
Short Story - That one time when Rin Woo thought it was a good idea to send Yue to school

For that week, Han was very busy with trading. He already taught many of the people he worked with how to trade like him so they were able to take their net worth to 1.5billion dollars in his absence, but no matter how well they worked, they just couldn't keep up with the sort of trading Han was always doing.

He stayed in his office for hours every day and no one was allowed to disturb him except for Rin Woo. She took this opportunity to make sure Han was eating properly and bring him coffee whenever he needed it. It wasn't like he was ever really tired but he just liked the taste of coffee while he traded.

After that week everybody couldn't deny that Han was the greatest money-making machine in the world. In that week alone, everybody was shocked to see that their net worth rose straight into two billion just because of Han!

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