
The reunion

(I skipped filler but in simple Terms, Octavius was in many more places than just that path didn't include this because I forgot yes I forgot to so Apologize for the supposed Random time skip to make it seem Smooth Or try to he took 2 years to reach that mountain as that just how Dam Far away it was I Skip over most of the journey as it was too much filler and boring.)

Octavius Walks to the dragon On top of the checkpoint the girls Joining him getting on Ignis standing before a sword fly into the air spinning before stopping pointed down changing into a crystal with a red hue shifting between blue and red with rings floating in every direction around it as it floats to the middle of the check Point before a Shield emerges the rings Spreading out in 3 the smallest at the top the second medium below it and the final Searching to the beginning of the checkpoints Walls from the courtyard

The soldier watched this in awe before screaming. "HAIL THE PRINCE!" they're held up in the sky as they howl Hail the prince as their morale Maxes Out Octavius nods before the dragon Flaps its wings Flying in the air it leaves the checkpoint passing through the rings said rings changing Angle to let it out before returning to their previous form. Continuing spinning.

( This is an arc crystal just change from troop to Shield projection if enough damage is done to the shield the rings will contract and the gem will lower to the ground before recharging. Arc Crystal is a production of alchemy-science Mix with Mana and magic forming this sort of crystal capable of being programmed to act according to said programming.)

Octavius flies towards the Manor the dragon being greeted with hail before it flies overhead not being attacked some people in the city are concerned about it the golems look up at it before returning to duty Some Are Screaming bloody murder only to be quickly informed that. It's the Prince's Mount by the orges after all they are the 1 who spread the news of his return the Dragon reaches the manor Landing with a loud crash before its metallic-like claw clink against the soil moving towards it Octavius Stands up Jumping off the Dragon and grabbing its rein and guiding it the Girls hopping off. His Mother Vanessa Rose Zophiel and father Welf Palaiologina Zophiel walk out his brother had left a long time ago to side with the church against this heretical State in its Opinion.

"Hello, there" he smiles lightly Vanessa wastes no time in bolting towards him even in a dress and hugging him, "my Baby boy your back." hugging his Mother he just continues Smiling his Father Standing there wipes something again from his eye crying manly Tears While smiling proudly of his Son successfully venture His mother still hugging him Before letting go grabbing his Cheeks and making him face him better. "your ~fiancee~ Was getting inpatient" Octavius Smile vanish his eye-widening in surprise. "Fiancee?" Adriel Walks out in a beautiful morning Dress enjoying the lovely Sun before Looking over at Octavius gasping and covering her mouth she runs towards him in sandals of all things Scarlet looking at her Esdeath curiously and Ivy Curiously hopping off and walking towards papa. She Jumps at him he grabs her hugging her as they spin around before he sets her down a manly Tear dripping down one side before she Takes his Lips Surprising him yet again. "Papa?" He feels something sharp pierce his Lip Adriel breaks off the kiss before looking at the girl who called him papa. "Papa aye Octavius" a gloomy aura Comes off her body her eyes swirling. before Octavius comes up with an excuse "adoptive Daughter I found her on the side of the road injured and I wasn't going to leave a Little girl out there. "Oh," The gloomy aura Subsiding Slightly Before she walks towards Ivy And Grabs her Picking her up faster than she can react before getting rubbed Against Adriel Cheek. nearly giving Octavius a heart attack from the cuteness "aaah Help me, Papa!" he shakes his head before Walking towards her "Adriel Ivys a bit Shy to New People" Adriel begrudgingly Sets her down "She will get used to me right" Octavius Slowly close the Distances. "maybe" before she can Speak Octavius hugs her she starts to turn red even though she engages him with a kiss first.

(to be fair that was a stupid high dopamine spike stupefying her to her action hence the Blushing Now.)

Octavius Lets her go Ivy having stopped hiding behind him his Father looks at the girl before lightning goes between their eyes somehow Esdeath hops Off "meet the resident Sadist." his hand flat out facing upwards Points at esdeath "Sadist?" his father goes on the defensive.

"not that kind of sadist!" he moves closer to his father before whispering something in his ear. his Father Welf's eye widens before he looks at the pros and cons before nodding "unique Selection" "SHUT UP" his father smirks at him before looking at the dragon "mind introducing it" Octavius Sighs "Ignis my Companion he's only a young adult Right now close to adult age he will have to shed the scales making them useable materials the perks of having a dragon is dragon scale armour.

Vanessa grabs and hugs him again "Welcome back dear" his Mother kisses the air beside his shoulder on both sides before hugging him again Adriel Practically jumps at him and hugs him again his mother let's go Nods before walking into the house "Let Me Get Dinner Started!" She hollers Sweetly His father finally speaking after she was gone touching on a painful topic "your Brother-" Octavius cuts him off "I know he betrayed us or they wouldn't get past the first Checkpoint"

his Father sighs "he was jealous and I was ignorant to It leading to him leaving for that religion," Octavius pats him on the shoulder "He would've betrayed us anyways as he was not the firstborn he was not the heir to the Kingdom." his father nods in understanding "Still I can't help but Blame myself for his betrayal" Octavius shakes his head yet again "a King should never tolerate traitors Will you be ready when we eventually have to kill him are selfs" His fathers Freezes Before Nodding in Understanding "that a responsibility a father should hold at the least" "Papa Lets go inside" Ivy Practically Drags him in breaking the saddening atmosphere Scarlet giggling watching this Octavius unable to keep a straight face he Smiles before walking into the manor the girls following behind him Adriel Beside him scarlet the other side Esdeath behind Ivy grabbing his pant leg.

(My first attempt at a Family Reunion for the first time hope you all enjoyed)

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