
Chapter 11: A Big Ass Fish

Immediately after departing the Striaton gym I headed for the pokemon center.

Where there thankfully wasn't a long ass line.

Going up to the front counter I handed over my pokemon to the nurse currently on duty.

Which is not a Joy.

Because despite what the anime showed and the games, not all pokemon center's have a nurse Joy running them. The same is true of the police force. Not all cities have a Jenny.

After turning over my pokemon for treatment I went to the trainer lounge area and took out my phone to surf the net.

Cell phones exist here as well.


The anime really didn't do this world justice in some aspects.

An hour passed before my name was called and I went to retrieve my pokemon.

Once I did so I headed to a feeding area within the center, released my team and gave them food. As well as checked them over myself. Like any good trainer should do.

While I did this I noticed people staring and whispering.

Not that it surprises me.

Dragon-type specialist are rare, and then there's the fact I have a shiny Dragonite. I already knew it was going to draw eyes towards me when I started my journey so I prepared myself for it.

Ignoring the lookie-loos I focused on my pokemon.

Seeing all of them in perfect health.

Once I did I let them finish their meals and then the four of us relaxed for a bit longer before we took our leave from the center.

I then left the city and started down Route 3 towards Nacrene City, where I would earn my second gym badge.

As to why I'm walking instead of flying there, why not?

I'm not really in a rush.

Besides, I want to enjoy this second life of mine to fullest and sometimes taking it easy is part of that.

So a walking I will go.


Humming 'You and Me and Pokemon' to myself I held my personal fishing rod in my hands. While I watched the string move lazily in the water of the river in front of me.

My team relaxing near the river bank with me.

We have been traveling Route 3 for the past two days and everything has been going smoothly.

Now then, as to why I am fishing. It's because I am trying to catch more pokemon for my team.

Specifically either a Magikarp or a Horsea, so I can evolve one of them into either a Gyarados or a Kingdra.

As to why I want a Gyarados, it's because although I have already decided to be a a dragon-type specialist it does not mean my entire team will made up of dragons.

I am also going to have pokemon with dragon characteristics on my team.

Like Gyarados which I just mentioned. As well as a Charizard and a Tyranitar for sure.

Because while having dragons is cool I will need some variety in the future, when fighting against high level trainers who are either an ice-specialist or a fairy-specialist. More so the latter than the former, since dragon-type moves do shit again those cute little fairy-type pokemon.

"Never let me down. I've got the greatest friends that could be found~ Across every river, behind every tree, on top of every mountain, there a part of you me. One world, now and forever, best friends, loyal and true-"

I stopped singing when I felt a tug on my fishing line.

Immediately after I did so I stood up and reeled in my catch.

Pulling my rod back, my catch exited the water and went into the air. Revealing itself to be a Magikarp.

Which were said to be prominent in this part of Route 3 according to my research.

Looks like the facts were accurate.

"Fraxure, use Dragon Pulse on the Magikarp." I said.

Right after I did so a blast of draconic energy slammed into the Magikarp, and drove it into the ground on other side of the river.

But right after this happened the flailing fish began engulfed by the light of evolution, and within seconds an angry Gyarados was staring me down.

"Oh, looks like I caught one that was on the cusp of evolving. Nice." I said.


Ignoring the Gyarados angry roar directed at me as I did so.

As it continued to roar at me I looked it directly in the eyes.

"Be quiet." I told it.

Since a Gyarados is nothing but a big ass fish in my opinion.


Ignoring my words the Gyarados roared once more.

It then began moving to attack me.

But before it could even move a single foot, it was slammed into the ground.

Courtesy of Ladon, who now has its foot literally on the Gyarados neck.

"Salamence!" He roared directly at the Gyarados.

Which made it stop roaring dead in its tracks, and actually caused it to start cowering.

Well, that what it gets for trying to a predator stronger than it.

"Do you understand the situation now?" I asked Gyarados.

Who looked at me.

It slowly nodded its head.

"Great. So, let's talk. I want you to join my team. If you do I will make you strong. I will never betray you. But if you don't want to that's fine. However now that you have evolved you cannot stay in this place. You would ruin the ecosystem. Thus, even if you refused to join my team I would still have to transport you somewhere else." I explained. "So then, what's your answer?"

Gyarados stared at me for several seconds before it nodded it head at me.

"So, you want to join my team?" I asked it.

It nodded again.

"Excellent." I said.

I then took out one of my pokeball's and tossed it at Gyarados. Who went inside without any trouble at all.

Jumping across the river I retrieved it, and then took out my phone and pulled up the pokedex app.

Yes, there is an app for that.

Because many trainers can't make it to a regional professor to start their journey.

That's why this app was developed.

I used the app to scan Gyarados pokeball, to see what moves it knows as well as its gender.

When the data appeared I learned Gyarados is my first female team member.

She also knows quite a number of good moves.

But even if she didn't, that would be fine. Since I would just train her up.

Because I believe that most of the time it's not about the pokemon, but how they are trained. Any pokemon can become strong if given the right guidance and instruction in my book.

Once I was done using the app I closed it and put my phone away.

I then called out Gyarados, who leaned down towards me in a submissive manner.

"That's a good girl." I told her. Petting her head.

I then turned to face the others. "Guys, this is Gyarados and from today onwards she is part of our team. Treat with kindness and respect." I told them.




"Great. Let's all get along." I said.

Thus Gyarados joined us.

Then three days after that I arrived at Nacrene City.



Here is the list of Ezra's current pokemon for those curious.

1. Salamence (M) Nickname: Ladon

2. Shiny Dragonite (M)

3. Fraxure (M)

4. Gyarados (F)

That is all for now.

Also I will be giving Ezra two pokemon totally unrelated to dragons for a purpose. Take a guess at who they might be.

1. Electric-type.

2. Fairy-type.

Good luck and stay tuned in.

Chapitre suivant