
Perhaps not a Dream after all

Sunbathing I feel quite warm despite being wet. Feeling the warmth and knowing it will be awhile before I am dry I settle down for a long rest, letting my thoughts wonder.


~I thought this was a dream but maybe there are a few too many in-between moments, I mean even me just be able to think this through is a bad sign. If this is all a dream wouldn't things be either easy or hard. I'm not really one to have nightmares so my dreams always seem to be about things I know about and I have no idea what to do next. I like this spot and would love to be reading a book in the sun, yet I don't have anything except my clothes. That's right even my clothes should have made me notice something was wrong after all they're pajamas not suited for exploring. I have a foggy memory of exploring which is why I didn't think to much on it all. Which might be an excuse but I'll take it. Oh wait I still don't know how I got here. . . Best to just take it as real till it isn't real anymore~

( Overthinking has ended. Summary: Most likely not a dream. Maybe. Going to take it as all real even if it isn't.)

I begin getting hungry. ~ The only thing I saw to eat was fish in the river and pond. I don't have a fishing pole so . . . a spear is possible. I could at least break a stick at a slant and that should make it pointy enough. I mean the only other option is using my hands and I really don't think I could do that. At least not successfully. I need to get wood for making a fire too.~

Knowing what I wanted to do next I waited till I was dry before I get up and go. Once I am dry I walk back to the hedges and pause to rollup my pant legs until they are above my knees so they stay there to stay dry. I walk back along the stream where I first found water. I go over to the big stick I broke the second dowsing rod off of and grab it and all the other sticks in the area. I make sure to break off some green ones and pile it all.

Once the pile seems a sufficient size I reach down stop, crouch and try to pick up the pile in one go with both arms out underneath them all. It doesn't go well. I manage to get my left arm underneath them all with the help of the right hand but once I go to put my right hand underneath the sticks I feel them slipping away so I instead try to put the sticks in more of a baby cradle hold. Shifting the stick so the middle of the pile is close but not all the way in my left elbow, I push the sticks against my chest with both hands. It fells more secure so I stand up. Once I stand up I Adjust so that I have mu right hand free If need be. I go on my way back picking up more sticks along the stream as I see them.

The bundle of sticks in my arms being quite full by the time I get back to the hedges, I find my right hand not free enough to clear a way through the vines for me and my bundle. I instead decide to walk with my back to the vines. I still end up snagging on branches and vines but not to bad.

I carry the sticks all the way to the cave taking the path way I had seen on the side to keep me and the sticks dry. I place the sticks near the fire pit setting up a little stand for the fire. I learned it from a field trip or my parents or both. I just remember I'm supposed to stand the sticks up against each other to form a triangle and add more till it looks like a cone shape pointy end up.

I keep the green ones to the side and find a one that is long and straight and of a decent thickness. I break it on the end and it comes out mostly pointy. I rub the end against the rocks then the ground which only makes it slightly better. I figure it should be enough and I mostly doubt I could do any better. I head to where the pond runs off into the stream to attempt to spear some fish.

The next Chapter will be from a differnt peerpective than our MC.

D3Kitsunecreators' thoughts
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