
The Gate

Octavius walks out of the Command tent Before his hand reaches into the Sky Grasping nothing before Smashing own into the air. Crackling occurs around him before a massive gate opens being large enough for en entire Legion to enter and exit Soldiers start to walk out of the gate prepared for combat as massive walkers being high assault units their mechanical Limbs Stomping out the ground beneath them shaking the area around them Their large spider Like Limbs with 3 Pronged foot sending Shivers down the spines of the retreating soldiers. the oval Like Body is Equipped to the brim with Extensions and threatening Weapons the top gun of it being an electro Cannon that fire off's high-Speed mana bombs filled with highly Toxic concentrations Of mana the Split cannon. Having bolts Zap between the 2 limbs the bottom has a duel repeater cannon Firing Large explosive shells of concentrated Elemental Magic the incendiary being fire the highly fragmenting shell being earth and the crowd control shell being Air Mounted with 2 Mechanical tail like limbs equipped with a 3 9 shot Gatling cannon firing 3 bullets simultaneously before rotating and firing again at an increasingly high speed. The tail of the large Mechs legs being 3 meters down the man's body being as large as a boulder. An area Shield coving everything in a 100-yard radius around it.

the large assault Mechs walk out with entire Legions of Soldiers below armoured in medium plate armour wielding A large square shield and a Long Spear the unit type being a lizardman Octavius made having the mix feature of an alligator and Lizzard the Bipedal Creature having a snarl on its face the leader of each legion Being a massive crocodile subhuman possessing the strength of 80 highly trained Men it bulging muscle being covered by heavy plate wielding a massive sawtooth blade Snarling Loudly as they move forwards the backline being a Platoon of Automatic Crossbows the clip housing 6 arrows before running out their Backs having a Longbow on it. The Humanoid creature is a simple human archer trained in the Archer Camp the weapons are made from a heavily Fortified production facility hidden in the rocks underground. The archers are followed by large artillery emplacements, pushed by bulky golems with a leading Orge for Firing.

"BEGIN ASSAULT!" Octavius Shouts before an earth-dragon Appears being a windless heavily armoured nigh walking fortress of a dragon having a huge Mountainous shell on its back as armoured emplacement Sig Jumps on Top of the earth dragons boulder of a shell before 2 chains appear coiling in the air to either side of him the earth dragon moves forwards slowly as the Units and large Mech follow. The Dragon Howling At the top of its lungs as a thunderous Roar Comes out of it shaking the ground the units Move forwards

"ENEMY MOVEMENT LORD HIGH PRIEST!" The Priest Looks out on the horizon nearly pissing himself as his face loses all colour. From the huge Force rushing towards them "FIRE THE CAPTAPAULTS"

A barrage of Boulders Hit the Rushing Army Killing lines of them From their landing rolling over them like insects The Lizards Crushed Before the giant mechs limb Lifts up and Shatters the rock majority of the shards freezing in.

the shield around it being placed in bubbles it Walks forwards following Closely behind the Earth dragon which takes Boulder after boulder the chains above Octavius Finally shift a little before the links in between Light up And Fire off round after round of earth shards Killing the defenders of the wall piercing through their army at such a speed the surrounding metal of the Pieces is glowing orange before cooling Down The fleshy person Inside the armour not as lucky Shatter ribs Fragmenting into lungs And Much worse ways from the earth shards the Lizards Finally Push onto the emplacement well the Artillery Fire off their first round of shots blowing the wall where they hit shattering leaving masse Craters in the wall the the commanders of the infantry legions snarling out orders The Lizzardmen Pushing don't other crater wall the defenders Unable to knock them back because of the abrupt Smashing of the gate from the earth dragon.

"Coil" the Chains Move like serpents in the air before Stabbing the first enemy they come across Drilling through the armour they hit before Skewing well spinning into the Targeted Foe Ripping a huge hole through the target. before moving on like a Serpent through the air "AAAAH!" 1 of the church fodder screams before a hole appears through him the rest being alerted to the Threat before Octavius Jumps off the earth Dragon landing between the chains before a huge Shield Appears on 1 side and A massive Axe in the other slamming the axe down the wall the crack lighting Up and going through the wall before Something ignites and Blows up the Wall in front of him being Fragment and shatter in a thousand directions some fragments stabbing other members outside the explosion range. "AAAAH!" the Croc progress in the middle of the mix. the spears Forwards Blind Zealots of Guards Rush at the Formation using their numbers to try and progress failing miserable and getting skewer before being flung off the wall the Croc Move in the Front and Clamors Out a terrifying Roar shattering the morale of the more Normal Soldiers as their eyes are widened in fear, some fleeing only to be cut down unhindered for desertion. The holy Members of the Church Finally acing as Paladins Finally Enter the scene though very unwilling t. Because the last 2 were killed The paladins enter the battleField.

1 Jump on the Wall and holler out a Holy aura Enveloping him creating a yellow Shield around him he Runs at the spears before holding out his hand Firing off holy Bolts hitting 1 of the shield it reels back before getting smacked by the Italian styled Mace having holy runes on it the Lizzardmans shoulder getting Shatter before it reels again the other spears try to stab it only for it to bounce off before the Croc Swings the blunt end of its sword at the shield Sending the paladin Flying Back. Before It Snarls Roaring Out a red aura envelopes it as its eyes turn red. It runs at the Paladin before leaping up And Swinging its sawtooth Blade down on it The paladin holds its Mace up towards the blade blocking it he sinks into the ground from the power behind it hearing a scream behind him. His eye shifts to seeing Octavius Dragging his fellow Paladin With Chains Reel Around him before Throwing 1 end of the chain. The paladin attaches to it Smashing into the other paladin he Deflects the body only for Octavius to pull it back and overhead swing down on him Forcing the paladin to either block the croc or deflect his comrade's body. The paladin FInally Snaps Screaming at the top of his lungs a Holy cross of energy envelopes him knocking back the Lizardman and the Croc and slightly Blowing Octavius back before 2 of the Golems Leg attach to the wall its Rotating cannons opening firing pelting the Poor paladin his shield Breaking apart before the railgun fires a mana bomb Knocking the paladin away before blowing both up in the air

(what you thought I forgot about the golem Hell no)

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