.

Law had no power to aquire his own fruit but it was still stolen from others and forced down his throat, Buggy wished to sell his own fruit but while trying to hide it and flee he was shocked and accidentally swallowed it, the Sandersonia sisters were also forced to eat them by the Celestial Dragons and and Luffy was angered by a series of events that led him to pick up eat the fruit that Shanks and his crew had stolen.

Some may have aquired a fruits powers through their influence, power or wealth but there were others who just so happened to aquire it by chance, accident or it was forced upon them by others.

Whether it was the will of the world, devil fruits chosen owner or something completely coincidental, Alyssia did not care too much.

What had bothered her was that she had absolutely no say in what happened to the fruits, they could of sold for a large amount of berries or been awarded to her most loyal and useful people but instead they were granted to a captive and a cat, one was her pet and the other was someone who she did not know since she had just freed them.

Since things had already come to this, she decided to just let it be and find a way to cope with it.

First was to train Li and get her to become familiar with the transformation abilities to switch between a small and large cat forms and whatever the hybrid form would be but to also see if the young man would remain on her ship.

The fruits each suited their users one way or another, although they may not be the most perfect hosts that could use them to the fullest potential that was intended, they still matched them well and gave the user a large power boost in their own way.

Li was only able to scratch others and had a small and nimble body that was quite fragile but after eating the fruit its overall stats had been improved and now it was able to transform between a small cat and a larger lynx form that had much more deadly claws and fangs.

The young man had enough skills to be able to use the snatch ability and not have to learn anything new to adjust to it, it also had a high compatibility with his throwing and juggling skills.

If Alyssia had to choose among the many people on board her ship right now to eat them then she might have considered Alfred or Nica while not even thinking of giving it to the pet of the ship or a new addition to the ship who may end up leaving upon docking at the next island.

However now that she had seen who they ended up with, perhaps they did end up with the right owner after all.

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