
Timeskip pt2

It was not only me and my peerage that grew stronger during the years.

Rias and Sona have grown tremendously as well along with their peerage. Even though the gap between me and the two have become larger as time goes on, it didn't stop them from trying their best to catch up. Rias has made it to the point where she could disintegrate even the soul of an individual. A feat I knew she wasn't able to do in canon. While Sona after a suggestion from me was able to make a close combat skill by creating water armor, that boosted her speed, defense and attack.

Not only them but their perrage have worked hard and grew just as much.

The most noticeable one being Akeno who with the help of me and Raynare was able to patch things up with her father. I really don't know what she and Raynare talk about during our stay in Romania but it seems to worked as almost soon after we came back from Romania Akeno asked us if we could help her get in contact with her father, which we were able to do so.

After the two patch things up they immediately started training together as a way of bonding every chance they get, significantly increasing Akeno's control and power over holy lighting.

She also started to develop a crush on me after that, but it was still just a crush so she could get over it...

Oh who am I kidding, she definitely won't.


Kiba have set himself a goal to one day defeat Arthur and have been training himself hard especially after he got soundly beaten again during their brief scuffle concerning the Excalibur Ruler.

He also has an intense rivalry with another fellow knight.


Shirone also have the same motivation in trying to one day be equal to her sister Kuroka. She now have the ability to transform into her adult form like in canon. It gave her tremendous amount of boost to both her physical abd magical strength, but she could only stay in the form for a short duration. She promptly called it the 'Shirone V2 form' and has been trying to perfect it.


Then there Gasper who could now fully control his sacred gear. He has also become a lot less scared and nervous about social settings and has even accompanied Rias to one of the youth devil gatherings.

He's now learning how to use his sacred gear along with his bats to try and widen his range and has started to show sign of being able to manipulate darkness.


As for Sona, during this time her peerage have increased by two. First up is Reya Kusaka a magician. She's a slim girl with long brown hair that ends in two short braids and matching eyes and she became Sona's first Bishop. But unlike Reya who I was expecting to join at some point, it was Sona's other new Bishop that surprised not only me but my Knight as well.

As it was non other then Le Fay Pendragon herself.

Apparently, Sona met the her when the young Pendragon made a contract with her to help find her brother and without wanting to pass up the opportunity, Sona took the chance and somehow managed to get Le Fay into her perrage.

Thankfully Arthur dosen't seem to mind, but was in fact glad that it was Sona who got into contact with her and not some other devil.

She also immediately started getting intrested in me but luckily not in the romantic kind but more so curious about the devil that took her brother and according to Sona has been asking lots of questions about me.

Soon she came to me and started, interrogating me about her Arthur and all the things that he had done since joining me. It was honestly sweet to see her care so much about him so I answered everything and soon a friendship between us was born.

With them both being Magician, she and Reya got along swimmingly as well and are hardly ever seen without the other besides them. Good for them.


Next is Jeanne, she has an intense rivalry with Kiba as well as a crush on him which was obvious to everyone except Kiba himself and has been training herself hard to beat him and impress him. Lately she has been slowly trying to achieve her balance breaker.


Lastly would be her queen Tsubaki, who much like Akeno has a crush on me but nothing as intense as Akeno. Unlike in canon where she was inferior to Akeno in everything but brain power, here she was able to train herself to match her fellow queen. She has near perfect control over her sacred gear and is already able to summon multiple mirrors like how she did later on in canon.

She has also shown herself very proficient in wielding the Naginata to the point where she could duel Jeanne and Kiba to a tie.

Oh...now that I think about it, she might have developed her crush on me when I gifted her a Naginata on her birthday.


Then there's the spread of the news about the engagement, which cause a huge stir in the underworld. Even though there really was no reason to really hide the news, it was hidden and only made known to the rest of the underworld two years later.

The news spread like wildfire throughout the underworld and gathered a lot of attention towards us. Which wasn't too surprising as this pretty much marked the official alliance between the Sitri, Astaroth and Gremory clan, the clans that brought forth three of the four current Satans. Although unknown to the majority of the common people of the underworld, this was a direct challenge to the Great king faction who were, at the time having their own internal problems, caused by non other than my good friend and training partner Sairaorg Bael, who a month before the announcement of the engagement decided to challenge his half brother to a fight for the title of Heir and thoroughly defended him gaining back the title that was rightfully his. The fight took place at the end of one of the youth devil gathering and it was at the same gathering that me, Rias, Sona, Sairaorg and Seekvaira gained even more attention and notoriety as this was the first time we brought all of our peerage members along and out of all of us, I gathered the most attention and It really wasn't a surprised considering those who are in my peerage. Kuroka the former SS class stray devil, Medusa the legendary Gorgon and Arthur Pendragon, wielder of the strongest holy sword being the notable ones.

Zekram Bael was glaring hard at Arthur and Le Fay for apparently no reason until it was revealed by Zeoticus that during the Great war, a Pendragon soundly defeated him, forcing him to retreat for his life. Zekram has always tried to either deny and silence those claims after the war but as I've just heard, he wasn't too successful.

