
Chapter 12

The road was crowded further still. The mages followed the wide cobblestone path until they found a quiet tavern where they ate a late breakfast. Seated around a long table, they had their fill of warm stew while Calto Serbel deliberated with his two aides over the party's itinerary.

After much discussion, he approached the others and announced, "The Temple Knights were supposed to arrive before us, but thanks to the whims of the wind, we are a week ahead of schedule. We will have to wait for them in Anatol. For now, I intend to call on the clerics of the Anatolian parish. They should provide us with accommodation until then."

A scrawny senior mage named Ben politely inquired, "And how will we get to Anatol? I heard it is an hour's ride from here."

Calto turned to the mage. "We will join a merchant group who are on their way there. While it is a short journey, and the road is known to be relatively safe, it is always prudent to travel with an escort."

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