Zeoticus also warned us to be careful as Zekram might decide to take his petty revenge on the siblings.


Speaking of Sairaorg Bael, or should I say Heir Bael. He swore his allegiance to me. Something I absolutely did not expect to happened at all.

How? Well I wanted to try something out with Valerie's Sacred gear and asked if I could see his mother who at the time was under the devil sleep disease. He immediately agreed and promise to keep Valerie's power a secret. It took two days of feeding Misla Bael, the special liquid made by the graal to wake her up from her sleep. It would have taken only one if we weren't careful as we were afraid that too much would harm her.

To see genuine tears of joy coming from a guy like Sairaorg when he saw his mother finally opening her eyes was truly heartwarming. It was at that moment that he swore his loyalty, friendship and allegiance to me, not my clan but to me personally. So, yea I now have the future lord Bael fully on my side.

Also as promised Sairaorg never mentioned how her mother was cured and everyone believing it was just a pure stroke of luck.

He and his peerage have also grown exponentially. He himself now wielding a giant axe was more dangerous than ever. Just like the two of us, our peerage considers themselves as rivals and his peerage have worked themselves out everyday to catch up to us. We've also started having monthly joined training session.

It was during one such monthly session that I realized I need better weapons. As much as I loved Bonnie and Clyde, I need better ones instead of guns I made as seven year old.

So I planned to start a new project very soon.


On a completely different note, Ayame's DeviTube career officially started and let's just say it started with a bang.

She start off by making reaction videos to rating games, a concept I was surprised still wasn't being done in the underworld until now. She was cute snd lively and combined with the fact that she genuinely likes what she's doing, she quickly gathered a lot and I mean a LOT of attention. It's almost like more than half of the underworld gravitated toward her bubbly and childish personality.

I've also started a different channel where I'm uploading vidoes of Kuroka lazing and playing around in her cat form from time to time and it genuinely pleases me to know that even devils appreciate cute cat videos.

Kuroka doesn't mind and I'm still trying to get Shirone to join...

Soon I will have her...


I've also started gathering information on the Khaos Brigade, but mostly the involvement of Diodora. I need all the information and dirt I could get on him since I need his title of Heir.

Even though I could challenge him for his title of Heir Astaroth, my challenge needs to be accepted by the current head of the clan, meaning his father. So the odds of him accepting my challenge are very slim.

Unless I gave Lord Astaroth a reason why he couldn't my challenge, like let's say the news of his son and the current heir aligning himself with a terrorist group and the risk of said news breaking out to the entire underworld. A news that could very well spell doom for the entire clan.

So that's my leverage, unless he wants to risk the reputation of the entire clan, he going to have no choice but to accept the challenge whether his son likes it or not. If I win, which I know I will and become heir Astaroth. The damage that would be done to the clan by the news would be severely reduced.

The Brigade as a whole wasn't known until canon hits but I knew that things have been going on for quite a while now, this was further proven when I actually found several evidence of Diodora's involvement with the Old Satan factions.

So I'm just bidding my time and waiting for them to make their moves so that I could make my own move.


Sadly not all good things happened during the three years.

The most disappointing of them all was concerned with the Sacred gear I've set my eyes on, the boosted gear.

What happened was, after my fifteenth birthday, I decided it was time to get a power boost and after getting the exact location of the Hyoudou residence from Kuroka I made my way there, only to find absolutely NOTHING!

Well his parents were there but they're just extras.

Anyway, Issei was simply nowhere to be found at all. At first I just guess that he went out to one of his two friends but after two straight days of no show, I realized something was up and using mind magic on his parents, I was able to found out why.

Apparently, Issei along with his parents went and visited Irina and her father back to England and I don't know why and how his parents even allowed it to happened but he's been staying there ever since, only coming back home three or four times a year and I can only assume the church found out about his sacred gear and somehow manage to convinced his parents to let him stay back in England.

It was honestly the most disappointing yet surprising moment of my life. Disappointing because I was looking forward to it for so long only to find out that it was impossible to obtain it from the start. Surprising because, well it's Surprising. Now the church has two of the thirteen longinus under them which was a small silver lining as they are soon to be allies. Anyway, with the Boosted gear not available. I need to rethink by options.

And that's how the pass three years went.





A/N : Surprised Motherfuckers! No Boosted Gear.

Some of y'all are definitely going to be pissed,mad and disappointed about the mc not getting the boost gear and if you do, good for you, you now know how Savion felt.

I've never really planned on giving Savion the boosted gear.

Issei was one of the few things I've actually got different plans for. Him still having the boosted gear and being with the church was one of them.

The other one is a bit more interesting and involve a genderbend Issei without the boosted gear and making her believe that Irina is a boy and be in love with her. With Irina believe Issei to be a boy and be in love with her as well as well thus creating a side gag of awkward misunderstandings and blossoming lesbian love. The boosted gear would be with someone else.

The second one was honestly the better Idea. The problem being writing Issei into the supernatural world without the boosted gear, thus making her a regular human. Plus I just don't think I have enough writing skills to pull it off.

Maybe I'll try once after I'm done with this fic.


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